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Broadsky Feb 2020
Time is such a precious thing
I cannot believe I haven’t written about it before
How beautiful it is when the minutes thin, and the hours pass
Waiting; however, is a different matter
One that requires patience
I’m afraid I’m losing my patience with you
you were supposed to be here at 10:00pm, it’s getting late.
GreenWitch Feb 2020
Now is not a time for growth. Now is the time for regeneration. For preparation of that growth. For now, let us sleep as the earth sleeps. Conduct that inner work, build your inner world, sew the seeds so that you can watch your world bloom in the spring
Mamta Wathare Feb 2020
A baby eagle
in wake
of the sun
A quiet sea lies
in wait
I write letters
to my friends
slip them under the rug
For,Love cannot be expressed
A sentient truth
moves through
the crevices
of somewhere
Winter has almost died
‘it’s all fading’,
they tell me
‘Even if
you tried’
I sit and watch
as times passes
a baby eagle’s flight
moon man Feb 2020
She looks on into the clock, wondering when the bell would signal her release from boredom. She finds herself playing with the hoodie of a classmate, hoping he'd focus on her to have someone keep her mind from the mundane atmosphere of the classroom. She always loved messing with his hoodie during class because his reactions were always funny. She tosses the piece of clothing from one hand to the other when She comes to realize the patient nature of the classmate and thanks him for not leaving her in a world of loneliness and apologizes for having to put up with her.
I have a friend in class that sits behind me and she always liked to mess with my hoodie whenever the class would bore her, one day she apologized about having to put up with her. I never really minded when she played with it.
Carmen Jane Feb 2020
Dear God, it's been awhile
Since we had a real talk
You want me on this Earth
To raise my girls,to keep them safe
To teach them right
To always fight for justice
Yet I feel I should do more
But I'm lost, please tell me more
Dear God, sometimes I pain
Yet I really don't want to complain
I found it hard to keep track
Of all my wishes, they just stack
As there's no time to go fulfill them
I feel you keep me in one place
Perhaps you just forgot my face
Yet I know you didn't
You just test my patience
Dear God, I'll try
I'll try to see what's there for me
I guess I have to figure it out
Yet sometimes it's so blurry
Dear God, I am grateful
My little family is delightful
Please keep them safe
Forget I mentioned myself
In the end, I'll see through the day.
Dear God, thank you for the words
I can stretch them, rearrange them
They are a wonderful world.
Carlo C Gomez Jan 2020
time and again,
her steps
are sprinkled
with rose petals,
and kisses.

her dress
is elegant
and fair,
yet understated,
so as not
to outdo
the woman of the day.

"affect not
little shifts
and subterfuges
to avoid
the force
of an argument,"
she patiently
holds her breath
for everyone
except herself.

she may
hold the line
with her
precarious walk,
and yet,
"there is always
a prepared place
for a prepared

her very next step
belongs to
no one else,
with song
unto her,
as the dawn
breaks within
the fenced walls
of her own heart.

--this is her day.

--this is her time to love.
For fellow HP writer Joey.

This poem contains quotes from Isaac Watts and Jack Hyles.
Colm Jan 2020
Patience is no freer than sky
No further than breath from within you breathe
No more mapped than oceans collected cold
And yet warmer than the touch of summery springtime bold

Patience is cost
Patience is free
Patience is you, still
Waiting for me
Patience Is We
This morning’s hailstorm of queries
clatters my tin roof skull.
Its brain-penetrating din,
like a cold-ache jack-hammer,
rings its throbbing presence.

Come afternoon,
the wind blusters total chaos,  
billowing my patience so taut,
the pegs strain the guy ropes,
tugging at the grip
of the quaking ground beneath.

By day’s end all energy is spent.
I stare broken. A daze. Nothing.
Except you at my side.
And I am pieced back together
for tomorrow.
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