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Ronald J Chapman Nov 2015
Thank you, Heaven's Angels,
For guiding me to you.
Meeting you here on Earth,

My life shines every day,
With bright and beautiful sunshine,
Because of you,

Hand in hand, walking forward,
Through life,

Looking at our lives,
Discovering the mysteries of Earth and the Heavens,

Looking into each others eyes,
Finding gifts in our hearts,

How can I hold on to a free Spirit?
Your Soul deserves to fly, like a Dove,

I must let this dream go,

I know,
I'll find you in life,
If it takes a thousand lifetimes, our paths will cross again,

Hand in hand walking the path Fate has placed before us,
Holding on to our dreams,

Many possible endings,
Scattered by the tides of time,

You and I in Heaven and on Earth,
Protected by the Angels,

In life and death,
Love, Faith, and Hope will keep our, memories
Locked safely in our hearts,

We have to be brave,

Long ago promises were cut into rings of diamonds and gold,
Meeting you was preordained by Heaven's Angles,
Two beautiful Souls joined in Love,

Many possible Destinies scattered through space and time,
I always see a Destiney with you.

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
[MV] Lyn My Destiny(My Love From the Star OST)
drljms Oct 2015
Just like the stars at night,
Just like the vast ocean,
Just like the strands of your hair,
My love for you,
is never-ending.

Just like the rain that drips,
Just like the sand that flows with the wind,
Just like the numbers that we count,
My love for you,
is never-ending.

Just like the clouds at daytime,
Just like the rays of the sun,
Just like the people around us,
My love for you,
is never-ending.

How can you stop,
My love that's never-ending?
Oh, I know now,
It's because you don't feel
the same way as I do.
Never-ending love. Never-ending rejection.
Not a single motion,
Not a single sigh,
Or blink,
Or a glint of an eye,
Reflecting the empty sky,
No emotion,
The concept of feeling unheard,
By the non-existent ears,
Of unborn children,
Never ending dark,

But for a whisper.

A single suggestion of light,
By a single flame,
The final survivor,
To disturb the peace,
And bring just a hint,
Just a glimmer of life,
To the frozen world,
Just a moment,
Of happiness,
And a subtle embrace,
Of warmth.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
It is early Sunday morning
at St. Luke's Hospital. In the maternity ward.,

Where I adored this beautiful face ---
What a wonderful, amazing, astonishing place.,
With such a pretty smile and face.,

Before I could cry out to your pretty face.,
An angel in a blue coat took you from our place.,

I began to cry out:
Where are you taking this pretty face?

I cried, cried and cried.,

Next. The angel in the blue coat. Took me from our place.
Can this angel be taking me back to your pretty face?

But no!

This angel took me to another pretty face.,
Everyone kept calling this pretty face, “Mommy, mommy, mommy...”

For the next twenty-three years.,
While I did my growing and learning.,
Mommy was my only pretty face.,

It is early Sunday morning at,
St. Luke's Presbyterian Church.,
Sitting there, in the church pew.,
I see a pretty face.,
I cry out, “Have I ever met you in another place?”,
The second day we met!

© 2012 - 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
4MEN feat. MI - Here I Am [Eng. Sub]
Tomas Denson May 2014
Why do we struggle against life
fight in opposition to time
we all know we cannot win
Time, no matter how we perceive
always passes
and life
is only our idea.
We still struggle
our combative minds focused
on trying to win
an unwinnable battle.

is it a battle?
a fight
a struggle
perhaps we are not
in combat.

Why do we journey through life
striding along times route
we know we will never reach
journeys end
times path arrows forever
into the horizon
and life
it is the road we walk on
yet still we move forward
our hopeful minds fixed
on the end of the road
trying to walk
a never-ending path.

is life a journey?
an adventure
a path
perhaps we are
not moving.

Why do we dance in life
tapping along to times tune
we know we will never move
that final step
times harmony echoes through
our minds
and life
it is the song we move to
yet still we flow
our bodies sway toward
the end of the beat
Trying to complete the patterns
of an unending dance.

are we dancing?
perhaps we are not

maybe we are.
Marly Mar 2014
if i confessed my undying love for you, kneeling next to your tombstone, would it still be considered too late?

— The End —