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Ashwin Kumar Mar 10
You are an absolute gem of a friend
By nature, very kind
But at the same time, seldom do you not speak your mind
Whether it be good or bad
A wonderful colleague, you were
And an even better friend, you are!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Once you start talking, there is no end
So up-to-date, on a variety of topics
Cricket, movies, music, food, religion, politics
I can go on and on
To humankind, are you a veritable boon!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Always, do you stand your ground
Irrespective of the situation
Beyond your capabilities, is no complication!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
And one of a kind
Very sharp, is your mind
You use your wits to no end
No wonder, are you such a good judge of character
You are as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Vivek and you share an amazing bond
So happy am I, to know him as well
The faith you both have in Jesus is surreal!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
And your children are pure gold
In you, do I forever place my trust
Sharing things with you helps get a massive load off my chest
Well, hopefully we will meet soon
May you keep shining like the Sun!!
Poem dedicated to Rene, a very dear friend and former colleague of mine.
anna Mar 2
We knew each other before.
We lay under oak trees,
scattering the sky with leaves
and rotted together into the dirt,
as the moon scattered the sky
with stars. Flying stars.
I see your face in
reflections across water,
two boughs,
one canopy,
glimmering in vibrant colours
against blue. As we lay, you grew
flowers - Peruvian lilies - from
the soil that became of your palms.
Ever the giver.
bellamy Feb 22
I would love to say our friendship is inherent. To say that our hearts beat to
the same pulse, that we have the blood inside us in common, and that our
words blend into each other perfectly seems like the right thing to say.
However, I would be lying. I have to fight and beg my emotions to reveal
themselves to you.
Trying to write about us feels like drawing water from a frozen well.
Miscommunications happen often and it's difficult to tell what you're
But still, we are us anyways.
The water in the lake we grew up around knows our lives well. If its pebbles
and sand could speak, they would recite our every word back to us better
than we could.
The moon knows how much I care about you because I tell her often. She
shines brightly at our stories.
Even when I don't understand you, my mind pleads to.
My hands write the words I can't tell you, and the world of poetry knows
how desperate I am for you to know these things.  
My art glows with my expressions of you. It tells visual stories I have never
We are not inherent. I have never been able to tell you exactly how much I
care about you. I am terrified of confrontation and disagreements, so I don't
always say exactly what I think.
But I'll always try my hardest to show how I feel. You may never read these
words, but I hope you somehow feel them anyways.
Ashwin Kumar Dec 2024
Lucky am I, to have you as a friend
To me, always have you been kind
A very supportive colleague, you were
And an even better friend, you are!

Lucky am I, to have you as a friend
A relationship with you, has absolutely no end
True are you, to the tee
Around you, is almost everyone happy
You call a ***** a *****
And yet, to all are you unfailingly good!!

Lucky am I, to have you as a friend
You possess a heart of gold
Hence, did you give me a chance
Even when I probably deserved it not
In fact, that's when we became friends
Never in my life, shall I forget this golden moment!!

Lucky am I, to have you as a friend
Forget you I will not, even after we both grow old
You are a gem of a wife and a mother
May your lovely children have a fantastic future
Blessed am I, to have been at your home thrice
A haven for love, happiness and peace
So proud am I, to have you and Vivek as friends
Your entire family, may Jesus bless
Now and always!!
Dedicated to Rene, a colleague at my first job and a close friend of mine.
Ashwin Kumar Dec 2024
A very close friend, have you become
Somehow, do you always manage to beam
Irrespective of the situation
Whenever I experience tension
It is you, who ensures calm
Thanks to you, a better person have I become!

A very close friend, have you become
Twice, have I been to your home
Never, have I not been treated like a family member
Your children, I really adore
You yourself are a wonderful wife and mother
Not to mention, a colleague to die for!!

A very close friend, have you become
Forever, are you welcome at my home
Always, have you supported me till the very end
We share an unbeatable bond
A very sweet and caring person, you are
A truckload of difficulties, do you bear
But you possess an indomitable spirit
Hence, are you able to ace every single test
Which life throws at you
As a friend, I love you!!

A very close friend, have you become
I know you will forever be with me
To be associated with such a lovely person
Is something I consider a great fortune
May you be blessed with loads of love, success, happiness and peace
And may the force be with you, now and always!!
Dedicated to my colleague Namrata; who has ended up becoming a very close friend of mine.
Ashwin Kumar Nov 2024
My best friend are you, forever
Leave you will I, never
Unconditionally, have you always loved me
Never, have you not been there for me
When have I really needed it
Our relationship is nearly perfect!

My best friend are you, forever
Never can I forget our ride in my scooter
Thrilled were you, like a child
The memory was absolute gold
Truly, do I love you as a friend
In fact, are you actually a family friend!!

My best friend are you, forever
Rarely in you, have I seen anger
Extremely thankful am I, for your sheer patience
Again seldom, have I seen you tense
Certainly, are you the definition of "uber cool"
And almost never are you dull!!

My best friend are you, forever
Not valuable has been your advice, never
Almost always, are you caring and sweet
Yet sometimes, quite strict
And sounding like my mother
Though, actually are my unofficial sister!!

My best friend are you, forever
For you, a lot do I care
Sometimes, have I not given you enough space
Sending message after message
At other times, have I bored you
Or demanded a bit too much from you
For all these, would I dearly love to say sorry
I won't repeat it, don't worry!!

My best friend are you, forever
Your mother is nearly like my mother
Love and affection oozing from every bone of hers
Not to mention, are you and Pradeep amongst the cutest couples ever
And he is a good friend
Grateful am I to him, to no end
For encouraging our relationship
It is indeed a beautiful friendship
May God bless you, dear sister
Have good fun and take care
Here's hoping we meet again soon
In the meantime, may you shine like the moon!!
Poem dedicated to Shruti, my no.1 friend in the universe!!!
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2023
Dear Urvashi, wish you a belated happy birthday!!
I've known you for less than a year
However, that doesn't take away the fact
That we've always shared a cordial relationship
Not just as colleagues
But also as good friends
Right from the day we met
I knew that we would get along
Like peas in a pod
As you told me recently
Our conversations have always been meaningful
Whether it be work or personal stuff
I've never felt dull or bored
While interacting with you
You understand me very well
I can be weird sometimes
But that has never bothered you
Because the only thing that truly matters to you
As far as a relationship is concerned
Is character
In fact, that's the way it should be
Also, I've always enjoyed working with you
You are very talented
And your communication skills are top-notch
Not to mention, you are super helpful
I am sure you will make us all proud
As far as your career is concerned
Of course, luck hasn't always been on your side
But you just need to believe in yourself
Stand in front of the mirror
Tell yourself "I can do it"
And you will do it
You also have a fun side
This was on display
When we had the team lunch at Canto
And the team dinner at TOIT
Oh boy, when you talk
You go on and on
As though nothing can stop you
And I feel so comfortable with you
That it almost seems
As though I'm talking to a family member
Finally, you are very sweet and caring
Something that I've particularly noticed
When it comes to your family
By the way, please give my regards to them
And hope you had a great time yesterday
Take care and may the Lord bless you
With loads of love, success, happiness and peace
Dedicated to my friend and ex-colleague Urvashi, whose birthday was yesterday.
Ashwin Kumar Jul 2022
Who gave you the idea
That love is all about romance?
Love can be towards anybody
In this massive planet
Whether it be your parents
Or grandparents
Or siblings
Or cousins and relatives
Or even friends
And apart from these people
Love can exist in other forms too
Helping an elderly gentleman or lady
Cross a busy road full of speeding vehicles?
That's love
Running a langar to feed the poor and needy?
That's love
Running an NGO to treat cancer patients
As well as rehabilitate them after treatment
And engage them in useful work?
That's love
Cancelling your job interview
To take a victim of a road accident to the hospital?
That's love
Dropping your colleague off at his/her home after work?
That's love
Standing up to a bully who is picking on a few kids?
That's love
Feeding chapattis and biscuits to a few cats on the street?
That's love
Again, who gave you the idea
That love is all about romance?
basil May 2022
rolling on the floor
screaming the lyrics to 'funkytown'
feeling crossfaded
when i've been sober for months

the sun is warm and the light is liquid gold
and we can't breathe, laughing so hard
but this is the freshest air i've tasted in a long time
i love my friends, dude. so dam much <3

Ceyhun Mahi Jul 2021
A light in darkness was your glowing face,
Maybe the spark who lit the candle of
Passion I had, brightening my nights and days,
With just an admiring and kind love.
Never would I forget your face for years,
You were my happiness, a simple joy
Who l had captured in my heart, the tears
Were blessings I would forever enjoy.
I could not grasp your soothing presence, though,
No – 'twas too far away for me,
The more distant you were, more did you glow,
Becoming a part of my destiny.
    I truly believed that it was Divine,
    Noble, because you could never be mine.
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