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Trees sway
breathless hay
Two first lovers
The sinful discover.

Humming-bird Perched,
seeds gulped from search,
curiosity of moans
and happiness of groans

Flesh upon the skin
the love felt within
A long time coming
for waves to come crashing.
She walked up and asked,
Will you dance with me?

I looked all around just to see
Who it was.
There's no way,
it couldn't possibly be.

Could it? could it really be me?

And just like that,
We were dancing.

So close, surely we were floating, 
Because I couldn't feel my feet.

I couldn't hear the music, only the beat.

The pound, pound, pounding of my heart!

Her and me dancing,
Surely we were floating.

I looked down to see,
Instead I saw her,
looking up at me.

We were dancing! 

Yes, we were.

We were dancing.
Junior High School Dance,
Ladies choice, and she chose me!
First time I ever danced, I can feel it like it was yesterday.
Funny how memories work sometimes.
You were like the moon to me,
Always far from my reach
Only to be adored by my sight.
Always hoped you for mine to be
Even prayed for you with all my might.

Always craved to get a glimpse of you
Always felt captivated by the light of you
Without you I felt like I lost my light
As you were the one to light my dark pit of sorrow

You made me want to reach the height
You were the one I didn’t want anyone to borrow
For you were the one without whom my sky felt hollow

I liked the phases you displayed
Even liked the spots you had
For they showed the beauty of being tainted
Just wanting to hold you made me glad
Yet beyond my reach
Only to be adored by my sight.
She was like the moon,
Far, far away.

This was the first poem I ever wrote.
Have you ever felt a fire like this? One that is a playful ember. It dances around the tips of your fingers, leaving short, intimate kisses on your hand as it passes. A fire that won't grow wild if you fall asleep with it going, yet its intensity burns brighter and hotter by the second, refusing to be snuffed by what is believed to be common traits. A fire that does not cause pain or discomfort, but one that sparks your veins, and makes it hard to contain yourself to the same spot. If I were able to showcase this flame, it would blind humanity. It would make any extraterrestrial fearful of what they might find. But if they still dared to venture towards our home, they would find the fire that makes the world burn.
Wrote this with no forethought. Just typed out what I had on my mind for the past few minutes.
Imarie Feb 15
Time pass by and seasons turn
That first love's ember still burn
A memory cherished, bittersweet
A feeling nothing can defeat

For I feel love and free
You opened up my heart to me
And though our paths may now diverge
My first love's flame will always surge.
Ariana Emu Jan 27
In the compile of words
We have lost our favourite poems
It's hard to remember
Probably we have forgotten
You might find the same poem
After a decade
In the dust of old papers
I know you'll remove all the dust
To read your favourite poem one more time
If you read it carefully you haven't forgotten your poem
It got lost in the compile of new pages.
What if we get the chance to read again
NaNi Jan 23
One day you're going to grow up and I’m going to tell you the most important love that exists in my life and it begins with you

I always knew I wanted you
But I didn’t know how much until I had you
I wasn’t planning for you but I wasn’t doing anything to prevent the chance of you
It was almost like my heart knew I needed something , a blessing that would make me cry out to God
A blessing that The world may have thought i wasn’t ready for
Even with fear in my heart knowing I could fail
I wasn’t afraid of this blessing
After hearing your heartbeat, over and over
I knew who you were
You were mine and I was finally going to have you
Even if I had to do it over again i would still choose you
Someone i never knew i needed and someone I will infinitely love & protect

All ways, always
Jia En Jan 13
You never want a friend
Making one
Too good lest the friendship ends
When they realise you're not fun
Or smart or pretty
Enough when they meet others
On another
Whole new level.
It's human nature to
Want to come first, don't you
Think? Because being somebody's
Number one is the only
Thing that came to me
Thinking about what I want in life
The other night
And I know it's not right
To think like this
But if you've ever felt this way before
You'd know
There's no
Point in trying anymore.
everybody wants to rule everyone else's world.
Bekah Halle Jan 2
I wish I could find
the first poem I wrote...

[was it on paper
or deeper, on my heart;
unblemished hope?]

Were my poems
ever melodies?
Or were they just
internal remedies
to the thick,
sick, and cut off
parts in me?

Did I write limericks,
raps, or pick-up tricks?
Were they from my inner voice
or head, just strong?

Did I ever give them air
to breathe,
like a love song?

Is this why
I am now so prolific;
I would prize that poem long,
put it in a vault to deny
constant criticism from the system...

but then let its spirit float free for all eternity.
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