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Emily Mitchell Feb 2020
Pale petals whisper
Spring's cool timid fingertips
Brush by tenderly.
I love cherry blossoms,  there are 2 big cherry trees right next to the restaurant where I work... every spring they tickle everyone with petals... the only trouble is the fallen ones get tracked everywhere and we have to sweep them up hahaha are there really hard to sweep up because they just curl and roll...
Daniel Magner Jan 2020
Petals flurried in the wind,
gusts rushing white clouds.
A final hoo-rah,
a perfect storm
before bare branches.

We sit and watch,
petals in our hair,
mischievous tendrils of air whipping.
We sit and watch
with wonder, this blessing,

yet we forget our own.
Daniel Magner 2020
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
Im back
Eating chocolate cheetos on your couch
I'm here
To invade
Your happy ending like the villan I've always been
But what
Are you gonna do
Cuz I'm never leaving you alone again
I'm here
I'm hurt
Get ready to sin
I'm trying so hard to be confident and cool and blah blah blah but FRIKIN FRIK that hurt
Mark Toney Oct 2019
Yoshino cherry tree, blossoms glistening in the sun
Most vibrant display of white-pink blossoms, with faint almond fragrance
Delightful moment, overcome by a massive sneeze attack
10/15/2019 - Poetry form: Sijo - A Sijo is a type of poem that has three lines containing fourteen to sixteen lines each. The Sijo is a poem of Korean descent where each line of the poem having its own role. The first line is used in order to introduce the theme or topic of the poem. In the second line is meant to delve deeper, give more information about the theme that was introduced in the first line. It's meant to change or agree with and give detail on what the poem is about. The last line of a Sijo poem is the conclusion line. It takes the information from the second line about the topic from the first line and ends it in a way that is both beautiful and satisfying, or challenging depending on the poet. The ending line is not meant to be predictable, in fact, it's meant to twist what you know so that it is unexpected and enjoyable. A Sijo was originally meant to be sung so each line should have its own natural break. - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
Ju Temo Oct 2019
After the rain the fills the ***
And leaks out the side
At the last drop down the roof
Even when the wood is wet,
I’ll leave.

The freshness of the day,
Can’t match the lightness in my heart,
It’s biking past the bridges,
Pushing past the grass in the stream,

Soaring down the hills,
That pour out from the purple sunset,
Hanging down cherry blossoms’
Open hands reaching out to every path.

The train has yet to come,
But the heat already settled,
Cooled by the sun far back,
Windows mirrored in its light,
Peppered a village under me,

Going through all its tall corners,
The rails build themselves above me,
As I run past every shop,
My reflection follows along on the ride
Ju Temo' is a freelance poet that is inspired by songwriting.
All other poems can be seen at:
Anastasia Sep 2019
red roses
and tulips
in your hair
on mine
a day
like this
in the air
on my waist
cherry taste
this love
of mine
by crimson twine
blood drips
from tiny ******
sharp thorns
with ruby tips
with all of my being, i love him
Starry Aug 2019
As me and my friend
Drive slowly in
An orchard I am overwhelmed by
The snow like blossoms and the
Pleasant smile
How I wish I was a butterfly
Or a bee.
onlylovepoetry Aug 2019
the cherry blossom accord/equation

”perfumers use aromachemicals to recreate a cherry blossom accord...(an accord is a scent made up of individual aromachemicals, that when combined, create a harmonious blend where none of the individual ingredients are able to be detected on their own).”

the odor of our lustful eyes,

the sweat, a unique commingling,
a sheen of salted oils body bathing,

crushed green petals of peaches,
crumbled together with the softy fuzz shavings,
the sediment of aromatic fruit juices drippings

our blending bottled in our brains,
none other would recognize but we,
to too two smell each other through and over
floors, concourses, cities, disparate distances

our ingredients secreted (secret),
our flavors cell secreted (secreting)
the world’s silly tittering aroma inserted,
our sparking fingertips touching
add a bush burning burnt odiferous

we seat across from each other in an airport
plastic restaraunt and everyone asks out loudly,
what is that smell, feed me that, taste me that,
as we are irradiating the atmosphere,
as we renegotiate our cherry blossom accord,
fresh signatures, updated, harmony of harmonies, notarized

she smiles, I joke, winking,
we must continue
to meet like this,
the fireworks of we,
of us,
to-gather to-gether,
a getting of giving,
she answers:

take me home and
bathe me in love,
give our bodies shelter
from the world outside,
beside a new spice
have I uncovered,
this will require some
the quantity to be added,
the when, and the how!

what is this new ingredient?
asking puzzled and aroused,
she laughs
(a spice already included),
why it’s called
only love poetry

8/23/19 4:55pm
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