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Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
As I stare at blank sheets
To jot down my thoughts
Realize how alone I feel
Only friends are vacant lots

These restraints tighten around my words
Keeping in place
Long to leave their chamber
They're running out of space

I really want company
Singing solo to an empty room
The cage known as my conciousness
Lyrics of honest emotion attempt to bloom

Remembering yet unable to manifest
Moments sliding around mind
My suffering festers in seething sores
Until despair is finally defined
About having writers block when you really need to express something a certain way and you cant find the right words
Ayodeji Oje Apr 2020
Paper pen thought
Thought pen paper
Paper thought pen
Pen paper thought
Pen thought paper
Thought paper pen
One of the lines could be your flow pattern
The Architect Apr 2020
I who ponder my own guilt,
am ecstatic when I am uncertain,
Euphoria brings a sense of discomfort,
so up until now,
I made excuses not to feel it.

Discomfort of creative freedom will become comfort if it has a purpose,
I've got so used to feeling nothing,
my heart beating so energetically seems like an illusion.

A change of heart is what frightens me,
how will I overcome the elimination of stillness in my days,
Time will pass,
and I mustn't regret anything,
Soenjoy the blessings given by the present moment.
Written 15/01/2020
Timothy Apr 2020
They say our freedom has been stripped away
The limitations on our life increasing by the day  
Isolation, the word weighs heavy on the heart
Perspective, could this be your new start?

A century before, most enslaved in war
Freedom, it could only have been hoped for
Pray for those enslaved in this battle of the ages
Let’s close our doors with a smile, for hope is contagious
Dez Apr 2020
When my lids are heavy I do write
For that is when creativity is at it’s hight!

When dreams run wild
And I am as free as a child!

When waking is hard to keep
And all others are asleep.

When the sun is down
And all is quite in the town

When the Moon is up
And I think about my screwups

When the night begins
And my mind spins

When my lids are heavy I do write
For that is when creativity is at it’s hight!
Jennifer Mar 2020
a spark, then a flame,
blue and dithering
kindled by scraps
of musings
scribbled by a roused hand -

mind, where did you go?
are you lost somewhere, encased
in a glass bottle, uncertain?
you have left me vacant,
easy, thoughtless.

abandoned as a smouldering
flake of ash, fluent on a breeze of
doubtful wonderment:
may i once more catch aflame?
i am hopeful:

that flittering fire grows
ever warmer, and in the flames
i scry those musings, fluttering.
ashes are borne to the air,
each pregnant with a flame

with the capacity of fire.
Dez Mar 2020
Words words words
All I have is words
they flow
and go
to no one knows where
Oh how I fear
Oh how I tremble
Then of a sudden
a new sensation does **** in
Maybe love
Maybe just the thought of a dove
It is troubling to be in a state of flux
Where you are lost, it truly *****!
Lost in a world of words
And endless imagination
Have you been in such a state
Passion does over come
Have you been called dumb?
But for what
For stuttering over words like “but”
Twisted in mind
I see many kinds
I insert them in wrong places
And take others out when they are right on the pages
What, you do ask, am I describing?
Or have you already considered me disturbing
For you can not track the motion of this rhyming?      
Well if I can let me explain what you’ve read
my head.

Now tell me where this has lead?
Didn't really know where this one would lead just started writing and five minutes go by and this is what I am reading.
Glenn Currier Mar 2020
I’m tired
my body seems to be telling me
to go to bed and sleep
but I know I couldn’t,
for this poem is lurking inside
and won’t be denied
as much as I try.

Can poems be found in the tired
in the brain of one who’s wired
to look here and there and everywhere
like the bird perched atop the chair
in the backyard, its head swiveling to and fro
watching for cats or humans or hawks flying low?

I guess I shall see if there is a poem taking flight
here and now teasing twilight
will it swoop and settle in my mind
will my muse become archly inclined?
Or maybe I’ll dwell on that attentive bird
and in that dwelling find the words
and take a lesson from the throat of its being
breaking forth in its flight or its singing.

Is there a verse down there I’ve been saving
while the sapling Tallow is waving
saying goodbye to the dying day
dancing the wind in ***** ballet.
Is there a line
in the recesses of time
between vital concerns
and issues that burn?

I hear the cello’s refrain
playing nearby in mournful bane
it takes me back to practicing Strauss
on the piano, filling our house
with dissonance and verve
getting on my mom’s last nerve.
But oh how music flourished and reigned -
the joy in my soul could not be contained.

Thinking of what music has meant to me
and composed in me a sweet symphony
brings me alive here in this sacred space
replaces fatigue with energy and grace.
I stayed here long enough to find
these wisps of memory and rhyme
that so often provide the spark
to lift and fly me out of the dark.
Written April, 2018
Clay Face Mar 2020
What is loved,
now is cumbersome to engage.

Some sort of lethargy resists my path.
Reaching a state of catharsis is draining now.

Not emotionally but physically.

Stuck in this house, with no way out.
Quarantined from a virus.
But I’ve come down with one that leaches my creativity.

Writing this poem is hard. It feels plastic.
Even though I’m writing clear what’s so elastic.

It stretches around me so true,
But when I speak it, it lies and makes me blue.

I need freedom to return to my soul.
And an inoculate to cleanse it of this toll.

These two ailments leave me,
Chained and restrained.
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