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lost in thought Jan 2015
Nothing you can say can hurt me.
Nothing you do can push me down.
Everything they say is not true.
Everything they do is wrong.
But is also right.
I've thought of so many different ways to forget you
I wouldn't say you name anymore
The color blue was erased from my memory
Tragic love stories seemed happy in comparison
But I couldn't do it
How could I let you go
I know that I had a choice
And to you I didn't pick fair
But I didn't know that it would end like this
Blocking and avoiding
Hiding and worrying
Are you okay
Am I okay
I miss you
Not so that I can use you to vent
And not because I didn't have anyone else
I miss you because I miss you
I didn't mean it before when I said we were strangers
I know you, and I know you know me
I miss your sighs and smiles
Even your cat voice
Im so sorry that I didn't stay
But I couldn't
If you would just let me be the best friend you've ever had
We can fix this
I never meant to hurt you but
These violent delights have violent ends
And I understand that I ****** up
But all I'm asking is for you
All I want is my best friend back
The who knows I will aways be there for her
Im sorry thats all I can give
And I know it might not be enough
But all I'm asking for is a chance
A chance to show you I haven't changed
That Im still me
Just the me before all of this happened
So I guess this might be my last saving grace
  Jan 2015 lost in thought
Byron Galang
How long do I need to wait?

I've been here for a year
With my heart in my hand
And nothing more to offer.

How long do I wait?

Until you notice me.

How long still,
Would I have to believe
That you are going to be mine?

How long do you think it'll be
Till I give up?

And how long would it take
For you to begin to miss me?

How long?
How am I still holding on?
Wasting my time
When I know you've gone

I still drift back to younger days
I wasted my time over you
I tried to understand, I failed

You stayed with me up until I realised,
you were gone.
You were never mine.

I saw you the other day
I was sat in a café people watching
I saw you, I watched you.

I ached for you, for me, for the past
For regrets, missed opportunities, failed declarations
Realisation that together we were friends, almost more.

In a crowd we were separate beings
Societal dictats stood in place, never to be questioned.
I watched you in the crowd from the café

Watched you looking my way
Steam from my latte bringing a haze to my eyes
Oh how many nights I cried for you.

Wanting you, needing you,
hurting inside for you, denying others "just in case"
You denied me then I deny you now.

Stay in the locked box deep in my soul
Memories in a woman's heart
can never be stolen or forgotten.

I left the café with an ache
Turned the corner, felt your stare
Then, saw my husband standing there.

To him I moved my wheelchair forward
To him I kissed my ache away
To him I will always stay

I turned for a final glance
Looked at you standing in the drizzle
You stared not at me, but the chair.

Realisation shone on your face
Confusion clouded those eyes
I am her, but not now.

Your height, your hair, your brown eyed stare
You're all that I remembered and more.
21 years have spun away, as did I that day.
13:26 GMT
lost in thought Jan 2015
I wish you were here.
Holding me tightly.
Arms wrapped around my side's.
Kissing my head.
Cuddling until we are dead asleep.
Just wishing you were here instead of alone without me...
I miss holding your hand.
I miss looking into your eyes.
Your lips on mine.
I miss when you smile with your eyes and your heart.
I love that you are always there for me to talk to.
To hold me when I cry.
To help me up when I fall down.
You are the one.
The one that I love.
To my boyfriend. Love you jayme aka hos.
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