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Loreley Feb 21
Confined in a cage, I gaze across waters
The flesh of two becomes one,
As they sway and glide in the absence of quarantine

Fresh meat dangled before my eyes
My gardens are lifeless, and dessicated
My hands cannot fit through the bars

The essence of infancy locked inside with me
He is mine, formed of stardust and altruism
Yet he weeps dejection

The lake is filled with unions,
Who dance alongside me
The stars refract from silken gowns and ties

There are no bars for the bonded,
I am isolated in my entanglement,
Yet their shoulders rest easy

Disparaging words waterfall from their lips,
I fear I may drown in the ocean they've filled
"Thou own venereous ways bind you to thy cage"

Though hands reach to me, thorned in lechery,
I decline with words, and beg with flesh

I immured myself inside
For the infancy, and his frail form
Remain only extant in the womb of my captivity
Soraya Ali Dec 2024
I can write you a letter
You can read it before you sleep
I can knit you a toy
Only one which you can keep
My gifts to you
The only trace of me in your world

A strand of my auburn hair touches
Your floor
Your face
Your bed
Your beard
My gifts to you
The only trace of me in your world
Carlo C Gomez Jun 2020
& splendorous
this afternoon of us
barefoot in the grass
Noontide escapade
& pageantry
the mural on the wall of your heart
says you agree
Loving outside of ourselves
constructs the nook
I feel what you feel
There's an au fait air
between this man & wife
bound in codex
this breath of life
Sehnsucht [ˈzānˌzo͝oKHt] : yearning; wistful longing.
Nigdaw Jan 2020
when you're tired of the swings
and the thrill of the roundabouts
how's  another playground
gonna recharge your adrenaline

you survived all the bruises
and the scars have healed faded
so many tumbles trying
to push an unreachable envelope
perhaps it's time to appreciate the stars
rather than trying to reach them
to conquer the universe
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2019
Both our hearts are caught in between
Envy coating us pistachio-green
A varnish not shiny but smooth
Reflecting light the tiniest move
Eye-catching beauty to who dares look
A white pebble sparkling in a slow-paced brook
Containing jealous winds with restraints of ink
Emotions grow faster than you think
What starts as cloudy weather goes from small to bad
Soon a storm of feelings leaves you powerless and sad
Day 25: use the following words in a poem: pistachio ink pebble varnish weather
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2019
We know this particular neck of the woods well.
To know her is to love her,
Over and over again.

The nexus between us has a motive
All its own: strike the firing pin.
Then spin~spin~spin.

I see stars that uninhibitedly glow.
Heaven has opened
Up her waiting arms.

Who said,
"All that glitters is not gold?"
Was it not a desperate wistful streetcar?

We're bathed in a bridal veil of angel light:
The crowning nimbus.

*** is a knotty business: it binds.
Given enough rope, we
Hang from the rafters.

Come fruition come!
Ah, this sleep is sweet
On those morning afters.
Earl Cooper May 2019
Art is my,
this....****** is my,
I am not your....,  
High squeals and sun rays coating sight,
heart beats slow as the joke reach its peak,
but you are too much to teach,
Art is my,
this....****** is my,
I am NOT your...,
spontaneous in arousing ways,
Paris for breakfast,
Bali for lunch,
The moon for dinner,
But you are all about your Inner..self,
Art is my,
this......****** is my,
I am not your,
you have the scent of over driven adolescence everywhere,
but taking steps're too attached,
art is my....,
this....****** is my,
my time is my,
my home is my,
my body is my, not your,
I seen she's gotta have it and felt very inspired
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