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Joshua Haines Aug 2017
Conservatives cannot admit
that the White Nationalists were wrong
"But what about Black Lives Matter.
But what about the Alt-Left.
But what about what Fox News said.
But what about what our ******* cartoon of a president said."

Think for yourself.
You are feeling bad for Neo-Nazis.
They killed people.
They have a history of killing people.
They would **** everyone that isn't white.

This country has become disgusting.
A large portion is defending the actions of terrorists.
White Nationalists, ISIS--
They are, literally, the same.

You cannot be peaceful
when it comes to Nazis.
By sympathizing with them,
you are condoning them and creating more.
The only good **** is a dead ****.
Be a ******* person,
think for yourself,
recognize true evil
when you see it,
you brainwashed *****.
Joshua Haines Aug 2017
The President will start a
nuclear war over twitter
  if he has to.

  White Nationalist is a way
of saying Neo-****. It's re-labeled
  to desensitize us.

  The President sympathizes with
the White Nationalists because
  he can't afford to lose their vote.
My president does not have my
  best interest in mind.
He is a power hungry tyrant--
  and half are too dumb to notice.

You don't worship God. You don't.
  You worship politics infused
with spirituality.
  You dehumanize those who
are different from you because
  you are a scared little *****.

All Nazis must die.
Them dying is the
greater good.
Nazis are inferior.
Die ****. Die.
Anne Webb Jul 2017
they brought a stranger
to my home
and said he lived here
from now on
I stared at them for a while
then told them it was my home
as if it could change anything
laugh that sick laugh
made my bones tremble
with fear
I think
that's what you call it
so I packed my things
and left my home
to the stranger they brought
they smiled at me
then pinned a golden star
to my coat
so everyone could see
they said
what a good girl
you are
reminder of the second world war
ConnectHook Mar 2017
how about something
                           radically different:

      Trump as ******
& all his followers
                                      as Nazis

yeah...     might just work
          as poetry
           ♡  ♡  ♡
Really maaaan...
We are now living in the 4th ***** maaaaannn --
so punch everyone you disagree with
and hurl (liberally) lots of overused epithets ☺

that will help a lot.
Brent Kincaid Nov 2016
I gag when those who treat our flag
As nothing more than a rag and tag
Along with the Klanners waving banners
From the war against our country;
Their bad manners somehow a badge
They hold up as a symbolic gesture
As they put equality out to pasture
So they can separate, segregate,
Discriminate, and call for assassination
The leaders of our nation that disagree
Like you and me, if we dare object.

It is them I reject, deflect and yes, object
To in the loudest, most heated terms.
They are  germs that sicken us all
And drive us toward a fall, thinking
That they can rebuild the land
So they have the upper hand
And the rest of us can just whistle
If we think this will never come true.
It is so most dangerous for me and you
If they get their way so you can’t say
The slightest word against them.

This is the gem they want for their crown;
To put anyone down who says otherwise
And to freely point to the other guys
And order their destruction and deaths
With what they believe are sainted breaths
But are really exhalations and perorations
Of the devil on earth here to challenge your birth
If you don’t fit their template of acceptability
And deny their culpability in the holocaust
Their evil machinations will ultimately cost.
Cordelia Rilo Oct 2015
oh father how your face has grown old with defeat
oh sister your arms have become so gaunt

the men march below my window
a beam of light crosses my tattered dress
how can there be beauty at a time like this?

the store fronts are empty
just the soldiers in their black uniforms
feasting on all of the wine and banquettes
we aren't allowed to buy with our ration cards

the children walk with their faces towards the sidewalk
the babies never cry anymore
they've lost the energy for all of that

but the birds they still sing
that sad and lonesome song
"I would like to leave it all if I only could"
and we said quietly to one another
"C'est la fin"
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