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Shaylie Pryer Jan 2017
Advocate for the world around us,
We are the only things left,
to hear our voices heard,
but the throats of our souls left parched.
I can only sit back and bask in privilege,
while i'm encased in invisible shackles,
and the person to my right, chained to me as well but just blissfully unaware.

We are together in mind
a connection, but it is lost because there is no Wifi.
We are together physically
a presence, that is unseen because the daily zombie grind pushes on.
We are together spiritually,
a thread, that is closed because we don't see a human.

And as the veil stays while we sip our Starbucks latte,
could you imagine if the curtain fell?
The pain rushes forward, and a suffering of another is felt.
The world we have lived in isn't what we are living for,
but designed for us, and it hides the suffering in a department store.

The theatrics is over now,
It's time to close up the play, remove the backdrops and settings,
see each others life in a new way.
Pulling back the curtain to see more is a hard thing to grasp,
because you're pushed from your comfort zone,
to see who we truly are.
I have not written in over 5 months, this is the first piece. I may not have fully overcome my writers block, but I have created a small step forward.

I hope you like it.
I hear  your  words,  dear friend.
I hear your  pain
The  need for imancipaton.
I know that you are tired
im sorry
I wish  i could be there  to help you.
I wish i could be right by your side
Being the shoulder  you need to lean on.
I wish i could be whatever you need me to be
So i will be.
In any and every way i can

You are worth it to me
You are so much to me that i genuinely worry about you.
Im tired too.
Im tired of being forgotten.
Im tired of my thoughts being forbidden.
Believe  me,
i know
But trust me, I'm  here with you
for when you need me
And when you dont

I will stand with you because you would for me.
Please remember i am with  you.
This poem is for you.
Dont forget im here.
I always will be.
Hold on.
We're  in this together.
Though different situations,
Enough  is the same
For me to
**for you
Nick Moser Apr 2016
I'm the poster child for self hatred.

My calendar's constantly booked with things like "Sit and Hate Myself" and "Live Tweet How Terrible My Life Is."

I'm an advocate for not having enough self confidence.

I'm a member of the Missed Opportunity Club.

And next week I'm the keynote speaker at the "Nothing is Going Right in My Life and it Never Will" Conference.

And the worst part about all of this is:

I have all these accolades and you still won't notice me.......
Idk something sad about my life maybe..
This is for people who are "overweight"
Got up today,
made myself some breakfast.
Got in the shower
Looked at my body,
Saw what everyone else sees.
My belly is too big,
I tell myself
"I'm ugly"
I cry a little inside.
I put on my shirt
saw the XL on the tag.
I went to school,
watched people look at me.
Its not fair you know.
I am unable to exercise,
my asthma has almost taken my life from doing so
I wish people would see
my pants size represents my heart,
not your superiority.
If I wear a size 27,
my heart is 27,
and you where a size two.........
I wish people would look at my eyes,
not at my waist,
and look at who I am,
not what I  look like.
I am a great person,
I do not like being called fat.
Awesome ,
is who I am
I am not fat,
I am human.
Respect me.
Despite what you think,
I can kiss
I can love
I can feel
I am a person,
who has desires.
I am not fat,
I am a person.
No one is overweight.
That is not what maters.
People need to open their mind
before their mouth.
So many magazines exploit people,
society being the same.
People judge others
by what they look like.
That is so ******.
Love the person for who they are
and NOT by what they look like
I want to be a king,
just for one day.
I want to know what it feels like
to have all power
limitless power
I would force this thing you call abuse
into the corner it originated from.
I wish I could be the man of the hour
for one day
This time will be mine.
I will sit, finally being able to show my face.
I want to emerge from depression,
rise from the black water,
and come re-done,
not undone
I wish I could lead.
I would give the peasants a life worth living,
tyranny would be nowhere seen.
In my rule,
everyone is loved,
and all are happy.
If I was a king for a day,
I would do my best
to make this world
a better place
I feel so afraid,
to be small all my life.
I want to be king,
Because I am nothing now.
I don't know what this life
has to offer  
I want this world under fire.
But not by my rule.
The leaders have brought us down.
i see the people
they Are hurting.
I want to end pain.
I see the pain.
I want to end poverty
I see the poverty.
I want to stop the people who want to **** themselves,
I want to be the all protector.
Is this bad?
No more will I be a helpless kid,
but a fearless leader.
If only I was king
*just for one day
just. hold. on
for me
When someone dies,
there will always be that ONE person who tells you,
"get over it"
as if the world hadn't stopped as soon as they left.
But what they don't know is the gaping hole in my heart.
The huge absence that was once always there.
Mourning is not just a word,
it's a practice.
Each time, we get a little better.
But tears still end up winding their way down our cheeks.
Each time, it brings a pain not felt last time.
Each time, bringing regrets and taunts because there was just something we did or didn't do.
But if you truly have the audacity  to tell me to get over it,
let me tell you that the person I mourn for,
will not be coming back any time soon.
And when you open your mouth to speak,
you open your heart for all attacks aimed right towards you.
I will not stop crying so you can stop hearing me.
Because my tears are life,
and they bloom to show that I am a human.
You cannot define me by something,
if you have felt it for yourself.
Who can say,
they've never lost a thing?
Because I can count one.
You lost respect
from ME
I  am I quiet person,
but don't let that fool you.
Just because I am a silent person,
doesn't mean I will not attack.
Just because I don't talk much,
does by no means say that I do not know how to defend myself.
Just because I don't speak what you want to hear,
doesn't mean that I can't.
I have my opinions,
But I don't decide to be ignorant about them,
no instead I keep them to myself.
I hide them under my bed
with the monsters that constantly bite at my heels.
Just because I never talk about girls,
doesn't mean I'm gay.
Just because I don't tell you anything,
doesn't mean I don't know how to talk.
Because i can.
I do not suggest pushing me any more,
or else you WILL find out
dedicated to those people who don't speak often, but definitely have so much more than speech.
Bleeding Diamonds 2016
Towela Kams Oct 2014
Yesterday, I was on my way to the mall and I decided to use public transport.
There was this odd man in the bus, who spoke in a very peculiar tone.
I heard him speak our local language, shouting, "I beat her yesterday! My wife came home late from work yesterday and I beat her! I slapped her! I ****** her! I kicked her!"
I was sitting in the back, and I thought that maybe this was just a joke. Even still, it was a rather morose "joke".
The man beside him, his friend, exclaimed in heavy laughter saying, "Yes, my friend, that's what we do. They'll learn to respect us. And they'll learn that they should not do just as they please!"
The man replied, "That's true! She must be thankful I brought her from the village and into the city. She shouldn't even be working. She should be home, being a housewife."
At this point in time, the elderly woman beside me shot a glance to the men behind her.
It could've been that she had experienced abuse, too, in her earlier years of marriage.
I knew she was stunned and I knew she wanted to say something, just as I did but didn't know how to structure her words.

I'm fourteen. And I'm very lucky to be born in modern day where abuse isn't tolerated and education for women is recommended.
It's more than "just" education. It's empowerment.
And that's what a lot of women don't understand.
I won't be quick to blame them for staying in such an abusive relationship.
Not that I'm encouraging that they stay, or anything.
I know that sometimes they stay because they can't leave.
There's their children they can't leave behind
I think it's high time society appreciated women, they go through more than we can imagine
Physical abuse is one thing, emotional abuse is the deadliest
And the scars left on these women's lives is irreversible
They learn to reduce themselves to this HORRENDOUS "lifestyle" that people from long ago accustomed to
Education is the key to success; you best believe that
Over the next few years, I want to hear the story of the girl who witnessed and sometimes endured abuse
And how she used her experience to help fellow girls
And how she further grew up to help empower women
I want that girl to be me
To be the mouthpiece for women
And it all begins today.

As my mother has said before, "If he even ATTEMPTS/THREATENS/ to hit you, LEAVE."
Due to circumstances that abusers usually encounter in their early stages of life, abuse isn't something you can easily rectify. It's not a cycle that can be broken.
So, L E A V E.
Close the door to abuse, open the door to happiness and success. Especially when you have the key to open it; Education - the key to success.

Thank you,
Towela Kams [Future women-advocate]
Unfortunately, I have tons of friends who witness abuse. And it scars them when that abuse is done by someone their mothers really love.
This piece is pretty self-explanatory.

— The End —