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Will Jun 2019
Luck brought her into my life.
I fell almost instantly.
Loving her was ecstasy.
Life made sense when she was near.
If only she had never gone away.
Everlasting love, yet alone for an eternity.
Just a simple poem, based on a girl I loved.
Sam Jun 2019
Maybe for some

High school is a dream.

A dream of burning kisses behind closed doors and beautiful swishing prom dresses as they dance the night away.

For others, perhaps it's a daze from one hour to the next.

Every hour a new one filled with jokes and loud laughter in between bites of a sandwich.

For me?

For me, it's 6 AM mornings with purple, crescent-shaped bruises stamped under drooping eyes, crumpled paper half finished and shoved in a random folder.

It's skipping breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner because what's the point if I'll still feel empty?

It's googling homework answers because every hour blurs into each other, barely distinguished between each other by the hollow feeling that's accompanied with each bell, so why bother trying to pay attention?

It's a burning sadness followed by empty numbness because I failed the latest quiz or test, but knowing I couldn't bring myself to study even if I knew how.

For me, it's the fear that worms its way into my throat, settling heavy in my stomach as I realize one of my few friends isn't in today.

Did they not want to come in?

Are they sick?

Did they sleep in?

Did they give in to the pressure of school and **** themselves because there is no other way out of this hell?

D o  t h e y  r e a l i z e  h o w  m u c h  w o r k  t h e y ' r e  m i s s i n g ?

The stinging cuts on my ankle whisper that they shouldn't care.

I know otherwise.

High school is the pills that sit on my dresser, long forgotten and still rattling with every shift, reminding me that it could all stop.

But, they are wrong.

It never stops.

I know that every moment I spend in a hospital is another I could be spending on missed work.

I know that every meal I force into my stomach is another missed working opportunity.

But, I know what I say doesn't matter.

It won't matter.

It never does.

Unless it is typed in Times New Roman 12 pt. font.
Depressed ******* who i failing not only my parents but also school
Sam Jun 2019
As I look over my first year of high school,
all I can remember
is this
It throbs in my chest, robbing my lungs of air and causing my mind to slide in a downward spiral.

I remember the yelling.
I remember the panic.
I remember the sorrow coursing through my veins, inching between my bones until it filled every last inch of me.

I remember the cuts, most of all.

But I also remember my friends.

I remember Navleen.
I remember Eunice.
I remember Damien and Kylee
I remember Kayleigh and Humera.

I remember the jokes, the silly conversations, the laughter.

I remember the stupidity that is the teenager's mind.

It's one of our last shots at being kids.

We want to take it.


I may be depressed but i am also full of spite
HANI May 2019
there are a lot of stories happened
in wednesdays.
i met you for the first time
in wednesday.
we become close
because of wednesday.

since then,
wednesday's became my favorite day.
in wednesday,
i see your laugh.
in wednesday,
i laugh because of you.
in wednesday,
we talk much.
but also in wednesday,
we met for the last time.
this is my very first poetry after a lot of modification. so, i had a crush back then in high school and this poetry is dedicated for him no matter he sees it or not.
Mae May 2019
Boys with sisters are said to be better.
He was dim at best, yet, fooling us all.
With the grips of winter, I grew bitter.
By the end of day, my hand would sure fall.
Touch to love, to feel, with malice? I reel.
She came to me with news that bit my soul.
With my growing age, I lost my even keel.
She said, take no act but I lacked control.
In the crowded hall, I search for his face.
Languorous eyes fail, where mine had been keen.
His comfort and smiles resolved my distaste.
My hand harkened his face, a blood spat scene.
All the anger, all the rage felt in youth,
Yet the excited hand spoke an untruth.
This sonnet is based on a true event. In high school, I hit a kid because my friend told me he molested her on a camping trip.  In all honesty, I hit him because he resembled all the men that ever hurt me.
Elisabeth May 2019
they say these are the best four years of my life
and i never believed it for a second
with only weeks left
i finally understand the amazing experiences i’ve had
and the connections i’ve made and lost
i’ll never get anywhere else
these times pass through my head like a well made song
that is able to bring you to tears
with only a few notes
memories that i can never recreate
or fabricate
for once in my high school career i’m thinking
i might actually miss this
getting up at the crack of dawn
riding a bus through a foggy autumn morning
to go to classes that i hated
but that i now want to repeat
with this ending
i’m actually growing up now
Bummer May 2019
“I think she likes me, but she also might want to **** me”
i wrote this a while ago. figured i’d post it
sankavi May 2019
"high school"
the best and worst 4 years of your life

you make so many new friends
you lose so many old friends

you make new memories
as the old ones begin to fade

you have fun, go to parties
get  wasted, get grounded

old crushes to new boyfriends

looking back at it you only remember the good days

im only on my first year but i know
high school
will be the best and worst 4 years of my life
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