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jewel 2d
valentine is a martyr. or is it ‘was’--
because he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter
imprisoned for caring about the marriages
of his soldiers...

the present, feb 14, valentine's day
where the couples celebrate
and kiss one another with glee, lipstick and wine
staining skin, like roses,
rotting in the pretty glass vases of this house that
have become the symbol of the addiction to
a lovely shade of lust

and where do the single people go for sanctuary,
to hide away from the flocks of married men and women
& teenager couples
with their fingers interlaced,
the celebration coursing through their veins;
love really is a losing game
full of gambles
i think i finally
feel like valentine
forever &
copyright, poemsbyjewel (2025)
ANA Feb 24
I used to think about you.
It's been fifteen years since I last saw you.
We were young, full of ideas and innocence.
I missed you more than life.

A cold wind blew on my face.
I wished I could have you in my embrace.
I tried to find you as you were lingering on my dreams.

My heart feels like it's getting burst down in my chest.
Drown in the loneliness as I longed for you.
Maybe, I'm just waiting for you in my entire life.
If the time passed quickly, I forgot how to count it.

If love can age, maybe I could tell how much I love you all these years.
Broken Pieces Feb 24
C is my first LOVE
The love that never leaves you
The person that you look for
In other people

C is the one that got away
The one that I ****** up
I ended things
Out of my own fear

C came back
And I’m so afraid
it’s gonna end again
With me running away

C is my love
But I don’t want
To mess things up
How do I do this
When my whole life
I’ve ran from love?
it should make me sad that you are not around
and it did too many times
you were around
and you hurt the most gentle heart with a promise that you will not
i cared that much for the first time in my life
and you asked me why
i was surprised by your question
because i thought we BOTH in love
The tenderness of youth often blinds us to the true nature of love.  We chase the flame, relishing the passion, mistaking infatuation for something deeper.  Yearning for connection, we grasp at fleeting moments of enchantment, cherishing the illusion of a love that will last forever.  But first love, more often than not, is a training ground, a place where we learn the language of the heart, even if the words are sometimes mispronounced.  It leaves its mark, a scar both visible and internal, a reminder of the intensity of those early emotions.  We carry these experiences with us, shaping our understanding of what love can be.

Later in life, the landscape of the heart is different.  Scars are visible, stories etched into the lines around our eyes.  The flame of youth may burn a little less brightly, but in its place, a deeper warmth emerges.  We have learned to distinguish between infatuation and true connection, to recognize the difference between fleeting passion and enduring tenderness.  The yearning remains, but it is tempered by experience, a knowing that love is not just a feeling, but a choice.

And then, unexpectedly, it happens.  A connection sparks, a resonance that transcends the years.  It may not be the first love of youthful memory, but it carries a different kind of magic.  It is a love seasoned by life, enriched by shared experiences, and grounded in mutual understanding.  There is a cherishing that comes with knowing the fragility of time, a relish for the present moment, and a passion that burns with a steady, unwavering flame.

This love, found later in life, is a testament to the enduring power of the human heart.  It is a first true love, a love that encompasses all the lessons learned, all the scars endured, and all the yearnings finally fulfilled.  It is a love that whispers, "You are home," a love that promises, "This is forever."  It is a love that proves that first love can happen at any age, and that true love is always worth waiting for.
From my lessons in Picadilly's Write the Poem
Anonymous Feb 5
I was only fourteen,
and you were the first boy
to ever compliment me.
Then I blinked,
and suddenly, I was twenty-four,
and you were the last man
to break my heart.
It has always been about you.
For the first time in my life
I am free-falling in your gaze
sinking further and further
in love
helpless against the current
as it pulls me along
for the ride
powerless against the way you eyes
glean secrets untouched by
the light of day
past the weight of flesh and bone
to this ******, bruised thing
that beats beats beats
your name

Esther L. Krenzin
Your eyes
clear as a noon day sky
bluer than the ocean
full of stars as they settle on mine
I find myself wishing on those stars
"make this moment last forever"
and in the absence of butterflies
there is a sinking
a falling (in love)
a coming home
what has happened to your hand, its touch has gone so cold – you
don’t hold me as you did before; that first time we fell in love, we
could spend hours of the night tangled to each other. I wasn’t as
pretty as the other girls, still when you held me, you felt a sense of power - an ownership. you never demanded much from me; you understood how shy I got at the beginning – yet that never stopped you from acting so possessive

even in the times I knew you cheated on me – going after those with much smoother skin, and who held that bolder strike; I knew that you’d never forget me – I was your first after all. I gave you the belief in your dreams, gave you confidence to show off your talents, helped you through your struggles, gave you a meaningful way to express your problems. darling I was your unshakable addiction, the mistress who added value to your diction, darling I was with you when you wrote your very first poem

what has happened to your hand, its touch has gone so cold – I hope
you found the right girl, still I’ll love you forever even when you get a
touch of every one of them in their words.

“And I too will love you forever, my first love…
my write, my words, forever my first poem that
came from you… my Eversharp pen."

muizz Dec 2024
When our paths first crossed,
I thought you disdained me,
As every day, greetings flew,
You remained quiet,
No salutation to me.

Status changed, now we’re classmate,
sitting in the same class,
learning the same things,
when voices roam,
there’s one stay quiet to me,
after a while, that one spokes to me,
that one is you, and
I caught a glimpse of kindness in your eyes.

Weeks into months, we've grown close,
Like kindred spirits bound by trust,
You confessed my presence lights your day,
Even mimicking my gentle curve in writing,
A tender touch to my heart, sweet soul.

Now the sands of time are flowing,
just a few months left to go,
we should’ve been closer earlier,
a thorn in my heart, this feeling of -
A boy and I met many times in school. Most students greeted me, but he didn’t. I thought he hated me because I was popular. When we became classmates, he took time to start talking to me. We then became very close, but I had to transfer to a science school. Therefore, we only have a short time to spend.

If you’d like read my poems more, please read at my instagram highlight @muizzink
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