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Take me home across the ocean
Too far away to bear
Feeling trapped, going through the motions
But I don't really care

I've grown weary of grayscale gloom
Of mainland and its toxic waste
Heart heavy, I sense impending doom
Sorrow etched across my face

Take me home across the water
Through perfect turquoise waves
Home to where the air is hotter
But the breeze brings solace I so crave

Home to where the beaches
Wrap the island in a hug
Where the forest earnestly reaches
Towards the crystal sky above

Take me where the birds wing playfully
Wild and beautiful and free
Where the sun dances gracefully
‘Cross mountain and sparkling sea

Take me home across the ocean
I can't take it anymore
My perfect home has my devotion
Won't stop 'till I reach its shores

I fantasize of my returning
Why must I be stranded here?
My heart hurts from my constant yearning
No breeze here to blow away my tears

To go back home is all I need
I've never grieved like this before
My soul enduring constant bleeding
I'm broken to my very core
Missing home a lot today, so I thought I'd write about it. Nothing I ever write will ever be able to truly encompass its beauty though
I'm sick, so sick of the cold
the sun beckons me
Want, wanting for more
than this dull city
Seek, seeking the waves
that crash so clearly
Miss, missing the breeze
that revived me

Feeling lost in black and white
I am craving color
Want nothing more than to take flight
Long for eternal summer

Cry into my cold hands
Can't wait any longer
My hope's being slaughtered
I lost my Atlantis
Can no longer stand it
Alone in this place

How, how many years and
Can I make it
Hold, holding back tears
I have to fake it
Fight, fight for control
Know if they see it
All, all will be lost
I'd rather die

Clinging to the songs that say
(I cannot make it) (I can make it!)
Broken down (Beyond repair?)
Long for this to be over

Comforted by dark hands
Can't wait any longer
The anger burns hotter
My mind running rampant
Please, I cannot stand it
Split, torn, and twisted

In my dreams
The mountains tower above me
Ocean waves crash below me
And the wind flurries around me
While the sun warms inside me
In my dreams
I am finally home
And I wish that I'd never wake up
I wonder, can I last another day?

Reaching out with cold hands
Can't wait any longer
The pain's getting stronger
The home that I long for
Gets farther and farther
Can't take anymore
Just a little song I wrote a while ago.
How obvious is it that I can't rhyme :(
Sort of bad, debated putting it here for a while.
It just isn't the same without being able to hear the music.
Oh well
Jesse stillwater Aug 2018
Marooned  land-locked
    on  island  earth

Born with an orphan’s
    unknowable ache

Born with an empath heart
– always feeling too much –
mystic receptors wide awake
    in a highly sensitive soul

It’s as if I've walked along
      forever alone,
    one step at a time,
    lost in a restless nebula
from the earth to the moon

Consciously dreaming
      to steal away, 
bearing the weight of the sky, 
upwards over the mountain,
away from these chains
         that bind

    The maelstroms echo
behind silenced, probing eyes
with an unsated thirst
      to be wanted
    dead or otherwise:

Never understanding
    the reasons why,
spinning around in my head;
where "once upon a time"
        was hidden,
        buried alive              

A lifetime spent trying
    to unlearn the things
    I wish I’d never
    sought to know,
    clinging to the love
I've touched in my life
  evermore enwombed
       in my heart

    Passing milestones:
walking another barefoot mile
passing so many locked doors
    without keyholes
– way outside the lines –

    Choking on all
    the latent words
      lay fallow, 
      left unsaid 
Always looking for
something dreamt
but seldom manifest 

Growing so tired and weary
with no one standing by my side;  
no one to lay down beside me
    to take a rest for awhile

Just another chapter
in a timeless same old story;
  another dark star
      burned – out
      – vanished –
into the utter obscurity
of a sky so close and yet
       so far away...

Jesse Stillwater ... August 22, 2018
Thank you for reading ...
harlon rivers Aug 2018
The waves spilled the rising tide
back into the scattered footprints  in the sand
deeply entrenched in life’s mystery,
receding into every breaking wave

A stiff sea breeze put back every grain of sand,
elements of a larger object gathers,
gravity firmed, into the silent shoreline chasms—
a beheld essence washed out to sea
by the fugitive tides and retreating sea-foam

Soon all trodden traces visibly vanish;
unmarked mileposts on a metaphysical pathway
slip away back to a windswept shoreline
and elapsing summer tide

Seabirds glide in slow-motion,
held sway into the shapeless gusts —
as if feathered puppets hovering,
hanging from the rafters
of the burgeoning orange sky

There's an uncommon peace in the renaissance;
effervescent crisp ocean air filling
the indefinable emptiness
marooned within each heartbeat’s echo

Each new breath inhaled,  disappearing within
the unhealed hollow of every thing once believed;
fully aware this life is unholdable as time,
yet feeling many things deeply retained
    in each passing moment—
slipping away like a handful of sand
sifting through all these hands once held

Presence becoming wreathed in a miasma of stillness,
space that levitates like an unpredictable fog
that seeps into the gnawing voids
of an unsated hunger

harlon rivers  ...  August 1st,  2018
a piece from the TRAVELOGUE collection:

Getting away from my ordinary life maze seems to be changing perspective; moments still unfold as they are intended, but there is less peripheral distraction, more focus on the simple things that enrich life in the moment.

I did not plan on posting anything else until back to daily Internet access
in Fall ... plus, much I've scribbled these days, seems derivative of the last  pieces i've published: that said, this is of the present moment and as close to peace as I've tread in eons:  Thank you for taking the time to check out something newly written at a time when my web access and participation @ HePo is sporadic at best.   :)  rivers
Rianna Aguilar Jan 2018
let these waves pull in my hurt

only for it to be

washed upon your shores

marooned in this island of

Pagan Paul Jun 2017
'No man is an Island'
Maybe not true my Dear friends.
Perchance in general, contact is good.
But take a good look.
There are many Islands in the emotional ocean
with closed harbours and sealed ports.
Refugees of romance; Tortured traumas;
Insane individuals; Mental mercenaries;
Each one a lonely star,
a pinprick of light, disconnected,
on a girdle of the sky,
protected by a carapace of experience,
cold, distant, drifting further from the source,
in a race for consolidation and annihilation.
Islands of safety become Isles of danger.
Selfishness; Self-hate;
Self-perpetuating; Self Destruct;
The inward circle and downward spiral
cloaking the Island, shielding its existence,
shunning the continents of integration.
So can it be true my Dear friends,
no man is an Island?

© Pagan Paul (28/06/17)
I wish I could remember how to swim! PPx
ryn Dec 2014
Blades of grass shivered
As the fingers of the wind strum
A hum ever soft and hauntingly serene
Sweetest song my heart reluctantly would welcome

I stare into the minuscule expanse of land
The horizon does not exist far here...
But still my eyes would stretch
To see the obscured very clear

All alone save for the company of a lone tree
And the jovial chirps of annoying birds
On this island with very little space
Trying to find comfort in ill-arranged words

My eyes do see but my heart remains obstinate
Beauty of the universe would always invite
I could just jump and join in its merriment
But... I am just a tethered kite

I'd want to rise to the highest skies
To be one with the nature's song, composed and tuned
Alas bound to a string, I can only go so far
I am my own island,
                      *helpless and marooned...

— The End —