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Proctor Ehrling Sep 2019
The incumbent village idiot would be alarmed by my efforts, as he'd most likely perceive them as ones attempting to dethrone him.
Came up with this a while back. Still don't know what to do with it.
JA Perkins Sep 2019
Genuine like a child
Candid like an open book
Exotic like The Wild
Reassuring like a second look
My baby
hazem al jaber Aug 2019
New line ...

it's a pleasure morning ...  
to see this face ...
beauteous  face ...
yes it is ...
yes you are ...

another new line ...
with another letter ...
starting now ...
my new words ...
to get a new poem ...
only from your face ...
to your heart ...
yes ...
always i starting ...
my all love's poems ...
which it talks ...
about the love ...
the love which you know ...
know well ...
that love ...
which i hold inside ...
and it increase more ...
since i see your face ...
with every new morning ...

sweetheart ...
it's my morning ...
mine and yours ...
my new poem ...
words of you ...
to start my words ...
starting it with ...
love , passion ...
from a madly lover ...
who madly loves you ...

yes my sweet baby ...
it's a new morning ...
and your beauteous face ...
to start my new lines ...
while no one can do ...
as i do ...

good morning ...

hazem ...
Shannon Spivey Aug 2019
I walk a thin line
I teeter to both sides
From the lust I feel towards you
To the potential for love that can't be denied
I know it's inappropriate
The way I talk with you
But you get me so frustrated
And I want to see this through
Then when I tried to pry
I guess it came out wrong
You called me beautiful
Which brought the butterflies along
That's not what I wanted
But I don't know if that's true
And these feelings I have
Must be misconstrued
We're only friends
I can't cross that line
Even if it means
That you'll never be mine
I washed ashore on the ripples of my memory
Tipping on the edge on a mortal island
And my mortality seemed greater
The accosted sailor had saved me in a fit
He saw me with a nightlight
I call it a large lantern
Simple really if you wonder how many people
Would never find among the flora and fauna
Understanding the flow of the universe
And I found my peace already
Or I thought it was better than changing my rhyme each verse
That's why the free verse is like this
When you look at the things you observe
But, you miss something in them and the going gets tough
The lugubrious streets are something imprinted
So, I kind of glad that the sailor changed my mind about the reverse
And the fate I had was maybe changed by a Godly act
And my human luck
Or it was just the flow of the universe that I landed upon
And islands were just a part of the metaphor
That was lucidly my life
Liberating myself from these lintels and circumstances, it's hard to forget that ballad
The song of poetic device like assiduous alliteration of the streetlamps
Sequacious sundry of people and the contingent of the serried three
People on a lone boat occupied the place
And burned the forests down to an ashen pile
These sailors had come looking for old gold

As there was not much time to feel sorry
I held back my words and felt I had left the world without words
I discovered Seba Jun in late 2009 when I started highschool, kind of casually inundated this music but didn't learn of his death until a few years after. It made me sad then, but hearing this "new" release today made me tear up a bit. It gives me a feeling as if this was his final departure song.. an untitled, bittersweet little song left for us to remember him by. Rip Nujabes, you will never be forgotten.
sunshine Jul 2019
so waste me, tear me, tell me I'm nothing

cuz when you're crying, broken, and holding onto nothing

then you'll wish I hadn't run, gone, and left you with nothing
nothings into nothings
that's what you did
with my love

RVani Kalyani Jul 2019
Wish I could go back in time,
Everything was in a perfect line.
bk Jul 2019
It is amazing, the life of a wave.
It takes forever to build up
and then once it finds its way to the beach,
is alive for only a couple seconds.
As beautiful as this sounds,
the act of the surfer is even more.
The wave exists momentarily
but while it does,
the surfer carves smooth silky lines into it
creating a form of art seen only by few.
After that, that single wave is gone forever;
It is not coming back.
The surfer will never surf that same wave again.
The life of the wave now only exists in memory.

Personally, I find nothing more beautiful than that.

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