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To my soul, aspire to be immortal
& exhaust all things possible, be
selfish & ruin death of it’s act.
To the soul find out what makes
existence worth the trouble.
But my soul, dare not become
a God nor muse.
Hanging at the cross

Prayers untold

Offerings to a master unknown

They call him the Messiah

Saviour of all

King of many

His stories had being foretold

Rolling down a passage for the heavenly

Written by Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
This poem talks about the belief of some people in a supreme being.
Anais Vionet Nov 2020
Yesterday, I saw a NASA announcement.
it said they found “Unambiguous”
water on the moon.

I had just finished my morning walk
and frankly, that sounded delicious
and refreshing.

So, I went to Amazon and searched.
I couldn’t find ANY reference to
“Unambiguous moon water” at ALL.

How ridiculous, I mean, why go
and ADVERTISE something that
We can’t get on AMAZON??

*** people. This is AMERICA.
Ok, this is a humorous poke at expectations, in our impatient, now-culture. Come ON - I'm not quite THAT clueless  =]
Kevin Nov 2020
Children wasted in the educational facility of emptiness.
Educators preach to the untouchable.
Children untended left to defend from the imaginable.
The perverted wait to execute the unspeakable.

Children destroyed through single acts of senseless violence.
Childhoods erased, reborn to the adulthood of anguish.
Innocence vanquished to a forever sea of suffering,
Never to re-claim what the malicious have taken in silence.

Children weep in torment as their scars forever remain;
****** intentions embrace their desires:
They will search for vengeance against their aggressors,
With murderous memories, to reclaim what the wicked acquired.

The twisted remain to prey upon our communities
Without consequence for their acts of morbid sickness;
They prowl, inflicting with transgressions:
No reflection for their intentions of wickedness.

Magistrates protect the incomprehensible.
The innocent, silenced by the legal voice of recklessness.
No righteous resurrection from the fatalities of transgressions.
Children mourn with murderous abandonment.

All the while children cry and die every day!
Zywa Nov 2020
We have built brick walls

facing south and we sprinkle:

water becomes wine.
Growing vines against a sun-heated wall

Collection "Mastress"
Kevin Nov 2020
Born into a world of deception,
Embraced in a life of abuse,
Tormented by a state of abandonment,
Betrayed by parents of youth.

Destroyed by words of profanities,
Tortured without excuse,
Alone in a house of misery:
Torn, battered, and confused.

Compelled to a life of insignificance
With their endeavors never seen,
Their family — a false reality,
Alone with only their dreams.

Assaulted with no explanation
By parents who destroy with their hands;
A child bruised and broken
Can only dream of oceans and sands.

Alone in a world with no one,
Their voice never heard nor seen,
Locked in a room of obscurities,
Waiting for death to set them free.

Violence speaks to this child
With no escape to be seen.
Alone in this house of tragedy:
Withdrawn, suicidal, and unseen.

© 2020, K. Saitta
PE Scott Nov 2020
In the streets of Delhi advertised on every sign,
Is the British army’s need for you to buy buy buy.
It may cost your turban, your home your family, and the worn clothes.
But it’s for the greater good right? of the empire of them ‘s and those.

When you pass the gender and notice his cracked lips,
And coughing and dying son,
You feel sympathy as you would for anyone.
But you can parch him as your son cant starve too,
And that’s just the law of the untouchable that are below you.

Despite your status being not much better,
You walk a stranger to their leering eyes,
As you were the clean white sashes and ties,
But they don’t realise the shackles you are also in.
As the phrase goes that you see on all the ads.

“You can’t make your own confections,
You can’t save your own possessions,
You can’t even built out of your own wood,
Because for the good of the empire of the greater good,
You will serve to pay the fees that are higher than you can afford to do.”

When you think of that as you walk these deep streets you can’t help walking in a way of shame,
As you know you can’t blame these overlords,
But the submissions and laws of old,
That they stole and now uphold.
Never to be loss of my shackles,
I pass these streets, and go on to Mumbai for the next delivery meet.
The lies she tells
Ona whip lash of fairytales' cane
Pouring out miracles

Fortune teller of old
Seeing the way to canaanland
Lies she brings from the shrine

The leading of many
Perishing at thy hands
Calling to an orisha

Have you heard her words?
Following to her paths
Straight-narrowing to fantasy

Lights at the end
Unknown passage to relief
Upon hated of darkness

Look into the *** of life
Calling to an orisha
Answering from the other side
Upon hated of darkness

Written by Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
Blind Oracle talks about a certain people who believe in a particular prophet yet the prophet is deceiving them.
By his Majesty's foot stool
Tales never been told
A warrior's analogy
Imaging the blood of many

The battle of old
Modakeke it's passage
Crowning victory a renegade

Scars untold
Proportionate to the heartbeat of Ile-Ife
Setting Ooni's mantle
Bowing to Orunmila

Scavangers setting the pace
Awarding criminals the holy Cross
Anointing them for the book of life

Desertion of no return
They called it a treatise
Holding onto dissertation of old

Blood a signal of peace
Reminding hearts of tales unforgettable

Written by Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
There was a very long aged war between two places in Nigeria called Ile-Ife and Modakeke. This poem depicts the war that between these two places that went of for years claiming so many lives.
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