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Yule Aug 2018
In some place safe
breath in the air so fresh
Where leaves dance through the wind
and how the sunlight kiss my skin
I just want to hold your hand
Intertwined to one another
under a full-bloom tree
A place where every birds sing,
where no voices left unheard
Is it too much to ask
to reach out for faces to listen?
Let me leave traces down your back
with my fingers gently
circling a path down your skin
Let my tongue be heard beyond echoes
Let my wishes and love in tune,
free as the seas and as how stars roam
throughout the horizons
Can’t my wounds be healed by thee?
Just by the warmth of your hand is the key
Let me get lost into the vast oceans of your soul
At least let this prayer be given a chance to speak
In some place safe,
a haven for the two of us
I beg— will be this be brought out to life?
Let this not be in the caverns of my mind,
in the deepest cores of my beating heart,
in the near future will it be?
Someday, somewhere, maybe—
I just want it to come true
I’ll not ask for anything else
I’m willing for my heart to bleed

Yule Jul 2018
I want you to leave traces of me
shot across the galaxies
scatter my star dust with your words

when we see each other
comfort me with a hello
set me off with a kiss
sing me a song of love
before I let your heart
beat to it

look for me in every person
you have come across with a heartbeat
long for something
that haven’t even touched your lips
please wait for me
as we make way for destiny
hope you and I make this a reality

—please come look for me

Yule Sep 2018
Maybe some things that can't be,
the heart puts into rest
till it can be reawaken again
Like a volcano, waiting for its time

— bidding its time
Yule Jul 2018
My dear,
you look happy lately
I am glad
yet I feel sad
that you could smile
without me
180718; 10:09 PM

Yule Aug 2018
that smile of yours
was the start of it all
it caused war zones
down my chest
up to my head

how beautiful you are
could I compare?
a thousand diamonds
laid out up there

a simple glimmer of your eyes
with the swift gesture of your hand
you swept me off my feet

you, turned into my world
I’m a satellite
orbiting around a planet called ‘you’
I will look out for you
through the ends of time
till the last bits of flames
the sun can ought to fume;
to the brim
till my heart can no longer take it

for you, my eyes formed rivers
turn into the clouds
I look up high
your eyes dark as the night sky
You shine the brightest
A star I ought to reach
And down low, I turn
I fell
along the teardrops of my heart
for you, my heart belongs, my dearest

for you have taught me what is more
to be in love
‘thank you’
you not only thought me of the word
but the meaning
to the roots so deep

but love can be cruel
more when you have to be sorry

I just want to pull you close to mine
to stand side by side
without having to think
of where I stand in line

— I have accepted it.
la douleur exquise
(n.) the exquisite pain of wanting someone you know you can never have.

180611; 5:47 AM



180814 | darling, it's been 2 years since I've met you up close. I will always cherish that moment with you. ♡


This is a weird conclusion to it all, but after all the heart has beaten to, one must let go of the things that meant the world to them.

11:11 PM | l.jh, my love. my world, you deserve all the happiness and to roam free to spread your wings as you already do. so must that I let you go. mostly, from my faith that it will be the two of us in the end.

this once, I won't be ashamed to admit. I do love you, truly. but I am also doing this for me to /also spread free.

I still love you, each passing day. but I am growing more to love you as I was supposed to; as an admirer, and I know you love me too dearly. As we coexist with one another, a diamond to a carat; we are one of a kind. We still are, and will shine forevermore.

I'll keep looking after you for you have lifted me up and took a long wild journey with you.

I'll be your hero, as you told me I am. Please look out for the world as it has once been you and me. — elle


"I have learned to love a star like him in a way I'm supposed to in the first place— love him in a safe distance.

I forgot the very essence of that but now I know."
Yule Jul 2018
a thought of you
can move me to tears,
the exquisite joy
of seeing your smile
with your figure
a bit taller than mine
right up close to me

next to the sadness
that we might never be
like parallel lines,
oh how lucky are we
if we were just like that

at least you're within my reach
not like this
where you're galaxies away,
apart with these oceans
flooding us away
like the skies pouring hard rain,
these eyes blur my vision up to you
A star that's out of my league
aswium [kr] (n.) : a mingling unsatisfaction, wistfulness, disappointment, regret, higher hopes, frustration and sadness that something has to or did not happen


180612; 12:10 AM

Yule Jul 2018
stuck in the same place
over and over
I'm growing tired
faded, to look at the other end
A non-existent thread,
to yours— bled red
something I put up tying to mine
to yours— an invisible line

For once I am lost for words,
hollow, empty of a shell with no home
as we are living in different worlds
I will never see you by the doorstep

We're like two matchsticks
you used to burn up my flames
my eyes lit up looking at you—
burning with passion
wasting no gasoline,
my heart you filled up the brim
— now it's a heart burnout

I used to hold on
and vision it clearly up ahead
with you holding my tired hand
with me looking up to smile
my heart used to race a thousand mile
how is it now this came too soon?
now it's just faded
a scene that's white noise filled
you're fading to black quickly

For once I don't see you
standing on the other side
I've held loose of the rope

I'm no longer scared
or anxious
of what we will come about
A future without you
with these feelings wavering—
How come I vision this clearly?

A story with no ‘we’—
An ending page
and from the beginning
that's where
we're supposed to stand in line
180629; 11:12 PM

Yule Jul 2018
Can't I keep you somewhere
close within my reach?
I want to hold your hands

I want you breathing next to me
wipe the tears off my chest
/I can't breathe without you here

Yule Jul 2018
'I miss you'
those three words
mean more these days

— mean more

Yule Jul 2018
gently pull me back
to the currents
of your waves
I've grown to know

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