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MontyPie Sep 2020
Every time I look into the mirror, I see a different me
Each time I reach into the closet
Am I a he or she?
As I open the door, I melt into the floor
I can't stand this anticipation..

I don't feel like dancing but I'll make you look a fool
I'm not into guessing but you look so cruel
Show me your perception and I'll show you my intention
Don't be second guessing because
I know what you think
I don't try to be incomprehensive
But my love,
you seem so demented
Will you let me untie your seams?

Through my closed eyes I am just a fly
In a fishbowl, escaping into the night
The traveling world circles through crystal clean lies
The end is filled with detrimental violence.
Not one soul speaks a word in the end.
I like punk music and I'm trying to make a song that sounds like so, it didn't turn out as cool as I was hoping :,)
I hope to tweak it soon
bree Nov 2018
The devil is a boy
pretending to be a man,
who makes you feel
like you deserved
the unwanted advances.
And convinces you
that black and blue bruises
is the art upon your skin,
which he embellished on your thighs,
because you looked so
******* ****,
he couldn’t resist.

And now you
force a laugh and lie
and pretend
that each time
you see his face
you don’t cower away
in fear.
Silently wishing,
always praying
to the God that you don’t believe
loves you anymore.
Praying that this boy,
pretending to be a man
would burn in his flames.

But devils never die.

Even if I did that night.
first draft
bree Nov 2018
it's unfair.

the control you have
over my heart

you make my heart

  a beat

            then two

just by the thought of you
rough draft
Yuka Oiwa Sep 2017
There is a threshold at the heart of a peach--
between the wooden pit and the golden flesh of fruit.
There lie a few red, raw strands that are, impossibly, both.

The Pit [Endocarp]: Birth/Death.
The most treelike part.
Bark balled into a fist.
Inside hides the genetic beginning and future of all peach trees.

The Fruit [Mesocarp]: Maturation.
                  The delicious and beguiling, round flesh that attracts those who will scatter the seed. It tastes of sweet summer months.
Grown to be devoured,
the fruit is an ephemeral sacrifice ensuring the seed will find soil
take root
and make more of its kind.

I feel as if I'm at the red, rimmed divide between the two.
There is still so much bark from my parent trees at my core, yet I'm starting to soften into my own shape.

I know there will be a feast or a fall in these coming years and both mean a survival (of sorts).
Forgive the state of this first draft. Comments and critiques welcome. I know it needs watering.
J Jun 2016
I used to think that
what I saw when I looked into your eyes,
was the galaxy.
They were vast and dark and seemingly endless,
but they are not a home for me.

What I have learned is that
I was not seeing the sun and moon and stars,
I was seeing the boundaries that contained them,
and seeing limits and edges,
hard and abrupt.
I was not seeing expansion.
I was not seeing love.

Perhaps I was discovering what it means
to see the world through someone else's eyes.
And in someone else's eyes.

But in yours, I thought I saw constellations when
in fact I saw only recollections

They say when you see a star you're seeing the light from something that died thousands of years ago.
Perhaps it is the same for old lovers.
Maybe it was the same for you and me.
I vow I will never see the stars again in the eyes of a partnet,
but instead see things in which the life is still intact and in which I am not clinging on to something forever retracting.

I will see flowers,
weeds even,
life that may flourish and wither,
but at least I can nourish them back.

We as humans have yet to scrape the edge of the universe,
and that used to scare me.
I used to find comfort in knowing I was a part of yours,
Comfort came to me knowing I was safe in the world you built for me,
but I take it back.

The next person whose eyes I fall in love with might hold stars
they might sparkle and expand,
but they will not be my universe
when there is one inside me I have yet to dive into
when there is so much more for me to see myself
without your limits or your help
Sammy Pikulinski Feb 2015
I want to thank you for
never, never giving up on me since
we first met some three years ago.

Your love is as strong as the winds
beating against the coastal homes and
my love for you is never-ending, just
as the waves continue to crash.

The support beams of our home are
nourished with love and able to bend with
the storms that arise because we have
accepted and enlightened the flaws of
our lives; of each other.

For as long as there will be stars to gaze upon
each night, my love and soul are attached to you.
Where the blank spaces are in my life -
you have brightened them with the most
otherworldly light and I see no other way.

I will always come back to you,
my heart will always call you home.


— The End —