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Àŧùl Dec 2014
Set aside the ***** memories of 2014,
Just remember the golden moments,
Welcome the year next with a smile,
I don't hope 2015 to be a better year,
So unfair to hope things to get better.

Didn't they teach at school,
All things go on decaying,
Relationships included,
In 2014 they decayed,
And so will they now,
I'll be ready to take it,
Whatever may come!

Because I am who I am,
Stupid you may call me,
I always invited trouble,
Mortal I am just normal,
2015, just be kind on me.
I just want some new happiness and peace.
Old one won't well serve the purpose as it rots.

My HP Poem #721
©Atul Kaushal
psyche Dec 2014
and boom!!

worry no more
throw all the woes
for in the last minute of the year
we'll be leaving every trash of the past

oh valiant heart smile thy shiny love
spread thy precious joy
and in this coming year
we'll be living...

freely as these
flies in the sky.
happy new year!!
Lois Dec 2014
I've spent my entire life trying to prove to others that I am capable of doing great things. I have always thought that to live, you need assurance, acceptance, & belonging. What I didn't realize is that you are your own person no matter what happens. At the end of the day, you are you. You have the capability to do so many things that you didn't even thought was possible. For god's sake, stop pretending. If you are sad, then be sad. scream your anger. If you are happy then show it, smile so big that you would look weird. Don't hold it in. Be freaking transparent that it sickens you. You have every right to do things on your own, But always remember that everything has its limits. Know that everyone is fighting their own battles, no matter how cliche that sounds, It is **** true. Change for the better. Do things for yourself the most. Be happy. Decide every day that you are strong and you can conquer the world. Take responsible risks, set goals, have higher standards, know how to be contented, & the most important thing? love your freaking self that it bores you. Remember, You deserve the world. Baby, I deserve the world.
2015 baby
Lenore Lux Dec 2014
It seems now, still, and into forever, meaning and being
arrive incorrectly, deciphered through perspective lacking

the cosmic kind of clarity you think we'd be preaching by now
but here I stand, represented by death and persecution,
******, abuse and defamation, stuck in limbo, curtains half-drawn
waiting to see if I'm one -- winding up just another number

Tell me, have you seen it?
Exposure in drip-drop?
Even though shown, so slightly shone, less than any other broadcast
Lasting less than any length of time divining prime time due process

Still we receive clapped hands and stop,
how could we dare intrude living rooms
and man caves, "Man, flip that tab back to Vine,
let me disintegrate." It seems I live to die in
higher percentage and end the show to
indignation. Happy Anniversary.
Anna Vigue Dec 2014
remember who you was
and remember who you wouldn't
remember if you Should'ave
and remember if you Couldn't
the things that happened Yesteryear
are gone like yesterday
the things that will
you could drink in a Frappe

ask the happy What Not
he was gone, like yesterday
the things that will tomorrow
are now gone
like Ice Capades
I love the rhythm and cadence of Alligator Pie, so fun to read.  So I like to play with syllables when I write.  I saw the Smurfs Ice Capades  at my local Memorial Centre when I was a kid.
ajit peter Dec 2014
Days swift hath flown
As a long storm blown
pain and joy few hath drown
even kings lost their crown

fortune and fame eludes few
sucess and love adorned new
Life for few lost without clue
Many a dreams lost as morning dew

Wars and terror held hearts in fear
Natures fury hath torn loved dear
limping hearts burden doth bear
failed ventures seeking dreams near

though many with us not
thank be to life we got
pain on gain love be not lost
Life lived a beating hearts cost

a time around the sun gone
Ups and down lifes song
though our way right or wrong
Lived and living a blessing in the year gone
Let us be thankfull that we lived 2014 for many we know are not with us let us be thankfull that we may see 2015
Happy new year to all in hello poetry
Monique Olivier Dec 2014
in the middle of the night
when everything is at its quietest

i feel a tug at my hair
i feel a nudge in my side
i feel the pull of my hand
i feel a restlessness in my body

something is calling me
a distant land or perhaps a forgotten muse
something is calling me

and i cannot wait to answer
Echo Dec 2014
~Another beautiful year gone by.
Thank you for being a part of it!
If you ever want someone to talk to, I'll be here for you this new year.
Have a beautiful Christmas day! Thanks for reading! ^u^~
its not julia Dec 2014
rest in peace to the teens
who wore long sleeves all year round
so no one would notice what they have done
rest in peace to the teens who drank and drank
to blur out someones name
rest in peace to the teens who just lit one too many
cigarettes just to fit in
rest in peace to the teens who couldn't make it to 2015
OnwardFlame Dec 2014
A rupture of skin and lids flutter
Open and close
Open and close.

Lets type and text
Hit send!
Hit send?
Hit send.
If I could just make sounds, just like:

Sitting behind screens
Face glowing from the pictures and typed words of others
Whatever happened to romantic letters?
But if you wanted to book me a ticket to Chile
I would put my phone away.

Glancing over at Long Eyelashes
He's sliding, swishing, tapping
All the screens
Just look at me.
But I'm just as guilty

Television screens and news articles
Everyone has something to say
But lets get up
Virtual talking heads hit "like" a thousands times
Robotic mechanical skeletal beings

And if you asked me, ya know--through a text message:
"What do you wanna do, dude?"
I wanna have influence in this short life.
So I put the phone down
And meet you for a cocktail at 5pm.

— The End —