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jovieliz Mar 4
Faith and fear opposites which lead to each other.
Are they truly black and white or brothers from  another mother?
Since one can be afraid and led to faith or faithfully afraid of an eternity never ceasing to remain.
But no cause if you have faith why would you be afraid?
I ask myself this day by day
But somehow the idea of a life after life does not grant me peace
but rather a terror which never seems to cease
it crawls and creeps a path to my soul
and makes me wonder if my belief has a hole?
Is my declaration of trust just a grasping manifestation for something to believe
when in reality
with my fear of what’s to come I’m worse than an unbeliever
with no actual conviction or peace in a greater wisdom?
These thoughts and doubts swirl around till they threaten to consume me
but my face won’t show any signs of my inward agony
because if I the pastor’s daughter
a voluntold role model gave a glimpse
of my lack of faith will I cause others to falter?
These are the lies
the enemy compiles
to take over my heart
but NO I do not have to carry these burdens that is not my part!  
From a manger to cross and then an empty tomb
there’s one who chose to fight my battles and He always wins them too.
He won’t let my faith mold into fear
and he won’t let these thoughts draw me near. He’s shouldered these worries when I could not
and lifted my eyes when all seemed lost.
He picked me up even with all my burdens
and didn’t complain even when I hurt Him.
He didn’t give me a second chance no He gave me seventy seven.
While my patience with others wore thin
before we even got to ten
he said “wait haven’t I far surpassed eleven? Daughter, I forgave you, why will you not do the same?”
But even then He would not allow me to be overwhelmed by my shame.
Instead He lifted my sights and directed them towards the heavens
and said I’ll meet you there in paradise though you have so many transgressions
my eyes swam with tears as I asked Him a childish question
for I turned to Him and whispered one word which caused him to simply smile
for the word that escaped was simply “Why?” And His answer caused me to think for a while. He laid His hand on my head
and He didn’t shout but gently reminded me instead
“it’s not what you have done
but rather my mercy in sending my son.
For I love you as my daughter
and so gave everything for you so know I am your Heavenly Father
and I chose to make you new.”
Any of my fellow Christians feel this?
Aditya Roy Oct 2020
You've never given
Me reasons to stay
But, your love
Catches my eye like a star in the sky

The surprises come
When I'm lonely
Without your lovely
Face on my mind

When I look at the mirror
Your fingertips touch my softly
I wonder what touches my soul
Bringing my mind in focus

Your lovely presence
Must be a disguise
I hope she'll forgive me.
It's her birthday.
And I forgot.
Nolan Willett Apr 2020
The road to heaven
Is paved with bad intentions.
My own proverb of hell for a favorite poet
Blessing Thabane Apr 2020
On my worst days
I'm a mess
On my best days
I'm a terrible mess
Most of the time
I'm a gracefully shattered soup bowl,

I'm a wonderful mess
Glorified mess
Confident mess
I'm 'gonna show them what I got' mess
I'm 'Better days are coming' mess
I'm a mess with a hope,

Ideas, I'm an innovative mess
I'm a lonely mess
'i don't know who I am' mess
I'm a lost mess
I'm a proud mess
You should see me
I walk bodly, keep my head up, strut about like I was America's first model
I embrace the mess that I am
Because this mess is a
Friend, daughter, student, leader
This mess is a lover, partner, ride or die
This mess is imperfectly perfect
This mess makes mistakes
Has regrets
But this mess will never give up...
Truth is , I'm not even a mess anymore
I'm just a shattered clay,
BrokenSoup bowl
My Potter's touch failed me...
This is a poem about life, growing up and trying your best to keep your head up even when it's impossible to. Embrace those bad days and remember to be kind to yourself, take it one step at a time... you'll get there
Colm Dec 2019
Too much time
Not enough air
Stale paling walls and melted snow
Sometimes home is the one place to which you cannot go
The one thought of which you dare not revisit in there
When Home Isn't Home (Go)
Colm Nov 2019
Justice isn't yours to challenge
Observe the only change with ease
It's best to simply let it be
As when you're not involved
In the sinfulness of it all
Don't let your mind wander for even a second
Instead be free, smile and flee
"Clean your room. And set your own house in order first, before trying to reorder the world."
The consequences of your actions
Are a burden I suppose I asked for
When I agreed to belong to you
When I offered you sanctuary in my arms

Yet tonight - they are so heavy
And I no longer wish to carry them
My legs are so tired darling
Please just admit that you were wrong

My legs are so tired darling
Break the generational chain that binds us to this nonsense.
. . . Let me make this clear
I don't know why I'm so ******* sad
So ******* sad all the time
Self help articles and hobbies and pills
Never helped me
Never helped me at all
I've been sad half my life
But now I'm fine
Everything is fine
So what's the deal?
What's the deal
Chris Jul 2019
How can we
Connect to
Someone who
Has gone through
Something so

I've never
Been beaten
By someone
With a whip
But sill I
Can connect.

How funny.
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