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I will stop.
I will live.
I will spread my arms wide
In the wind, and I will thank
The heavens for the love
That comes in pieces.
The parts are reasembled.

Get your head straight.
Love is in every corner.
My distraction never looked.
We have time..
Brush the haze...
Look beyond the gratifying.
Dig, and dig deeper
Catch the roots spilling.

It’s everywhere. Joy!
We share, we breathe, we think.
I think, we are going somewhere
I look forward to the new world.
Why do all the bad things,
The self harm, denial, and everything else,
End up helping the most?
Edit: Ah Im almost crying becuase of how much love this poem has gotten and all of that in one day and this has never happened and thank you to everyonr.
 May 2020 Somewhatdamaged
 May 2020 Somewhatdamaged
You said you loved me
and I believed you
You said we can talk
Then took no notice of me.
You said you cared
I was convinced.

And I thought I could treat your pain
But it turned out to just be attention
and depravity
and manipulation
and deceit

Maybe I’m just naïve,
Because I trusted you.
I’ve let people ***** me over all the time. I never realise because I’ve always looked for the good in other people.
 May 2020 Somewhatdamaged
I have figured it out
The question that had been bugging me
All reasons I loved you

Number One
Well, because I hated myself

Number Two
I really hated myself  

And then you ask:

Do I still love you?
And for once I have an answer
Well, I now love myself

What do you think?
Love is hard
she plays with
the word knife

makes it a girl

makes it cut
the others words

straight cuts
clean cuts

makes them bleed
their ink

down the paper

changes their

so they make
no sense

so she is the
only word you

can recognize
I am not sorry for anything
There were problems easy to see
That's why I am letting you know
I am not even sorry for me
An old one I found on my facebook memories
Death seems far away
Too distant for eyes to see
Taste it on our tongues
It always seems far away until it doesn't
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