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Euphrosyne Mar 2020
Dont stop chasing your dreams
Until you got that power of your beam,
Do no forget those who got you through,
Always thank them for your success too.

It's like you walk on a storm
That'll challenge you until you got harmed,
But honey don't get too affected don't return,
Because all of the flowers bloomed and it's your turn.

It's okay to be late, just don't stop
Until you get to the top
Just stay at your lane there's too much
Temptation don't swap
I believe that after you get to the top it'll be nonstop.

There'll be demons that'll want you to stop
And if they made you flop
Don't listen to them, listen to me I'll call the cops,
And I'll help you to be in the top.

Remember, do not stop
The rewards will be nonstop
After you get to the top,
So after this I'll be happy and always I'll be at your back.
You'll be okay remember okay? You'll be on the top of your own world don't be sad now I believe in you.
Taijitu Jun 2018
Stop looking for Perfection
Pursuit Happiness
Pray for Enlightenment
Enjoy Life
Embrace good Energy
Appreciate good Health
Act Childish
(It's NOT that Serious)
Allow yourself to make Mistakes
Celebrate the small Triumphs
Find what you Love
And Do it with Passion
Keep an Open Mind
Respect Diversity
Be Kind
Give Love

Deepak shodhan Jan 2017
Don't give up sweety
dnt give up
When failures knock your
Don't be afraid to face them
even more
When people around you
laughs at you
Don't ignore; show them
what you can do
Keep walking sweety
keep walking
when thorns appear on
the way
When ground under your feet
is decay
When you are surrounded
by fire
Evil heckles, only what you
can hear
Remember sweety remember
You are born to touch the
stars remember
Never stop sweety
never stop
Till you reach your goal
never stop!

Seer of All Good Nov 2016
Are you?
Never give up just because its hard! You will make it
she asks for me to stay
"and stay i will"
even when she refuses me
the same peace of mind

but blame falls not on her
when she threatens
to leave me bare
on the back of an untamed bull

it was my fault to mount
and endanger our love
so now i'll get back off
unless she mounts with me

and ride our lives out past the sunset
on a force that cant be controlled
our emotions
our vulnerable, untamed love
I fear she will leave me, but i will stay forever, until she wants my heart no more
Arcassin B Sep 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

I will never stop being me,
I will never stop being me,
Unless you're you,
You should be right here with me,
Where you should be,
With me,
I will never stop being me,
I will never stop being me,
For you,
I know you miss that,
I haven't been myself lately,
Need to fix that,
Putting together all the pieces,
I was a cool cat,
was at a cross roads,
You need to understand that,
You should be right here with me,
Where you should be,
With me.
Arcassin B Sep 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

I only lost,
What I couldn't control,
I paid some costs,
Man! Memories are old,

I'll take back,
My whole life again,
Won't look back,
Sometimes it's never the end.
Take it!!!!!
Arcassin B Sep 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

Green eyed beauty
Like a moth to a flame,
But came out of the womb a Phoenix,
Claimed the royal name,
Do too much,
When I know you do less,
Your swinish eyes,
Keeps the world from looking a mess,
Half demon and human,
You had it all planned out,
All your Nobel sacrifices,
Never ever give people doubt,
Do too much,
When I know you do less,
Your swinish eyes,
Keeps the world from looking a mess,
Infatuated with your beauty,
Obsessed with all your looks,
Adored all your features,
That chance is what I took
Do too much,
When I know you do less,
Your swinish eyes,
Keeps the world from looking a mess.
Lovely babe

— The End —