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NagelNights Jul 2016
Where does it hurt? They ask.
How badly does it hurt? They ask.
What type of pain is it? They ask.
When does it hurt? They ask.
I’m silent.

Where does it hurt? I repeat.
What do you mean? I answer.
Today? Right now?
In General?
By the quadrant of my body?
Aching pains first?
Throbbing pains second?
How about pins and needles?
Should I prioritize?
I speak.

It’s here, I say.
And here.
And here.
And here.
It’s all the time.
It’s constant.
It’s every moment.
And please, I say,
Help me.
I beg.

They brush me off.
I’m not dying.
I will not die.
I have to repeat it to myself.
Because it feels an awful lot like death.
But I am chronically ill.
Ill, but not dying.
The doctors don’t listen,
It hurts! I said.
But I’m not dying.
I cry.
LoveLy Feb 2016
It's becoming obvious that the thing I had thought I had tucked away was only playing a bigger game. It was when I thought to jump off the local bridge when I realized it was back and that shook every broken peice of me. I wanted to love "him" so bad but now the monster has made his name a bitter taste in my mouth. My depression makes me replay every mistake  I made with him a thousands time before it reminds me how pathetic of a person I am. There has never been an escape for me. I'm so sick of feeling alone and worthless. Alone and worthless...I was free.
Elizabeth Jan 2016
The joint in your hand quaked
Under the pressure of your diagnosis,
Its flame slipping into the air,
While your last puff trickled into left lung.
At first you smoked for depression.
Now it was a cry to God,
A beg for mercy from lifeless feet,
A trip down a flight or two of stairs,
A fall in the shower.

I didn't know how you would walk again without your toes
But I learned your condition is a silent killer -
it started with the smallest flakes of skin,
As Satan lit an accurate match to singe your nerves.

You told me you had MS
And I didn't know why your breaths became frantic,
Or your tears screaming.
"Mean spirited",
"Mouthy sister",
Was what I told my friends.
God was playing jump rope with his spinal cord.
Multiple sclerosis didn't roll off my tongue so quickly,
first attempts were stutters at best -
I had to grow up first.
And while I was lying about your health
You were in agony over your grandmother,
Dead for five years on a stained hospital sheet.

In the end she begged for death,
And we have years to go.
Y Rada Nov 2015
Fear of
Fear of
Fear of
Basically just
Y Rada Oct 2015
I know when life abandoned me
When dreams and the future slipped away
When the joy and freedom died

I exactly know the time when fear called
When confusion clouded my eyes
When loath lived in my heart

I know when hope and despair united
When tears fell nightly of shame
When love is just another word

The moment when secrets are revealed
The cure of it is nowhere to be found
When I found out of my chronic illness
Some days just feel like
They aren't worth the breath........
Constantly praying,
hoping for strength
Super cape on
Doing my best
But I'm called to the window
Lost in the stress
Thinking I'll fly
Finally at rest
Cause the thought of the darkness
Has me obsessed
Numb on the concrete
Cold to the rest
Flashbacks and spiraling
One last test
Hold on for the sirens
Give in to the light

Someone says mommy
And my head gets right
No flying from windows
Who would I be?
The mother who jumped?
They wouldn't understand me...
And I'd be the one
Who lost in the end
Every moment
They'd have to pretend
They'd have to light candles
In memory of me
But then what kind of mother
What kind
Would I be

So I hit my tea like some hit *******
I crochet anger away
And the pain
I take off the cape
And just give them plain me
Knowing I'm faulted and bruised
Like the sea
Calm but a force
Destructive but life
I give them their mommy
In spite of my strife.....

Loving them

TinyATuin Sep 2015
One Two Three Four;
Every morning, every day:
White White Yellow Gray,
Good girl,
swallow all of them.

At midday
pale and bright.
Don't forget your coin of life.

One Two Three Four;*
Every evening, every day:
White White Yellow Gray,
All my life
until i die.
Nikita May 2015
In another life I swear I would've been a chronic drug addict
I don't do drugs but if it weren't for my supportive best friend and my fear of needle, pills and hallucinations I'd be so hooked
She screamed her lover's name
begging Him to set her free,
Oh and Jesus took her home when He heard her call.
Smoke and fire
and ash and tears they disappeared for Joan.
The fire raged to find another living home.

It found it's home inside of me
Oh but the flames have learned  to not be seen
And I call His name to  rescue me
                     doesn't hear me.

What if I 'd had a vision
Led an army off to war
Would you list to my cries then
Would you settle up the score?

See I'm just woman
Nothing beautiful to see
Jesus tell me what the difference is
between Joan of Arc
I find and lose my faith over and over. She burned and fire consumed her, my fire is inside. It's taking my life slowly. Her last word was "Jesus" and he set her free. I cry out but he doesn't hear me, that's the difference.
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