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Why must I feel the way I feel?
Want to wake up but this nightmare is real
Too many mazes clouding my brain
Swirling in circles driving insane  
Poor judgement leading emotions down hazardous roads
Lugging regrets like oversized loads
I worry
Stress over nothing at all
Convince feet I'm destined to fall
Tripping over thoughts I create
Actual obstacles don't get in the way
Self-sabotaging before having a chance to fail
Sink the boat BEFORE setting sail
It is better to know you're a loser than be unaware
Best get used to being alone because others won't be there
I'm a loser baby so why dont you **** me
 May 2020 Somewhatdamaged
 May 2020 Somewhatdamaged
You were always
Someone to live for

And now you’re gone....
And now I’m alone....

And now,
I have something to die for.

Why does everyone leave me?
 May 2020 Somewhatdamaged
Satisfaction is mythical
A fairytale of sorts
A neverending tragedy
A story that always distorts
It creates a longing ache
For something to fulfill
A reason is irrational
Hard to swallow is the pill
Thanks for reading 🖤
 May 2020 Somewhatdamaged
I am broken
I am flawed
I am weak
I am a fraud

I am damaged
I am filthy
I am a liar
I am guilty

I am ruined
I am ashamed
I am immoral
I am to blame

I am negative
I am biased
I am unworthy
I am defiant

....could you love me anyway?
Thanks for reading 🖤
Why am I still sad?
Blessed with reasons to be glad
Always feeling bad
I'm so sad
and inferior we are not
you and me
biological ancestors
mother father
we are identical companions
in this parallel universe
realise the existence of human rights
and the extreme planetary cleanse
They say that I’m
Too much to

Yet they never seem
To handle me with

They say that I’m
Unable to

Yet they break it the
Moment I’m not

They say that I’m
Far too

Yet they won’t
Help me

They say I’m
Cold and

Yet they ignore
What I

They say that I‘m
unable to

Yet they are the
Ones who can’t

They say I’m
Afraid of

Yet there is
so much to
Sometimes people make as though we are unable or unwilling to love yet  they and others have treated us in a way that has made us so apprehensive to lend our hearts out. Love is a two way street...
she’s too strong,
she’s too much,
she’s too tough to love.

she’s too hard,
she’s too broken,
she’s not enough.

she’s imperfect,
she’s wild,
she’s lost in the wind.
she’s insane,
sending signs of chaos from within.
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