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Joshua Krueger Oct 2017
I saw
the forest--
                --for the
So this is one of those cliches I was mentioning in my last poem's notes, but I came up with a title that gave it a double meaning. I don't know... I thought it was clever, but originality is dead. Creativity, however- Is very much alive. I've always wanted to put this on a shirt, but never got around to it. If you do- Let me know so I can buy one!
thegirlwhowrites Feb 2017
dregs of untruth catches on,
endangering trust.
distraction, destruction.
erring thoughts and emotions.

CastorPolydeuces Nov 2016
stumble down the hall
in the rain of mercury
where the astronauts roam
and the apothecary dances

help me to my room
through the skulls
that have piled in the corner
with the cat and her
troupes, wait,
forget the

Im a little hazy
little dumb and can't
quite find the **** of
the drum or the key
and the bird over there
is looking at me

you can leave
I'll make my home among
these things, its crazy and cold
and ****** and bold
but I think it could be
what if my right mind is wrong and vice versa....
Pauline Morris May 2016
I don't want to kick the hornets nest
But I am felling quit depressed
And begaining to get awful distressed
There is things I need to express
Because my chest is really compressed
I know it's from all the stress
It will be hard for you to digest
But I have to get this off my chest
This problem must be addressed
I think it is for the best
That all of it is confessed
I know after I tell you, me you'll detest
But maybe that's for the best

Oooh never mind
I'll just keep these hornets in their hive
And stay in the shadows and hide
Breanna Stockham Jan 2016
I was hoping
To get a few words in
But it's okay, I'll keep them.
It is what it is,
And it was what it was,
But I guess we can keep pretending.  

We'll keep living our lives,
We'll keep locking our eyes,
Too different and yet the same.
The reality's clear,
There's nothing happening here,
So why am I still wearing these chains?

I was hoping
To get a few words in
But it's okay, I'll keep them.
I won't rock the boat,
I'll try to let go of hope,
I'll find some water to make this flame dim.

I was hoping you'd always be mine,
But on second thought, nevermind.
I was hoping it would be you and I,
But on second thought, nevermind.

I was hoping
To get a few words in
But it's okay, I'll keep them.
Wesley Dotson Dec 2015
Of all the things I forget
Tell me everything thats bothered you
And we'll scorch it.
I want to make you feel better,
That's whats important.
Noelle Marie Sep 2015
All the passion banked up in my larger than life soul
It would have been shared with you
You would have been the focus of my twinkling lit eyes
The attention of my love starved lips and hands
You would have had the largest space in my heart all to yourself (and I'll never tell you this but there is no would, you do)
But you're fading, that space is shrinking
It's in this moment that I've got hindsight tinged vision
And I know, I was the most beautiful thing you ever had
One day you'll know too
Levi Sep 2015
Fire to be the blame
left me to ashes of mistake.
Fire to be the blame
that burns inside my life.
Does it make sense?
But nevermind.
IcySky Aug 2015

Do­ you have any idea of what this stuff is?
What it can do to someone....
How much it hurts the people that love you.

NO ONE knows what my life is like...
NO ONE knows what I've dealt with ,
How many times I've cried,
because I was scared....

Scared to lose someone I love,
Scared about what it'd do,
worried sick,
crying hard.

I just can't deal with someone else,
who I care about,
doing anything like that,
or getting hurt.

I try not to care,
so I won't get hurt,
but I can't not care,
it's just who I am...

Please don't put me
through that experience
again by doing the same thing,
I care too much to not care.
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