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Taylor Apr 2019
Am I enough
Surely I ponder
It doesn't seem to be
Another layer of makeup applied
Another drink from the bottle
Different relationship this week
Drowning my troubles in things
All of this I ponder down to the depths
Am I enough?
I don't rightly know
I look up at the woman
Ma'am I don't know
Been thinking this is a quick write sorry if it's bad enjoy!
Mitch Prax Apr 2019
Most of the time,
I am too afraid
and too in awe
to ask myself
how I found you.
Alek Mielnikow Apr 2019
The little girl’s arm was just long enough to touch the top of the lake. She lay at the end of the pier on her stomach, with one arm and her head floating over the edge. Both feet kicked the air in a steady rhythm. She tapped that same rhythm onto the water, one finger at a time.


The Payne’s gray sky cast a languor over her town, and soon she would be called back inside.

Why was this Friday afternoon so boring?

Within the dark drum in front of her, she saw a glowing fish radiating an orange luminescence. She beamed a smile and waved at the tiny creature.

It swam away. She pouted a tut, but bowed her frown, aware of the wistful fated nature of all things.

She stood up to leave, but before turning she spotted the fish again, in its mighty illumination. She smiled and waved, and as she did the entire lake lit up in a cauldron of flaming fish. They swam around, an oil painting alive right before her eyes. Her hands came up to her wowed cheeks as she laughed with euphoric glee.

And as soon as it had come it went, and only the one gleaming fish remained.

The little girl said thanks, and the fish departed.

by Aleksander Mielnikow
Living organisms that illuminate are considered bioluminescent, and it's a fascinating phenomenon. Though glowing fish are more often found in the ocean than in lakes, and they surely don't communicate with little girls... or do they?

If you liked this poem, you'll probably also like "Giggles" and "Dear Daughter of Mine."
Em MacKenzie Mar 2019
Please tell me all your secrets,
I’ll listen so very intensely,
I know I could never beat this;
intrigue consumes me so immensely.
Tell me all your little stories
from your birth until today,
I swear there’s so much there for me,
not one is boring regardless of what you say.

I’m an aspiring archeologist
wishing to discover your bones
I’ll take detailed notes in a list,
from the gravel to the stones.
I’ll dig as deep as you permit,
carefully brushing away the dust,
gently admiring bit by bit,
proving I’m someone you can trust.

Please tell me all the thoughts in your head,
the ones before you sleep and while awake.
A novel that’s new each time I’ve read,
each detail I’ll comb and rake.
Speak every word that comes to mind,
I crave to step inside your brain,
I know there’s hidden corners for me to find,
and so much understanding left to gain.

I’m an aspiring architect
wishing to build you to the sky,
every support beam I’ll personally inspect,
protecting any damage low or high.
I’ll construct only to your designs
ensuring you’ll never break and never bust,
producing the math and drawing the lines,
to prove you’ll be the only thing to never rust.

Please tell me all your deepest fears
so I can prepare myself to stand toe to toe,
the ones that cause sleepless nights and tears,
those are my one and only foe.
Tell me about the world you see,
how it looks through your bright eyes,
so I can express it creatively,
and paint you the perfect skies.

I’m an aspiring starving artist
wishing to illustrate every aspect of you,
you can criticize and say I’m blinded by the mist,
but every poem and portrait will be true.
There’s no explaining this pure bliss,
but I’ll make up new words and colours if I must,
as you’re the only thing that I ever miss,
proving this is love not just lust.
emru Mar 2019
No luck with love
I'll admit it.

I commit and dive in,
sort of stuck.

All in or not at all,
that's my premise.

Awe-struck always,
if it's not working.
Maelynn Mar 2019
My heart is full of unwritten songs
That echo
From long ago;
I seek them out with a pen and ink
But where they come from
I may never know.

Twisting lullabies
A melancholy heart,
I sit here and I sigh;
A beauty so bittersweet
Deserves a better vessel than I.
Hilla254 Feb 2019
It was hard to be man
Never had a inclusive guide
Life's exclusive hand out manual
I lived by my rules
If you heard my thoughts
By day and night
You know it all
You know i really liked her
I would gift the world to her
The stars and the moon too
Though they belong to you
And the ups and downs
Turned me upside down
Mom Said they were there
To make us strong
But sometimes the downs
Were stronger
Thought of cursing life
Under my breath
If it would end the pain, end it all
But the will to live
Always won.
A gun on my head, my hand's shaking though i was the one holding it, end of simulation i couldn't do it
I went to the canyon
To see the sights
To read the writes
To meet the heights
The heights were high
The lows were right
But something didn’t click

The tears didn’t run
The breath wasn’t taken
Yeah it was cool but I’m not mistaken
I wanted to be blown off that cliff
But the wind fell short, the air was stiff

Never have I met my sense of awe
I hope we’ll meet someday
I’m holding out hope that I find my strike
That I’ll be blown away
I was trying a new style with this one. It’s more rhyme oriented. This one might seem stiff but I’ll get more comfortable with it. I want to diversity my poetry a little bit.
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