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Standing on the front lines of destruction

Famine and solace extinguished life as we know it

Red stained waters rolling upon disturbed sand

The air is lifeless to one's eyes still opened

And silent to the expired

What was once a peaceful retreat has became panicked and strained

The sun isn't shining anymore, it's stuck behind a cloud hiding its tears

The moon no longer shows it's beauty for all to see

The stars don't shine anymore, they've become dull and rusted

The once beautiful ocean has no smile, and her waves don't peak

There is no wind felt, my hair doesn't blow anymore, the world is dead

Standing on the front lines of the end as its only survivor

Shivering and cold, shock has sit in

No blankets, no water, no way of communication

Everyone is gone...I remain on the front line

Staring and standing my ground

Weakened and tired, but determined

Walking alone on snow covered mountain roads,
Everything is changing while clouds fly through a brilliant blue sky,
Slay riding down steep hills,
The sun is getting high,

In the blink of an eye;

An old cabin in the woods, with a warm fireplace burning,
Another blink of an eye,
Snow falling lightly on roads, Skiing down hills, Drinking wine while,
 Covered with a blanket in front of a warm fireplace with you,
Want to stay, never let you go.

You and I together on a bench in front of a frozen pond,
Covered in a blanket, Taking your hand, Is this heaven?
Fate continues to point me to my Destiney I see every night in my dreams. 
 You and I making memories,
Opening my eyes wide,  I see you're still here, Not a dream.

Our home with a warm fireplace burning,
Our children singing,
Snow falling lightly on mountain roads, Skiing down hills, 
Drinking wine while covered with a blanket in front of our fireplace,
Want to stay, not to go, I love you...

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
winter sonata ( from the beginning till now English subtitled )
I only ever seen you green and full of life
I never watched pressure and strife ******* you
the one that I had known grown into sight
in bird song and winter seeking light, if only I knew
we only ever stood in the woods for time
to catch water running down tree lines, still in red
as children in the wilderness often will
yet worst is just the thirst for the thrill, parched but never dead.
We saw the natives,
Stole their land,
Burdened their country
With a foreign brand.
Called them savages,
Burned their villages
Prayed to God
To help us pillage.

Knock the natives
To their knees,
Call them inhuman
Take what you need.
Never apologize,
Never confess.
They deserve no better.
Look how they dress.

They’re not decent people.
They aren’t even nice.
How could they be?
They don’t believe in Christ.
We sure don’t want them
To be our neighbor.
They'd not even be that
Much use as slave labor.

Let’s fix this country
Everybody lend a hand
We are all living
In the Promised Land.
Stolen from natives who
Knew what they were doing
Now we are letting it
Descend into a ruin.
Drifting....seed caught in the wind of life,
one more among many; a grain in a storm
of a thousand sands. Wandering, lost in the
sighing ether, suspended between earth and
sky, it sees many things, and yet sees nothing.
Meaning is lost to it, feeling torn from its numb
grasp, in the hour of its waking. It has known
nothing, has felt nothing, save for the grey air of
the world without, and the grey within; there
where his heart had been.
A cold morning today....melancholy fills my heart and chills me, as the draft from cracked window paints the room in icy hue.
i just want someone
to need me as much
as i need them

for once i want someone
to care about me as
much as i cat for them

maybe if i wasn't me
maybe if i was
someone else
i dream big.
 Dec 2015 Sydney Victoria
They don't know how it feels

to awake every morning,
and all they can wonder is
why they had even awoken

They don't know how it feels

to pick up all of their pieces,
and put them back together
but still feel like they're broken

They don't know how it feels

to say all that they can say,
and still feel like there's more
but every word has been spoken

They don't know how it feels

to go to sleep every night,
and the only hope they have
is that their eyes will not open

Nothing really to whine about this time
Throwing out your past does wonders for the mind
Almost done dwelling on what doesn’t need to be
Organized stacks of fantasies...clutter free
Premonitions poured from the heart of me
I couldn’t comprehend love til now
Been meaning to burn old written words
and release their content away
The day has come that all of me will allow
the desecration of the unrequited days
dragged too far along in life
because the idea still remained
Stopped loitering on too many side-thoughts
Got caught up with the right train
Been warmer in the cold this time around
These days, I don’t mind rain
We're so many yet so alone,
We live in a prison and call it a home..

Only if I could die, I could be well,
Since over 7 billion people on this planet,
And not even a single has time for me,
What The hell...

whenever I cry, I just have a blanket,
My friends - they're so busy,
I feel like John Cena -
Saying you can't see me..

Somebody has a life to make,
Somebody is busy in the life already made,
And somebody's somebody has problems from me..
That's what the world's population sounds to me!

I want to die,
I want to end my life,
Maybe a dagger, a bottle of pills,
A gun or just the kitchen knife..

Or else,
Maybe this world could be made a better place,
And this Earth can too have better grace...
Where all are the winners of the same race,
Where there's no religion, no gender and no race..

Where the news  isn't flooded with - murders, robberies, corruption, abduction and ****..

Where people love humanity, and equality,
Where people love animals and are against them the cruelty,
Where mother nature is treated with all the novelty..
And where people don't live for money..

And where there is no liquor, no smoking pipe,
All humans, living a peaceful life..

No army - fighting for borders,
No policemen killing innocent 'cause of orders,
No terrorists no racists,
And humanity has no horrors...

I know that world is kinda impossible to create,
But maybe this does happen,
If  a little  step  we  initiate..

We're so many yet so alone,
We live in a  prison and call it a
Please support humanity!
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