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Michael Ramsey Jul 2018
Scavenger by very nature,
     And nuisance to those
     Who’d judge and propose
Only pessimism of this creature.

Though troublesome, in a sense,
     To instinct it’s bound,
     And blame confounds—
For its entirety mere innocence.

Lions, though great and proud, it aids—
     For in its small size
     And its meekness lies
True intent and respect others evade.

Despite the slightness it commands
     The large elephant
     Is fearful and can’t
Overcome what it doesn’t understand.

Viewed as disgusting, vile and weak
     Though when the time comes
     And all others run
I’ll scurry on, stand proudly, and squeak.
Stella Jun 2018
Poetry, as I perceive it,
And no offence, alright;
Is not this:
Writing as I would speak to someone
Only stacking the lines one on top of the other
Instead of next to it, in a paragraph.
If I were to put my strophes in a straight line, and end up with a Facebook status,
No matter how great,
This is not my poetry.

What poetry is
The lick of moonlight that betrays the mouse’s tail
The crickets over the careful cat’s march
And a microscopic last breath between a crush of the fangs.
Poetry about poetry
ClawedBeauty101 May 2018
When they see their off spring being lifted out of their place

Hung by their tail, they squeal and cry for their parents recuse, their heart's race.

Devastation stings their round soft ears as they run for their baby's call

But as they see the hand raise their child over their height of limitation, their hopes and dreams fall...

It was too late... SMACK went the poor, frail body and skull of the little one...

The hand quickly slammed it against the table... Now knocked way to escape or run

SNAP The ******* forced its neck bone to submit to their strength

The parents time of grief and mourning had no length

Frozen shock is the only expression that defines their baby mouses face

In a Blank stare of horror as the blood dripped from their once beloved babies lips... leaving a ****** taste

They scurry away in disbelief to gather the rest of their kin
that still remain alive...

Because they'll never know who will be up next... to be forced to give up their life... and die

*Because... Something always has to be sacrificed... in order to keep something else alive...
In order for something to continue living, it seems like something always has to be sacrificed, whether it's money or food or animals or whatever.  You see, if sin never came into this world, any sort or sacrifice wouldn't be necessary. but we live in a sin-filled, blinded world. We fall into sin, so many times, and death is apart of the fall of sin. We were never meant to die, but now sin has come, death is now apart of this life.  Jesus SACERFICED himself on the cross so he may save OUR LIVES from Hell. So when WE DIE, We may be with Him.

I don't
call me weird but when I had to do this procedure when feeding snakes and other animals mice, this is what I think of... Saving things require a sacrifice...
Salmabanu Hatim May 2018
I am a CEO of a big company,
There I am a ferocious ,powerful and majestic lion,
With distinct prowess of leadership and charisma.
At home my wife the lioness sits on me,
A nimble hunteress
Stalks me with flawless patience,
Waiting to pounce on my slightest error.
I am reduced to a timid mouse.
I compromise on everything,
Not because she is right and I am wrong,
I prefer peace to maintaining my ego.
mikumiku May 2018
A dog, a cat, and tiny fluffy mouse
Are learning Spanish in their English house
Since they are going to the Southern Spain
They need to train their little stupid brain
The dog says: “My name is el perro grande
I love the singer Ariana Grande
But I hate cats and cats I eat them all
May they be big, may they be very small”
The cat says: “My name is el gato *****
I’m learning Spanish, it makes me alegro
But I hate mice and mice I eat them all
May they be big, may they be very small”
The fluffy mouse says: “I am el ratón
I love some queso and I love jamón
But most of all I love them cats and dogs
In Turkish kebabs and in big hotdogs”
Eleanor Oct 2017
Dear mr or mrs dead mouse,
I am sorry...
I should have stuck up for you
I should have kept you warm
I should have done more
But I didn’t...

I should have found you a place
I should have stood my ground
I should have protected you
But I didn’t...

I should have cared for you
I should have given you a chance
I should have kept you alive
But I didn’t... and I’m sorry.
Nyx Aug 2017
I’m a mouse in a cage
Abused like a lab rat
My needs are met, surviving
I watch the birds
They fly, they are free
But I am a mouse
Surviving, not living
Sam Anthony Jul 2017
Slow peek
Whiskers twitch
Little twitch
Nostrils flare
Immediate acceleration
Straight-ahead scurry
Speedy tick-tack of claws on hard floor
Cat appears
Screechy scratchy panic spinner
Ducking skidding
Heart racing
Slalom chair legs
Cat crashing, collapsing
Running home hungry
Barely in time
Re-prepare to retry
Josh Jun 2017
Uninvited visitor
Black-eyed burglar
Shadow dweller
Nimble sprinter
Able contortionist.

Cheap, common yet
disease giver
Innocent troublemaker
Thief and scrounger
Bin searcher
Test subject.

Extreme sport enthusiast of my kitchen, bedroom and balcony
Sleep depriver
Olympic diver
Racecar driver with claws for wheels.
I'm not your pit crew, so please find your meals elsewhere,
Silent sniffler.
Constant nibbler
Unwelcome visitor
And he brought a plus one, cheeky sod.
Wherever he goes,
He's pursued always by that faithful worm.
I didn't sleep last night because of an uninvited presence
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