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Cierra Spina May 2015
I push you away,
so you'll pull me closer
I get upset ,
so you'll cheer me up
I get mad,
but I always forgive you
I want your attention,
though I'll never ask
I just want to be the exception
Though barely clad,
He was fully attired
With chocolates of mud,
Which even pasted
A leg-burrow
Of a small
Walking scarecrow,
What a sorrow!

A sore -eyed
And malnourished child
That developed
A leg bandy
'cause buckling from
A ***-belly
Subject to ailments every
Prominently Kwashiorkor
And scurvy
By twist of fate
Pushed out
To the street
To sleep he used
By every bus-stand,
An orphan boy, poor
Showered with
A heavy downpour!

A biting cold untold
With a face
Smile wrinkled
He weathered,
Despite an urge
For a morsel of bread.

A dog rabid,  moreover
He was chased
From every nook and corner!

Mixed with boys of his kind
From the street
For freedom with a bent,
One night
To the bone chilled
By a cold wind
On the morrow dead
He was found!

The sought for warmth
He acquired in his death!

Yet fellow citizens
Are busy to take note
To hundreds of his sort!

It is surprising indeed
No one gives a heed
To the challenge of God
"Have you visited
Your brother in need?"
We are oblivious to people ,like street children, that need our attention?
"Am I my brother keeper?" as said Caen
Devashish Kumar Mar 2015
I Am A Selfish Lover
I love you in my own selfish ways.
Like other guys I don't claim to love you unconditionally.
I love you on a condition that you're going love me back.
I want you to be happy.
But I want you to be happy with me.
Yeah I'm overprotective sometime.
Sometimes "irrational" too.
But that has got a reason.
I can't lose you.
Because mere thoughts of spending the rest of my life without you
Gives me nightmares.
LovelyBones Feb 2015
Solid from the crust to core
Carries all the weight
Even when it can take no more
There's nothing that's too great

Standing tall through every storm
Never flinches in the dark
Once it's tired, lost and worn
The struggles left their mark

Taking in the rays of sun
Absorbing little heat
Then relieved the day is finally done
Once again been beat

After fighting all these years
Enduring what was thrown
Having no more need for fears
Crumbling and unknown
Everyone crumbles at some point. Just hope the person can handle being crumbled on.
I am myself Nov 2014
Makes the heart grow
What about my mind?

I've lost connection
You are gone
I can't feel you
Reach you

I feel so **** lost
I hate this part of me

I don't want to
I can't

But once again
I can't help
But reach out
For you
Juhi Chavda Oct 2014
I don't like that I'm falling in love with you.
I'm vulnerable. Greedy.
You don't leave my mind,
But I don't enter yours.

I'm confused, and tired.
Tired of waiting.
Trying to not seem desperate.
But I am.

Lonely is something people run from.
Exactly opposite of what they need.
Maybe I should run.
Run from myself.
Nico Allentine Oct 2014
Something to separate me, from the separation
All these connections, further isolation
Needing, wanting, lunch inside my belly slowly churning
Reaching, yearning, loss, the most painful learning
You left me and felt no need to explain
Which blemish ran you off, which flaw, which stain?
My eyes, starving and morose, peer up to meet your gaze
Suddenly unstable when I recognize your craze
Your **** eating grin, your pupils fully dilated
Now that my body has been irrevocably violated
I wanted *** and I still do
But now I know I don't ever want to have it with you
I blinded myself with desire, and desperate delusion
Aching for love, ***, society, Inclusion!
I'm a parasite, needy, attached, Like a barnacle I cling
Your just another lecher looking for another fling
You know when you try to go to a website and something goes wrong and cant connect you get the message, no such host is known. Its like your reaching out for something/someone you know is there, but is unavailable.
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