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Hebert Logerie Oct 2024
They consume hot dogs
Like you
But they don’t eat dogs
Never, ever
They do not eat cats
They do not eat pets
Never, never.

Immigrants eat wild boars, wild hogs
That’s hot Griot
They don’t eat rabbits
But they eat spicy Tassot
And of course, they eat hot dogs.

Haitians eat and drink Soup Joumou
Which contains vegetables and of course carrots
Haitian food
Is very, very good
Immigrants consume good meats
Like you.

Stop being racist
Stop being supremacist
Years ago, your ancestors used to eat dogs
Not immigrants, not West Indians
Not Haitians
Quit the hate
Think about your fate
On the final date
Immigrants eat fried wild hogs
Like zillion of Americans
Who love apple pies
Stop the lies, stop all the lies.

Copyright © October 2024, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of numerous collections of poetry.
MetaVerse Jul 2024
How doth the little chupacabra
     Improve his lizard scales.
Abracadabra and candelabra,
     He showers when it hails.

His favorite thing to do is eat:
     His favorite food is goat.
Salut, salut et bon appètit,
     His favorite part's the throat.

Females, the locus of his focus,
     Attract him and repel him.
Harum scarum and hocus pocus,
     They spurn him when they smell him.
MetaVerse Jul 2024
are °•●○dləs
and ○°•●dles
of n●°○•dləs,

Mark Toney Nov 2019
Love of food!
Gourmet cuisine,
Foods imbued with life,
Food to live and die for!
“Best food possible”
11/11/2019 - Poetry form: Yalto - Created by international poet Edward Ibeh - 15 lines, syllable scheme per line: 3, 4, 2, 4, 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 1, 5 - Final line quote from the book, The Physiology of Taste, by the 18th century French lawyer, politician and gourmet, Brillat-Savarin: "Gastronomy is the knowledge and understanding of all that relates to man as he eats. Its purpose is to ensure the conservation of men, using the best food possible." - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
Caroline Sep 2019
Silhouette espiègle, sors de mes pensées
Retourne aux comptoirs et couteaux affilés

Prépare les assiettes les plus sublimes
Décorées d’or, de boutons de capucines

Saupoudrées de magie. L’odeur ensorcelle
Les papilles de tes gastronomiques fidèles

Qui t’ont fait oublier l’amour depuis avril
Sens-tu la bise de septembre fébrile?

(T’ennuies-tu toujours de moi?)
Caia Halmas Jun 2018
When looking for people,
you'll always find food.
So look for food,
and you'll find friends.
Cause that's how it always ends :
with good food on their hands,
a table surrounded by friends.
I hope you're enjoying a nice juicy whole roasted pig wherever you are mister Anthony Bourdain. You will be missed. This little ridiculous poem I just improvised obviously doesn't convey the amazing legacy you left behind, nor the incredible person you were. Thank you for sharing your adventures with the rest of the world : they've always been truly inspiring.
Eriko Nov 2016
stretched, widening grins
plastered in red lipstick
and a smirk beloved
clapping heels and twirling skirts.

spilling red wine soaked into cloth
oozing smell of a cheeses and wood,
of cobblestone streets and cracking walls,

laughter, trickling down the brisk night air
the alleyway tight and sparkling,
the night alive with an affair
between moon and cuisine,
between human and love
Pauline Morris May 2016
Sit right down let me tell you what we serve
You might think it quite absurd
But we only have just one dish
And it might even be what you wish

But apathy is our only course
I hope that is your choice
It's very easy to prepare
And everybody can have their share
If you don't like it we don't care

Empathy use to be our greatest cuisine
It really was quite supreme
But serving it was such a pain
And to admit it we are all just to vain
It took to much time
And it didn't pay a dime
We had to layer in the flavors
Of truly caring, love, patience, and of course life savers

Who has time for all of that, not us
We don't need all the fuss
For we only care about our own
To care about strangers we're not prone
Your tears we care nothing about
So just sit over there and pout

For we only serve one thing here.......apathy
We are to self-absorbed for.......empathy
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