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We usually say
"step into the light"
when there's
nothing but night
But do we say
"step into the night"
when the light
is so bright
that it not only blinds
but burns out our eyes?

When extremist's
play their games
to blind our
sensitive eyes
it doesn't matter
if they're using
darkness or light

It's all the same
if you're snowblind
or just left alone
in the dark
Whether it's
viral or bacterial
it's still an infection

Feeling our way
in the heavy black air
too thick to breathe
Fumbling around
in the light gray air
too thin to breathe

Caught in the loop of
groping the walls of our
minds in twilight
Struggling to refocus
in moonlight
Then so exhausted
by daybreak
that we sleep it all off
until dusk

Too much darkness
Too much light
Too much cold
Too much heat
Too much pleasure
Too much pain
Too much sunshine
Too much rain
You can have too little
or too much of anything.
©2025 Daniel Irwin Tucker
Skyler M May 2022
It's funny you think heaven will let you in,
When all you've done is blame the sin,
Did He never say, "Love Thy Neighbor"?
I beg of you to do me one little favor.

Pull out your wholly rotten teeth,
Cut off your boot-licking tongue,
Cram your throat full with holy script,
And stitch up your quivering God-fearing lips.

Take just one swing, fellow sinner,
It'll just give me another good excuse,
With a few good kicks, I'll curb-stomp you,
Straight to Hell 'cause you burnt my fuse.

Pull out your wholly rotten teeth,
Cut off your boot-licking tongue,
Cram your throat full with holy script,
And stitch up your quivering God-fearing lips.

I don't fear your guns,
I just fear for you,
No, I don't fear your guns,
I'll count to three, we'll have some fun.
For legal reasons: I won't be doing any of the violent acts described above. ;)
Alan S Bailey Jan 2016
I am glad that you have a belief.
I am glad that you must always believe.
I am glad that you speak of it as guaranteed fact.
I am glad that you put this "fact" on various billboards.
I am glad that you will "live forever," one well worn past.
I am glad that you have a unique brand of faith-based words.

But you can not make me be able to "see."
But you can not make me feel I need to be "aware."
But you can not make me understand it as fact alone.
But you will not make me enjoy seeing it everywhere.
But you will not make my speech echo it's ideals.
But you can not take away my unique brand of my own.

And you can never break me, whether with "kindness" or "cruelty,"
No matter the guilt trip, I will hold on to what I want to believe.
Alan S Bailey Oct 2015
Amidst all of the tears you have imparted
Lie the truths behind your "need" for vengeance
Before you've even taken wounds from others
You steal up space to supposedly mend them.

Vanishing into the thick smoke, none can see how
You hide from them all and create a boundary,
An unseen space that somehow affords what you
Said you need, you succeeded. Lick the wounds that
Are self-inflicted that you have taken, shutting
The door in my face...*

When I have exactly what you always needed.
Alan S Bailey Mar 2015
Father, I have a confession, I admit I smoke one joint weekly,
Father I have a confession, I admit I think about having of ***,
Father I have a confession, I admit I question authority,
Father I have a confession, I admit I sometimes write improper text,
Father I have a confession, I admit to being wild at my bachelor party,
Father I have a confession, I admit to being by myself when I'm alone,
Father I have a confession, I admit I have partied hard at the fraternity,

Father I have a confession...that I confess to you things I wouldn't
Need to confess to any stranger, and I don't even know you like this
At all, and how do I know FOR SURE that this is all confidential?

Right...I get it...YOU JUST DO...sorry, whatever, my bad!
Still this is the creepiest confessional that I have ever had.
Oh of course, anything goes for God...! What a bunch of strangers, still.

— The End —