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misha Dec 2019
some say that it hurts
when you don't
accept the expectations

but some of them don't
know that it hurts
more knowing
that you'll never
reach them
idk what's going on with life.
misha Sep 2019
so powerless
we are unable to live
yet we are unable to die
perhaps just like rain
we change forms
even with the passing of forms,
the humans hearts
still remain heartless
misha Aug 2019
i sat silently in the auditorium
my hands clammed up in a fist
their voices echoed in the room
but none to reach me

i sat scared in the auditorium
they gathered in groups
turned round to stare
and all i could do was look away

i sat idle in the auditorium
they would think that i’m
mute like a ghost, dead or gone
walking right through me

i sat praying in the auditorium
my feet nervously tapping
my voice quivering when
i asked the girl beside me
a simple question,
thank god she answered

i sit alone in the auditorium
this room has held my voice captive
my confidence has been stolen
and yet my heart pounds every
split second but you still
cant hear me?
i moved and im now at a different school in a differently country, I feel so left out so frightened and so alone. i want to go back
misha Jun 2019
why do roses die but thorns remain?
misha Apr 2019
we, humans, are so strange-
we fall in love so easily,
we hurt so easily
yet we won’t forgive as easily
misha Apr 2019
is it cruel that sometimes i am
able to breathe normally,
and to get through
the day without
sobbing when
i think about you?

it's only been a little while
but it seems as if
i've forgotten your
petal soft skin,
always fresh with soap,
your hair neatly
clamped to a side
your aching back which
arches stronger than
any bridge, carrying
all the weight of the
life you lived

those weary eyes,
glossy with tears
when we came to
visit from miles away
only to stay for hours,
with you crying
as you hug us
as we depart
like robots

we could've visited more often,
stayed a little longer,
because now all i can do is
pray in the morning when i wake up,
pray when i come back from school,
pray before going to sleep

i wish that your soft skin
stays gleaming,
i wish that your aching back
is no longer curved like a bangle
but instead straight like a ladder
letting you reach the heavens,
your long hair full of colour,
draping earth

and when i'll see the shadow,
i'd think that's you above me,
when i'll see the rain falling,
i'd think it's you crying
as you miss us,
as you look over us,
as you love us from there,
and when spring comes
the petals dancing in the air,
fragrance from france,
the one that's so expensive
won't even compare to your

please let me shake in your
arms as you rub my back
with the strength of generations

please let me hug you
and cry with you as i leave
you behind

just for a little while
let's be together
in this short
not even a month has passed. i still love you, we miss you so much. i hope that you're not suffering in your grave or that you're scared, i hope that perhaps the light from heaven greets your grave, warming you in happiness. please be happy ammi.
misha Mar 2019
i promise that
when the wind blows
i'll think you're there

when the sky cries
i'll think you're there

when the leaves fall
i'll think you're there

every holiday,
every dinner,
every family gathering,
i'll think you're there
i love you ammi and i miss you so much. i hope you're doing alright and that you aren't in pain and that you don't go through the kabr pain.
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