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Sally Apr 2018
He was the brightest light that I ever known.
Warm, powerful and full of passion.
We bonded over our love for physics,
Little did I know that the forces of gravity were at work.
Pulling us together like 'fate' was written in the stars.
I couldn't stand to be apart from him.
When he smiled at me, and said 'I love you'.
I knew that he was the one.
Through every lifetime,
On every alternate universe.
Aries, I would love you until time and space dissipated.
Death may separate us, but in my heart - you are immortal.
I am forever yours.
- Libra.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
A perfect beauty

A perfect beauty could be different beneath the skin.
They may be beautiful on the outside,
But dark secrets may be hidden underneath.
The person we desire could be blinding us from their faults;
The lover we require may be a detached love so far away from us.

In silence we remain alone;
In voice we give birth to love.
Without a love of our own,
We remain less than we should have become.

We have to see past lust
And delve deep under to find love;
Because a love built solely on lust,
Will crumble and become lost.

If we remain true to love and do not just accept anyone;
We will find what we need, if we are lucky enough to find the one.
The words have already told us,
That love is everything that we need.
So stay faithful to your faith in love
And you will find your real love, eventually.

Obsessing over beauty will only leave us so sad;
We may miss out on love, for them and they may never know.
If you think they are the one,
But then you see the flaws they never had;
You will regret what you did or didn’t do and you will end up alone.

Be open to love, for every love is a gift;
Do not take anyone for granted, or they will soon be gone.
Throw your arms around love; do not let it be missed,
Because you cannot change what you have already done
And if they really are so perfect, then why are they alone?

A flawed beauty is what we should desire;
A painful past will bring you closer together.
A love full of lust burns the brightest fire;
A lust without love, will never last forever.

Being honest to love is not such a risk,
When you compare it to being honest with only lust.
Love will protect you every hour, in every kiss;
But with each lover, you wear away love and away goes the trust.

In stars we search for understanding, for meaning and for sight;
In songs we find understanding, true meaning and insight.
In marriage we become new beings, living a whole new life.
A beauty without flaws is called perfection; it is also a lie.

Seek what you want and accept what you will;
Profit where you may and put your trust in who you want.
Desire all you can have and let no tear ever be wrongfully spilled;
Live for lust, or lust for love;
Live for love and you will find that you are now at one with the one.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Mel Kay Apr 2018
Perhaps you and I are an eclipse
and our life spans are the time before and after it. As to make sure it only happens once.

And we will glance at one another for a long moment before our fingertips slip through the space between our hands like desert sand.

One last time I will tell you how the stars were always just the light in your eyes, shining through the cracks in my bedroom ceiling and I was merely the darkness inside the room.

If I could stand on my tippy-toes, the way you like it, I would lasso planet HAT-P-7b and place it in your chest between those stars that made you.

But you will vanish from my sight and take my universe with you. And I, spacebound, will travel another 7 years into the next lifetime to find your arms around me in the morning.

Even if our next eclipse lasts only 7 minutes and 31 seconds.
if you like astronomy you will know why that planet is so special. ***
Brendan Roher Mar 2018
Fainting desperately into nothing
I found my something
Aboard a train cross-country
But I was surely running
Away from myself and that horrible reality I realized
Triangles and circles
Spelling out my future before my eyes
Like a puzzle I did not have to decide-
The pieces fell into place
In their own pace
Handless mindless motions
Mona Lisa smiled at me
All astrology gazed down for me
Finding me on my righteous path to glory
And the moon willed itself
As my godmother
It’s true ancestor, gleaming
Heart outstandingly beating
I, it’s horrible hot-minded child-
Only a teen, yet it knew me all at once
And accepted me
For who I really was.
My past rewrote itself
My present formed:
No tears, no mistakes
The world helped me find my rightful place
Amongst all the other familiar faces
I could see myself in a crowd of millions, billions
Differentiable at long last
Even better, if only I could find that one person to hold tight
And taint with my loving grasp.
rin Mar 2018

Castor and Pollux
joined forever at the hip.
I could split myself
into two halves just
so they could each get a taste.
I will etch into
both their ribs and lungs
so when they exhale, it’s my
name that warms their breath.


I have done nothing
but consult oracles to
find a solution
and like Oedipus
I will sit here on my throne
to repeat fathers'
sins. Dear God, am I
the miasma that reeks here?
Would I change, if so?


Eros and Psyche
have yet to match us, dear boys.
In confessional,
I speak of the flesh-
bruised like rotting fruit, marks
of desperate youth.
Heads bowed in prayer,
this is Dionysiac
ritual madness.


Will Hades greet me?
If I spit coins from my mouth,
will the ferryman
take pity on me?
He must know my odyssey.
This is déjà vu,
a fable passed down
by generations. A hymn,
Homeric and worn.


Adonis river
runs red like veins filled with blood.
The anemones
for my two brothers,
a crown for each of them to  
decorate their heads
before guts are spilled.
I know this will end in war,
no glory for me.


Heroes never die,
they say. So was Heracles
jealous of Linus?
To know forever,
to escape the throes of death
sounds like Hell to me.
What lives on except
curses and their tragedy?
I am no hero.


I will take my fire,
let it blaze until I die.
Prometheus would
have been proud of me.
Maybe from this, I will kindle
something from the heat:
Write poems in ash,
for the ones I have scalded,
or the ones I love.

(Maybe those two things
are not unlike after all.
Maybe so, maybe not.)
SeaChel Feb 2018
I thought I caught

the most prized fish;

breathtaking, rare, and all mine.

It was all a deception,

for what I actually got

was a slimy, ephemeral eel.
I know many wonderful Pisces, so not dissing on all those under the sign in any way <3
Bee Feb 2018
I would re-name the planets after galaxies in your eyes.
The stars finally know what it feels like to burn with envy.
There are constellations tracing the soft skin of your back.
Following dips and curves, I would draw maps with *******
of everything that matters.

Freshman science taught us about untouched miracles;
and just like that-
the ultraviolet cosmic phenomenon
fixed us to spiral arms in far-away planetary
nebulas, like the ringed Cat’s Eye.

The milky skies whispered
so that only we could hear,
"Heaven's dust will fall"
You feared last night you could hear the earth
cracking under the weight of the universe,

paralyzed with a crippling guilt
you'll only see the stars after they've died.
Neighboring nova would spectate
our telescopic wavelengths-
needing the prisms to reflect on

our kaleidoscope refractions.
No matter the efforts of a tangible spectrum,
one could never quite touch our frequency.
Between lazy and lively,
our whitecap love remained visibly invisible.  

Our infrared vessel to space, raced clusters of runaway stars
past post-distant intergalactic bodies,
shooting through beasts, astrologies, gods.
We window shopped stellar bursts of dust clouds
above our clouds, a gravity shelter.

Meteors became our faithful companions
glowing gassy flowers of dusty debris.
The pressure (we couldn’t touch) generates combustion;
atoms gazing psychedelic pinks, greens,
soothing tones of aquamarines.

Ever since then you've been the glittering
black hole, heaving me in.
The only thing I’m able to taste is  
the way your luminous Milky Way kiss
gives gifts of halos to terrestrial light rays.

But the flavor of your lips are the
battalions inspiring the star shining front lines-
Integrity a marathon taking laps
to the moon
to Pluto and back, the long way.

Blizzards of stars rewrite our language
in the moon beams,
guiding us past lost letters to Pluto.
How do you sleep among dancing stars
while the rest of the universe watches?

I made my home in your eyes
and you made your home in the sky.
AntoinetteBrandt Feb 2018
is it to late
to stop the sun
from setting
on its
really inspired by all the micro poetry on IG and WP lately.
meekah Feb 2018
i check my horoscope every hour
just in case
the planets decide to change their minds
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