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 Aug 2019 Sofia
The Moment
 Aug 2019 Sofia
You feel the waves in you
Friends comes up
Your heart starts beating
It beats faster
You feel
Joy in you
Tears rise in your eyes
You cry
You feel the moment
 Aug 2019 Sofia
Can you move
make them appear
and disappear
Out of my sight

Can you push
the trapped cloud
between the hills
and make it rain
to ease my pain

Alas !
things that you could do
are now out of my view
remains of what matter
are only random chatter !

but still in my lonely heart.
you seem to fit all right

but still through my teary eyes
the trapped cloud looks all right.
 Aug 2019 Sofia
Jordan Rowan
It's late
Midnight is just a dream
I get that light in my eyes reaching out for a friend
It seems I'm here again

Listen up, here's what I have to say
And when I'm done, watch me walk away
I'll be the place you come to on the run  
I'll be the place you run away from

Never gets brighter
Grab ahold of me tighter from a million miles away
Each night, I'm still here for you to play

Broke down
And no one to go to
"Slow down" you yell, when all I want is to rest
"Get out" you say as you stab me in the chest

Listen well, little blanket on the blues
I only love the way you've learned to lose
Someday, someone else will take your place
But for now, please stay my friendly face
 Aug 2019 Sofia
In between nitrous gas
And passive aggressive small talk,

"Its too bad about your teeth"
He said.

"You got a good face, bad mouth"

And I'm really laughing now.

Daddy's been screamin that my whole life.
 Aug 2019 Sofia
Hisham Alshaikh
Brave men fighting
Knights crawling
Strong men dying
Kings crying
Emperors imploring
Kingdoms falling
Empires collapsing
Poets writing
Musicians performing
Paintings begging
Statues Kneeling
For a glimpse of your eyes

--Hisham Alshaikh
Glimpse of Your Eyes. Version 1.
 Aug 2019 Sofia
Shofi Ahmed
Art, a smile like the one
on the face of Mona Lisa.
Curved like the waxing moon
above the sea.
Light a flame before a face
yet to be seen.
What will it prevail,
will it show once for all
a slow tilt on the smiling lips
—a curve softly locks on
a rose from the sun,
or a shadow beneath the moon?
This is a poem from my book Zero and One available on Amazon.

— The End —