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harounmf May 2015
The buildings were empty
the streets were quiet
those monsters were deadly
I hope that they're on a diet
I gathered my courage, I walked through the door
just when that monster jumped through the floor
can you guess what the poem is about
madeline b Jan 2015
It was maybe 9 o'clock if not 10 when you called me
"What's your address?"
An hour later, I jumped into your arms as you walked down my street in the dark as the street light was shining on us
Those moments where my happiest
When I got to kiss your lips
When I got to hold your hand
When you rubbed my back and laughed with me
But not days later;
When you called me at 11:30 and told me what you had to get off your chest
"It was bothering me, but I still want you in my life"
"I still enjoy your company"
And in those moments all I could say we're two words,
"It's fine"
When really
My heart ached and I felt lost
I caught on too early and I lost you too soon
And now, all we will do is see
If you'll ever call again
And we'll see next week
Maybe the next
Cause for ***** sake
We all know I'll watch my phone in hopes you'll call.

elouazzani kenza Oct 2014
My heart is a deserted island, lost in a big ocean.
Melanie Kate Aug 2014
You fed my dreams, like a needle feeds my pain, through my broken veins:
A silver bullet to my heart, your lies ripping me apart.

When I turned, looking for your burned,
bruised, broken words, in a noisy world,
I found silent screams...
same as when I'm waking from bad dreams...

Except when I called for you, you ran.
And when I waited,
my patience lashed, ripping the seems of my skin;
until my love bled out, like it had never been.

                                       You just keep walking. I'll stay. Plant my skin. Water it with this blood. I'll grow. And, I'll love.
                                        Maybe someday you'll see me. And, maybe someday I won't feel, you.
(c) MKD 2014
Sarah Michelle Aug 2014
Wine is dry at Contessa's party.

Liquor gives it a merciful taste.
                        A little salt
(draw it from her body; it hangs
from her lashes)  adds to the universal
                                   Her sadness.

Deserta is Italian for "desert island".

Although I cannot put my devastation into words, I had found out about Robin Williams' death only several minutes after finishing this poem. Poetry itself can be my tribute, as his performance in "Dead Poets Society" inspired me to continue writing it when I was sure that I wouldn't.
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
left the soul deserted
a gamble didn't pay off
losing the heart to love again
Heliza Rose May 2014
One morning,a little bird chirped at my window
I opened it up to let this creature in.
It glided unto the pane,its onyx eyes shinning bright
It began singing a song that could make a harp stop and listen.
Its tone wore a coat of gold
And its harmony had the tenderness of a dozen wind chimes.
I listened intently at this bird with its sunset coloured feathers.

I translated its song and this was what I heard:

'Far and wide,I came back and forth to this window.But now I'll stay,I'll stay'

Its song was a promise that it would be by my side,through my pain,tears and heartbreaks.

But as bread crumbs flew from another window,
It flew away

— The End —