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sun stars moons Apr 2014
You ever wonder,
how long it takes to change your life?
What measure of time is enough to be
Is it four years, like high school,
one year,
an eight-year rock tour?
Do changes only occur over periods of time?
Or can your entire life change within a month, a week, or even a single day?
We are always in a hurry to grow,
to go places,
to get ahead,
but when you're young,
one hour
can change everything.
sun stars moons Apr 2014
Her presence stole rooms,
and she knew it.
She walked the streets
with the moon in her pocket
and the stars in her eyes.
She had everyone on their knees
before her,
and she owned it.
She loved her lovers and she loved her haters.
Heels higher than New York skyscrapers
and standards to match.
She was no good,
but my god,
she was beautiful.
sun stars moons Apr 2014
We are ****** into this world
naked and squawking
Shielding, the best that we can,
from the unknown.

We work and we strive
for things we don't need
and we wait for the day
we are flung into a hole.
sun stars moons Mar 2014
I didn't ask for this.
This was not my plan
Nor my intentions.
But some things
Just cannot be stopped.
Often, I find,
You fall into them -
These somethings.
Stumbling blindly,
Forward, into
Unexpected chaos
Or order, whichever.
It was accidental,
This thing I found.
I wasn't looking
But it rushed to find me.
And here I am,
Missing you.
sun stars moons Mar 2014
I used to think that the worst feeling in the world
was wanting somebody who doesn't want you back.
But I've come to realize that the worst feeling in the world
is something much much more,
the worst feeling in the world is missing someone.
It's so much worse because you've had something with them that will
never ever go away.
No matter how many times you try to forget them
you have all the memories.
You had that person and now they're gone.
You've lost them, and there's nothing you can do that to change it.
Not being able to change that can change you.
It can turn you hollow and empty.
Because the one thing that made you feel complete was the one thing you took for granted.
And you can't even go back and prevent it from happening,
it just is.
And it can destroy you, absolutely and entirely.
But then I realized that this "it",
this thing
this something that I'm blaming...
was nothing but myself.
sun stars moons Mar 2014
Life consists of nothing but
Loud rushes of connections
that seem completely
Beneath all the nonsense,
the non-sensible,
there is order.
A system so tight and meticulous
there is no room for
sun stars moons Mar 2014
Rolling over in the waves of white sheets
I find you, swimming in this ocean of
messy hair and searching fingers.
Mine find yours and we intertwine,
as close as we can come to one,
we merge.
Wrestling with these feelings and
urging to be closer than this close,
You pull me onto you and I melt.
Your strong hands wandering,
desperate for me.
Two people matched more perfectly
is impossible.
Two become one and one is all we need.
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