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Poetic T Sep 2019
They say life's
        A story.

Me, I never read mine.

I lived it, who wants to know
     The beginning and the ending.

live your story,
     Skip chapters,

Remember your writing it.
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
Just another day,
wish ***** would
make it go away.

But ***** doesn't work this time,
guess I'll have to bear more time.

The time I've lost is a burden,
feel like a ghost, just passing through.

A ball and chain around my neck.
Ever closer to the edge of the deck.

Give me a sign,
not to **** time.
Just a little glint, 'cause
of hope I'm real skint.

A reason to live,
the smallest thing.
But please something !
Not much more to give..

There are reasons a plenty, all around you.
The birds, the songs, the sky so pretty,
be it blue or any hue.
The beautiful stars, there's so much to see,
feel and taste too, so go where you want to be,
but don't listen to me, you know it too,
not everyday is of the colour blue. :)
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
Life is quite
the slippery foe,
hard to grasp
and quick to go...
Jennifer Weiss Aug 2015
To the girl denying her heart,
I can hear you dying.
I can hear the terror inside your bones.
When you cry because he isn't calling.
Because you know inside yourself,
he is not going to love you like you deserve,
but you'll give yourself to him regardless.

To the girl who didn't wait,
but desires to things the right way this time.
I am you.
I feel your heart.
I hear your insecurities and your hesitations.
I hear your trepidation,
"Could I really be deserving of a love like that?"
And the answer is yes.
My dear, you deserve God's best.
And you can have it when you tell the Lord,
to all His plans.

To the girl reading this with half of a heart.
I know you too, I once sat where you are.
I was once dead, and you might not be yet.
But the more you deny yourself and conform
to what they tell you to be,
the more you will have to regret.
God loves each and every one of us. So much so that if you were the only person born in this world, he still would have left heaven and came to Earth as Jesus to die on the cross just for you.
Brian Payamps Apr 2015
Say words worth quoting
Live a life worth reading
Die a death worth seeing
As poets we deserve it
we are worth it.
Everything we do is art is a gift and a curse.
Maddy Apr 2015
I have to trust myself.
Myself myself only
I have turned off the heat
I will think of my life only
The heat has evaporated
I stand at the foot of the ship
In the darkness
And leave the harbor
Tomorrow will be a bright day
And I will think of my life only
I have revised my magical wishes
For my life only.
I will now keep the balance
For my life only
I feel so much better
CC Sep 2014
My untold story needs some legs
To start walking
Because what is it doing wearing dem boots
If it don't start stomping its feet
For all the world to hear?
Kimberly Seibert Sep 2014
There is a Grande scheme
A way of the world,
Written before birth
For all boys and girls.

A purpose before plan
A dream before vision,
Endless are choices
Met by decision.

Can you follow your heart?

Can you free your mind?

Or are you the sand in the hourglass
Lost somewhere in time.
Nomad Apr 2014
I wish I knew,
This is when the beginning of my regrets when,
Things happen and I couldn't be there,
Sometimes Life just isn't fair.

We'd complain and whine,
Even when we're having a good time.
But some how I wondered,
I didn't know.

If only you gave me a chance,
maybe I wouldn't be asking for a second dance.
It's not fair,
for one so young,
to have such a heavy heart, hiding behind those fragile lungs.

I. Wish. Oh I wish I knew...
if only you told me,
but now, like then,
I don't know what to do.

I wish I knew.
Because now, I'll miss you.
Dedicated to a few friends of mine. And it's also a general plea to the public that when you need an someone to talk to. I'm there. I want to be there for you. If you want me to shut up and listen. I will. Ask my opinion, I'll give it.
Just don't, for the Love of God and yourself. Don't be someone's regret.
Be there. Life'll seem just a little more.

— The End —