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Ruheen Mar 1
I'm trying too hard again
failed as a daughter, a friend
hard to exist without faith
so I resist all the shame I can reach

because nobody's watching
nobody can hear me speak
seven years and counting
still I crave something sweet

I don't mind
I learned to cry

swimming in fears once caged
corners of my soul unmade
and the light from the door
as I fell to the floor, guided me

because somebody's watching
somebody has to be
seven years and counting
I need someone to hear

I don't mind
just let me cry
Ken Pepiton Oct 2024
Threaded dread,
Pattern cognition,
same stories twisting across worth
value balance means and ways
whereby we reach across walls,

into the conversation confused
with seeking reliable religamentation,

tie me kangaroo down, mate,
tie me didgeridoo, too, there's a hard
rain, it's gonna fall, we all told a lie, too long.

Hi, I'm the voice of Johnny Gravel,
calling all you adrenalyn junkies, come, believe
your eyes, as we watch death defying stunts,

too incredible to imagine, until it's real,
At wait state, imagining fame,
or blame and shame, game wide,

the whole world sees the spelling wrong,
and life ends in another needless tragedy,
we see them everyday, we must imagine,

some day,
that's something I can do something about,
before it is
too late,

jest in place, laugh it off, halfasstry, whine
as the wind rips off the tin roof, why
we never moved, we cannot say,

things just happened this away.
Weathering San Diego autumn, looking east over the horizon
ZACK GRAM May 2024
Copywrite Infringment
You quoted me
Word for Word
**** A Court
You said
You remember the womb
If you seen it then
You believe it
I seen before that
I wrote the codes
For your so called design
I made
It goes Deeper
Im happy tho
You told the truth
Humanity has no idea
This place was made by me
Hopefully you know
Ill explain so you understand
In the womb
I talked to entitys
I lived many lives
I remember birth and drowning
I remember at 1.7 years old
I lost the language
An talked english
I remember at 4
I seen giant dogs like bears
I can draw the block
Enough of that
You know exZackly what im saying
You see
Im the 1 homie
Word of advice
Keep up the good work
Im proud of you
I low key love you for it
Because noone believed me
They said im crazy
Except you
You speak real life truth
Tell everyone
We are here
Were a force
A force to be reckon with
Bless you my brother
Keep Faith
43251 16800 8200 18 291 3650 16180
louella Jan 2022
i looked down the edges of your pigeon skyscraper
i think i got an overdose of vertigo
             u stalk me like a predator
  but ur no arnold schwarzenegger
ur a skyscraper
my city scape wouldn’t be complete without you
             but ur always gonna be taller
  and ur always gonna be higher
what’s the point in trying to knock you down?
mel Sep 2021
infinite possibilities lie within your frame
and even if people don't show it enough
i hope you know you are so much more
than what you have lost

so much more than those who
have walked the other way
~specific to the reason~
you shine brightest today

you see clearer now
because things once didn't go your way
the way you picture your life to be
isn't always what you need

surrender to what you now see
let your highest self take lead

this life’s a gift—so let it be
if you can focus on the love
and trust you’re guided from above
you’ll see that darkness wakes your light
and feel your magic come to life

the world is shifting in your eyes
your laughter gives the sun it’s shine
so as you align, don’t let yourself
get caught up in all the “why’s?”
for in you, all the answers hide
Jennifer DeLong Aug 2021
Wanting something to change
Wanting to feel some sense
of normality
Days and nights
not living where , I can  feel free to be me
I am asking reaching out
calling on a higher power
I can't live like this anymore
I deserve to be where , I can
breath and be at my highest vibration
Where , I can feel content
loved and have a
fulfilling day to day
Wanting it needing
some normal
Why does wanting it
give me the feeling
it's never gonna happen
What needs to change
so much this is true
for others to care
to desire normality
But you must know
wanting is real
Come on higher power
Do your magic
Wanting it Wanting it
You give me some
at least a little

© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏
Faith means
believing in something
you’ve never laid eyes on.
It’s an experience.
Unshakable!! Rock solid.
Something to hold on to.
Everybody should have faith
in something......
to get you through this life!
When the earth turns
and the places don’t move
But also
when an earthquake hits
and everything is falling apart.

Shell ✨🐚
We all need something to hold on to in good times and in bad times!!
Spicy Digits Jan 2021
I wear my sensible shoes
I wear my sensible shoes
Please and thank you's bow all day
I press the lift button to level five
I brought salad for lunch again today
Salad for lunch.

I wear nothing but my skin tonight
I wear nothing but my skin
I let my chest kiss the night air
Lyrical, stillness, chaos, staccato
My feet and my fingers twist and turn,
Twist and turn.
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