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Apr 2014 · 154
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I Hate Your Answers
When They Are
I Really Want To Hear
Apr 2014 · 213
fix me
pluie d'été Apr 2014
fix me
before the breaks in my heart
get wider
Apr 2014 · 293
pluie d'été Apr 2014
it's just a flame
playing at my feet

smoke curling
around my ankles

the lace
is the first to change
into the guileless grey
it's hard
for him to look away

and fingers
wrapping around my calves
to my thighs

against the tree
his hands
once held me to
i could move
i should have left sooner

all the watches
and all the clocks
fall at his heavy feet
his eyes
like the ocean
and still
in the shadows

please drown me
Apr 2014 · 517
Wear Me Like A Sweater
pluie d'été Apr 2014
wear me
like a sweater
close to your heart

i want to hear
its falling echo
and feel the coolness
from your skin
feel your fingers
curling at the sleeves
when it rains

wear me
like a sweater
so i can hear
the rush of your pulse
in my ear
Apr 2014 · 244
pluie d'été Apr 2014
you keep trying
to pin the clouds
to my eyes
when you plait the trees
into my hair

i want it enough
to fade away
and become a shadow
Apr 2014 · 194
Tell Me
pluie d'été Apr 2014
what do you mean
by telling me
that you want me?

take me
like the breeze
tumbling from the leaves
carressing my skin

describe my hair
like falling
down my back
in the summer

what do you mean
by telling me
that you want me

take me
like the wind
fierce and hard
against the aching shore

my eyes
like a storm
tell me
that they're hypnotizing

what do you mean
by telling me that
you want me
when all i can do
is slip through your fingers
like rain?

press your fingers
and stop letting me go
Apr 2014 · 339
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i used to think
that the leaves
hiding away
from winter
would make it snow
Apr 2014 · 629
The Girl With Scarlet Lips
pluie d'été Apr 2014
she smears
no. 1
over her scarlet lips
her fingers
on the tears
of her fishnet stockings

kicking off
her high heels-
the ones the butcher
used to wear
when dealing with blood-
replacing them
with the feel
of the Earth
against her sole

hair lowered
removing the stain
of want
from her eyes
and filling
the windows of her soul
like the unspent tears
the girl with the scarlet lips
would never weep
Apr 2014 · 315
torn pages
pluie d'été Apr 2014
have you ever been
so indecisive
that your entire body has ached
like the torn pages
you keep mounted
in every diary
with every question's
billion answers?
Apr 2014 · 408
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i hold
something heavy
and cool
against his head

his eyes covered
with satin

and stop

my fingertips
like bullets
and warm
pressed with my fingerprints
in the chamber

trembling lips

i take it
because i can't say
Apr 2014 · 330
pluie d'été Apr 2014
he was like a suicide
falling apart
at my wrist
Apr 2014 · 372
pluie d'été Apr 2014
he wrote me a letter
that was shaped
like a swan
and i held it to my lips
before i pressed it
between the pages
of my favourite book

it keeps turning everything
into feathers
that chase my soul
from the ceiling
colliding softly
with each other
Apr 2014 · 278
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i make a list about you
when ever i'm

it's designed
to make me
it's designed
to make me
love you less

but all i do
is fall
and love you more
Apr 2014 · 156
pluie d'été Apr 2014
you are everything
that i cannot count
on my fingers
Apr 2014 · 235
pluie d'été Apr 2014
just write a poem
that will save me
and i will fall in love
with the words
and think that it is you

are we the words
or are they separate illusions
made to torment
and break our hearts
the same way
he and she has
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
pluie d'été Apr 2014
"We are plagued
More by presence
Than absence"
He says
Under the cold moon
His hand
Wrapped around my heart
"And sometimes
The plague
And the cure
Are the same"

It's a lie
Because I lie awake
Counting the cracks
In my ceiling
(The ones
The paint couldn't fill)
And the shadows
They make
Chases my soul
And pins it
Against the wall

You are absent
And I have
A greater fever
Than ever before
Apr 2014 · 324
pluie d'été Apr 2014
what makes my love
so unutterable
and your want
so un-doable?
Apr 2014 · 572
pluie d'été Apr 2014
warm fingers
the constellations
across my skin

hangs in the space
between us

i stop
the words
from falling
while you stop
your hands
from pinning
my wrists above me
Apr 2014 · 248
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I will lead you on
Without even realizing it
And by then
It will be too late
To do anything
Apr 2014 · 230
pluie d'été Apr 2014
"Give me a kiss"
"Give me a song"

"Why won't you
Write me
A poem?"

"Just tell me!"
"I have never been
So ******* angry."

"Give me something!"

I love you. I love you. I love you.
I want you. I want you. I want you.

But I can't let you know.
Apr 2014 · 216
20/09, 21/11
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I hate to
Love you
Apr 2014 · 314
pluie d'été Apr 2014

and rain
Apr 2014 · 334
pluie d'été Apr 2014
smother me
with the sadness
in your eyes

grey and heavy
like the words
i can't stop
from falling out

hide in my lungs
bright scarlet
and i
can't let them come out
and reassure you
Apr 2014 · 183
nothing to say
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I can feel your disappointment

You won't listen to me
I will watch you
And I will have nothing
To say
Apr 2014 · 355
scar me
pluie d'été Apr 2014
the sunlight fell over your skin
and seared my mind
with the imprint
of your enlightened

scar me
with the blade
of your lips
against my neck
Apr 2014 · 169
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i told my friend that
i would rather miss everything
with everything inside of me

but i wish i would stop missing him
just a little bit
every time i cried
Apr 2014 · 111
pluie d'été Apr 2014
if i loved you
wouldn't i be able to
let you go?
pluie d'été Apr 2014
you took me to one of your favourite places
kissed my hand better
underneath the stars
and told me
how our friendship
was like the Earth's orbit
around the Sun

we keep coming closer
and then drifting away
Apr 2014 · 219
make them stay
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i keep all of my memories
and secrets
of you
in a faceted
glass vessel
held close
to my falling heart

i dare not tell anyone
i dare not write them down
but they're slipping away
merging with my dreams
and i don't know
what i can do
to make them stay
Apr 2014 · 417
I Have Lost Count
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i have lost count
of how often i told you
that i loved you
i have lost count
of how many times
you told me you wanted me

i have lost count
of how often
you came
i have lost count
of how many times you left

i have lost count
of how often i held your hands
and kissed the inside of your wrists
i have lost count
of how many times you held me
and how many stars
you counted in my eyes

i have lost count
of how often i cried for you
i have lost count
of how many times
i fell for you

i have lost count
of how many months
you have been gone for
thirty-nine or forty
my mind won't go back
and count that far

my pen
scratches the paper
dancing to the wind
if anything
but you being gone
really matters
Apr 2014 · 322
Every Unending Love Story
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I can't find the words
To describe what you have done to me,
But you have broken me
And I feel like a ruined
In every unending love story
Apr 2014 · 706
pluie d'été Apr 2014
he watched her
trying to say the three words
that belonged to him
but she couldn't
Apr 2014 · 887
pluie d'été Apr 2014
she had eyes that could drown a man
eyes beautiful
and sad
burnt from staring at the stars
for too long

they couldn't look away
the ones that followed her
into the deepest depths
of all the shallow seas

she had lips that were red
and full
leaving them mesmerized
by the begging
that they presumed
weighed down her softly
spoken words

they would open the dictionary
of their mother-tongue
to see what she had to say
and it made her sad
and beautiful
at the same time
Apr 2014 · 275
pluie d'été Apr 2014
the curve of your back
keeps me up
at night
Apr 2014 · 197
it's only him
pluie d'été Apr 2014
he is my thoughts
and he knows my thoughts
better than i do

i'm in love with the words
he says
and the silence
between us

its not you
or me
its only him..
Apr 2014 · 249
I Want You To Leave
pluie d'été Apr 2014
Come listen to the song i wrote for you
The one with no music

It doesn't rhyme
At all
Until it gets to the part where we fall
And there's no repetition

Words that come tumbling
Over and
Like a chorus
Are the same
With different definitions
And you can't tell
Because you only look at the dictionary
Thinking its enough

Its not
There are a thousand definitions
Words that
Keep changing
And if they can
Then so can I

Listen to the song again
And hear the whisper
'Don't stay'
Add the please
Replace the don't

I want you to leave
Apr 2014 · 317
pluie d'été Apr 2014
he tells me that i'm like
a rose
but so has he
and he
and he
and he

and they say it
one at a time
but all together
after each time
thinking its something new
and beautiful
that's never been heard

the banality
makes it seem dishonest
and i don't really like
Apr 2014 · 448
I Write Letters To You
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i write letters to you
with the stars
do you see?

i write letters to you
in the winter
with the trees
bared of their leaves
against the white sky
do you see?

i write letters to you
ink against my skin
a tattoo against the curve of my neck
do you see?

i write letters to you
in every poem
there is at least a line
that is meant
for only you
do you see?

i write letters to you
and keep them in crumbling
on dusty shelves
with someone else's words
do you see?

i write letters to you
in books bound
by synthetic leather
shoved in the second drawer
beneath my mirror
do you see?

i write letters to you
and i leave them
in their envelopes
to be mailed into the fire
do you see?

i want you to read all of these parts
of me
with ash
your calloused fingers
Apr 2014 · 374
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I want to be awoken
By a dream
At two in the morning
And miss him
So hard
That my entire
Body aches

I want to see him
In the street
Plagued by illusions
Over and over
Until I start to lose my mind

I want to write him love letters
That I send
Or keep in a box
Always ending in
‘I love you’

I want to cry
At the sound of his voice
When he can’t stand being apart from me
And I want to cry again
When he hangs up
(He can’t bare to hear
The sound of my voice)

I want to ponder life
And without him
At the edge of a cliff
As I walk into the tide

I want to love him
And jump
When you touch me
In a way he used to

I want to write poems about him
And read all the letters he sent me
When we were happy
And when we were sad
And when he was angry
And try find the secret
That was screamed
At the both of us
That made everything
Not enough

I want to feel his feelings
Across a room
And leave because it hurts too much to stay

I want to learn
About him
And people
But mostly about me
When he’s gone

I want my heart to be broken
By a love
That really matters
Apr 2014 · 279
pluie d'été Apr 2014
You're weeping
As you play the music
You wrote
Beside the lake
In the dirt

Streams of water
Like rivers
Fall across your skin
Leaving fading scars
Like the notes
In the air

I can't decide
If you are heartbreaking
Or if it the music
Apr 2014 · 214
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I dream about you
And then I wake up
And weep
Apr 2014 · 216
I Was
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i was the lie
you would whisper
to the night
the fairytale
you would tell the storm
as it crashed into the sea

i was the prediction
you made
with a joint
in your calloused fingers
a punch to the chest
sleepy eyes
and words
so soft
that the roots dug deeper
just to hear

i was the poem
you murmured
to your lover
stamps of red lipstick
on the curve of your jawline
as you memorized the outline
she made
underneath the twisted sheets

i was the story you told
to make him feel fear
to make her feel braver
to make him jump
to make her land
and the wind
lose hope
in mankind

i was the legend
you screamed
at the men
slamming spears
into their shields
(little did they know
it was
the sound of their heart beat
that was so loud
little did they know
in just a short while
after the end
it would go)

i was the song
you sung
about the girl with the green eyes
to the girl with the brown eyes
so strongly with dishonesty
that a star
(she made a wish on it
but it wasn't for you)

i was the word
you swore had no definition
until it fell on your lap
and breaking
like the sea

i was the letter
saying good bye
i couldn't...
(she didn't)

i was the phone call
in the evening
breaking a heart
making reality
take a man
from the shadows of the trees

and i'm not even sorry
Apr 2014 · 159
pluie d'été Apr 2014
where do the words
that fade away go
when the ink is rubbed
too far into the page?

where do the thoughts
that tumble from our minds
leave for
when we realize that they're gone?

where do the pictures
we draw with trembling fingers
on misty glass
evaporate to
when they decide
that it's getting too warm
and recognized?

where do the people
who fall asleep
leave for
when their bodies are left still
and they are left undone?

where do the feelings
we feel
and then don't
ever again
getting so frightened
finding their twin

where do the lies
we utter
black and staining
when we decide to tell
the truth with a cross
over our chest?

where do the broken promises
evaporate to
when they fall from the sky
smashing at our feet
like a thousand suicides?

where do the words
that get stuck
in our throats

where do the leaves
we forget to see
fall to
if we don't hear them
crinkle like paper
under our backs?  

where do i go
when i am
existent to you
but non existent
to me
Apr 2014 · 129
pluie d'été Apr 2014
my god


i don't




that name

he's in the sky

block my ears

he's in the sea

tired of your lies

he's in me

he's in you

you can't make up

your mind

can you?





you only know

the words

that seem to
make sense

but never do
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Vanilla and Lies
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I don't believe you
Because the lines
You say
Sound too much
Like poetry

The apology
You wrote
And pressed into my palm
Staining my fingers
With black ink
Too much
Like vanilla
And Lies

Everything you say
Is the truth
But maybe
It's all a lie
And I will never know
And you will never know
Because I do
Exactly the same
When I say
'I do too'

Only realizing later
After you scream
That you miss me
That I never missed you
Apr 2014 · 6.0k
thunder & lightening
pluie d'été Apr 2014
You can't save me
With you smoke veiled eyes
Filled with honesty and deceit
Your words
Falling like the ocean
Deafens me
With their beauty
In silence
And it's not enough
Those lines
About me
In the tattered notebook
My initials
On your skin
And scarred
Like the rain in the sky
With echoes
Like thunder
Following the sobs
You hide behind your calloused hands
Can't you ever
Show me the lightening
Because that's the only thing
I need to see

And the thunder
From me
Is all you need to hear
But my lightening
Is what you get to see
And you think it's everything
But how can everything
Last only a second?
Apr 2014 · 177
pluie d'été Apr 2014
in two
and three
and four
and more
to form less
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
To Be Yours
pluie d'été Apr 2014
If I were yours
I would have to stay awake
Until six in the morning
Wondering where you are

If I were yours
I would have to pretend to be asleep
When you finally got in
And stained with smoke
And bruises

If I were yours
I would wear your favourite colour
And the clothes you like
And the perfume
That makes you
Lose your mind

If I were yours
I would let you full my ears
With your honesty
And your lies
Discerning the two
Pretending I don't
Until you were at ease

If I were yours
I would do
What ever you asked
Reading your eyes
Right and wrong
Aren't black
And white
But grey

If I were yours
You would have me
Every night
Whichever way
You like me best

If I were yours
My words would
Just be for you
And the only lines
Leaking from my fingertips
Would be love poetry
About you

If I were yours
I would listen to all of your music
Even though I would hate it
(I don't like songs
That rhyme
Too often
Too much)

If I were yours
I would forget how the rain
Feels on my skin
Because you would tell me
To stay indoors
And my love
For the sky
Would slip away
Until I would call your eyes
The sky
And the rest of you the ocean

If I were yours
I would forget me
And you would forget me
I would become
Your perfection
Encased in the mirror
Behind the door
The one you dream of
Standing beside you

And you still
Wouldn't only be
Apr 2014 · 247
I Love You Too Much
pluie d'été Apr 2014
How many times
Do I have to tell you?

His eyes black
Like the ocean
Turned into ink

And measured
The type of tone
That makes me want to run

You are mine

You are wrong

Pale blue
Like the rain
In spring

And low
It's an excellent thing
In a woman

I wish
That he wasn't wrong
But he is
And so are you

I love you too much
To be yours
Apr 2014 · 300
It Would Be Easier
pluie d'été Apr 2014
it would be easier
if i had one favourite colour
but i don't
i have seven

it would be easier
if i could put
mixed flowers
and colours
in my house
but i can't
i only want one type
at a time

it would be easier
if i had a favourite
type of tea
but i like them most
at different times

it would be easier
if i could finish
more than a glass of wine
before my head
starts to become fuzzy
but i can barely drink half
i hope it's just the size of the glass

it would be easier
if what i said
were always true
and my mind
would never change
but it always does
leaving a messy pile
of what looks like masks
and broken hearts
behind me

it would be easier
if i could fall in love
with more than just him
but i can't
unless you count the sky
and the ocean

it would be easier
if i could concentrate
through a whole film
or listen to exactly
what you're saying
when you're gossiping
but the night sky in the window
and that crack
in the wall behind you
looks so much more interesting

it would be easier
if i was okay
when you mixed my foods
and if i couldn't imagine
the dna of ones' past
staining my pots and pans
but i'm not
and i always do
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