I look around
In this crowded place
And my eyes fall on you,
Just simple you,
And it dawns on me:
Somebody loves you.
Yes, somebody loves you
And to them you are not simple
But blissfully grand
And lovely and perfect,
But not to me
And that's really okay.
To me, you are a cold stranger,
With sunken eyes
I know not the color of
With a nervous tapping habit
Who chews a little loud
And needs to use chap stick.
But to me, there is a warm love,
With gleaming blue eyes
Too beautiful for you to understand,
Who drums his fingers in grace
As he chews on the cookies I baked,
Using his kissable lips.
If you saw him,
You could never see what I see,
Like I can never see what they see
In you.
We can't see it in ourselves either,
But to the one it is always clear.