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 Apr 2015 Srishty Mittal
I'm the *****,
the quiet girl in the front of the class,
according to the handicap stall in the upstairs boys bathroom, a ****.
I love, and when I do I love to no ends.
But you'd never know how much this ***** loves, because there is no love shown.
Maybe We Should*

Maybe we should stop and think
Of the things we do each day
Give ourselves room to grow
Learn to change our ways

Maybe we should hear ourselves
When we speak words of faith
Not be quick to judge someone
For the path that they must take

Maybe we should see some things
In a new and different light
First walk a mile in someones shoes
To know what it is like

Maybe we should just try more
To live a better life
Make the world a better place
And leave the hate behind

Maybe we should

Poem by: *
Carl Joseph Roberts
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 Apr 2015 Srishty Mittal
I want to dance, the dance
Of raindrops
Cavernous steps I'd put along,
in smoked hues of grey,
in clouded cotton.

Melting suns sublimed
o'er dew dropped leaves.
Romantic ballads
on every poets page,
passionate rain and fiery sun staged.

I want to dance, the dance
Of raindrops
While you play harmony,
on the harp.
Once like the wind played,
in my chestnut hair.
The tiptoe of the rain,
bringing childhood memories
of fresh mud alive.

I want to dance, the dance
Of raindrops
The solo they perform in cackles,
of the child nextdoor.
I remember the parched streets,
the thirst song of the kuckoo,
lips dry without you my love.

Oh! How I wish,
I could dance, the dance,
the raindrops danced.
To quench that thirst of rhythm,
My beloved I want to dance.
Dancing in the rain to quench the souls thirst ,
a drop of peace everywhere!!
 Apr 2015 Srishty Mittal
corner me in
claim me yours
no one has to know

secret kisses with
hushed moans
grab my waist

you've waited too long
put your hands
where your eyes wander

always watched over
we can't be trusted alone
and this is the reason
Each day she went to her garden, to look at him pass by

Her eyes unblinking, she watched him, circle in the sky.

Fleecy clouds veiled the sunlight, so she would not go blind

The girl was filled with love for him body, soul, and mind.

Yet he never even noticed her, for his mind was overwrought,

For he was in love with another, and it was her that his eyes sought.

As time passed, her passion for him, never diminished in size,

She longed for him to acknowledge her, and look into her eyes.

So one time she sat for nine days, just watching him from afar,

No food or water did she consume, her love burnt like a star.

On the tenth day the Gods took pity and so upon the hour,

They turned the love struck girl into a beautiful sunflower.

The flower is turned toward the sun from sunrise to sunset,

Still watching her loved one fly, never wanting to forget.
 Apr 2015 Srishty Mittal
If I make it to ramadhan
I'll pray for peace and stability of this planet

with so much devotion
I'll ask God to guide us from the delusions of this earth

I'll pray for guidance
more knowledge and wisdom

Insha Allah i will pray and weep dearly for our sins and the sad state that the humanity has succumbed to

I will seek his love
not his anger and wrath
I will seek his forgiveness and mercy with so much humility and tranquility

may he guide us to the right path
may our hearts grow tender and full of love for God/Allah
Islam is a peaceful religion
Somewhere in the vanity of hope,
Lie buried the ashes of dreams..
And, it is in its sphere,
A castle of life is built.
Ek sehmi si khwaish dabi rehti hai palko talle,
ek nayaab pankho ki talaash hai shayad usse..
Aksar khamoshi Ke lafzon Mei pucha karti hai,
"Aye dost, itna bata, kis gunaah Ka illzam hai mujhpe?"

A beautiful English translation by fellow poetess Sukeerti:

A scared little wish stays embedded underneath the lashes of my eyes;
Perhaps, it's searching for a pair of flight feathers- rare and precious,
As often, in lyrics enclosed by quietude, this wish questions me-
"O friend of mine, please let me know, what sin am I a convict of?"

PS: Do check out her work; they seldom fail to touch you deep down.
Her profile:
I know there are not many people who understand Hindi here, but I thought I'd share it nevertheless.
You could be my cancer, and for that I don't think I would mind
you seem to find that peculiar so read closely line by line.
My lungs don't matter much because I hardly breathe fresh air,
and maybe my last breath I breathe could be our breath to share.  
My skin please without it do not leave
for after all it was you that told me true beauty lies beneath.
Is there cancer of the eyes? If so please have them too,
I would be ever so lucky if the last thing I saw was you.
Cancer in my fingers? As malignant as all that came before
creep into my feeling and let me feel your skin once more.
If there is cancer in my arms I suppose it would be amputated,
but that's okay because then it's yours forever and for that I would be elated.
Sliding through my brain the cancer starts to spread
leaving me worthless lying lifelessly in our once shared bed.
Hardly a terrible fate since I spent my favorite moments there
loving you so wildly as if having an affair.
I could be making this up, but cancer of the heart would only make sense
because you touched my heart one day
and I've loved you ever since.
Just a fun, late night practice of word play! Cancer is being used as a disease while representing a loved one with the same zodiac sign.
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