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Ian Robinson Feb 2019
It has been awhile
Since the last clash
I used to be just a child
And now that I can stop them
I choose to let the brash battles,
Like the ones at the bulge, push on

I'm not going to babysit adults
She stands and yells, he sits and antagonizes
It's aggravating and agonizing
They like to drop bombs
It's getting agitating to see such polar opposites
Especially over small things
Like the computer chair
Sorry I haven't been posting lately
دema flutter Feb 2019
Am I upset?
No, I don't think so.

I think the best way to describe how I feel towards you right now
is to buy a ******* useless vase, instead of adding it to the rest of your collection of useless stuff down in the basement, use it as a decoration, give it life and purpose and make a pretty flower grow in it, every now and then water it, clean the mess it makes, heck-- even take selfies with it. Next, I want you to unwillingly do the following:
put this vase on an ad on Craig's list, give it for free to someone who is on the same continuum of uselessness. Done? ok, now go break that ******* vase. What? You can't? It's not yours anymore? How does THAT feel? Do you feel upset? Angry? Confused? No, you feel helpless. Well now you know how your friendship feels like and what your friendship means. Not cool. We aren't cool. Don't make me break you, it won't fix you into becoming someone I need.
دema flutter Feb 2019
you make me mad,
out of mind,
you make me want
to lose my
**** over you, but
no thanks,
you aint **** anyways.
niqniq Nov 2018
Quiet household
They do not hear
Loud whispers
Harsh reminders
They very much feel

I have 14 tiny moles did you know
I can count
I count when they fight
I count when my mother couldn't
count on my father

We don't talk when we fix
We huff when we move
We hiss when one makes a sound

I tie the broken nylon guitar string
Just for fun
Around my neck
It hurts a bit but
This kind of pain is not as bad as
The one I'm trying to rid myself of

My sister tries to listen to them
My brothers distract themselves
I write these things
I hear my father yell


We'll be alright.
The precise date and time was when this event happened.
My family isn't perfect. I could tell you that we're dysfunctional and at times, especially during my earlier childhood years, abusive.
But we're trying.
Police man, officer Sam,
with a pen and a golden badge.
To fight him you're not match,
Mr. Police man, Officer Sam.

Police Man, Officer Sam,
is that a gun in your bruised hand?
Try and catch me if you can.

Please Ma'am,
hide me from the big old man,
can you hear him yourself, Mr. Sam?
Arcassin B Oct 2018
by Arcassin Burnham

Trials and tribulations for relations in America where the higher class resides in cutting the checks,
Putting the past behind my back and running to the light of a better future all in debt,
To love and to hold while we rejoice a brand new day of peace on earth to follow up bliss,
If we all stick together and fight as one then it would actually be more better than this,

Picking fights and winning wars in this country is more like a mind to result in some treason,
You have no reason to be so **** ignorant while we're sinners signing all these agreements,
Tragedies will happen and mostly all planned , the systems rigged as destruction on the brink,
It is nothing than to be afraid of corruption as long you live and free think.
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