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 May 2016 Skipping Stones
Long ago
in the land
of the happy
and unlonely there
came a wandering band
of men called strangers
bringing sorrow
and welcomed in
because misery
loves company
as we all now know.
Neck deep in water,
Darter bird suddenly flies,
A pure zen moment.
Darter or snake bird is a tropical water bird.The body remains submerged as it swims and the slender neck alone is visible above water.Like cormorants it has wettable feathers.
When I have a yen to sin , I do it with my unbounded pen.

Thick black ink turns blood, spills in a mysterious patterns,

And it simultaneously writes my own redemption.

My spirit undergoes a transformation,sings freedom song.

In this unreal plane of my action, I become  superhuman.

Every word that swims in the deluge of emotions quickly,

Sends SOSs, incessant, demanding sublimation.It's done.

I pay heed and then find,  I am in the word's possession.

That decides, what would be my next course of action.

I stay firmly put between agitating emotions and imagination.
Writing could be  divine, or on the contrary sin by proxy..
It liberates, redeems, makes it possible to sin with impunity..
Heavy lavender blossoms, lifted
by sudden rushes of night wind.

Jacaranda, her scented branches swept into
dancing alone under the only streetlight.

Hiding further in the dark, bushes of
kumquat fruits, ripely orange,
tempt me to taste them.

In the deep blue air, first stars create
orbs of light beyond themselves,
glowing hugely in the sultry, silent sky.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
I danced in the rain last night
While the storm raged, violent
And I laughed out loud
That finally, my heart was silent
It cries no longer for you
The thunder set me free
The lightning flashed in celebration
With the striking of a tree
The rain kept pouring
While I danced along
To the beautiful tune
Of the wind's whistle song
I wanted to write about the 1st of May
Pagan dancers and girl queens dressed as Fey
With green budding leaves in a delicate crochet
Adorning their hairline in a graceful spray
Crocus and bluebells weaved into archways
They twist their ribbons in a beautiful bouquet
In ancient ritual they move and sway
Respecting the Spring Gods their blessings to pay  
I wanted to write about the 1st of May ......
But what I should be writing is a fu*king essay...!!

(C) Pixievic
May Day in Blighty is a public holiday with maypole dancers, & lots of spring lovliness ..... I have an essay due though ...... :((
Each time I tuck you in
I am anchored
With love
My eyes allow you
In my classified space
You land in my head
For the slightest moment
Wanderlust hits
Swimming to my edges
Nourishing my stream
Ending with my heart
As it sings in joy
Inviting you in
Where my damaged soul
Floats in dark isolation
Her pain is paralyzed
In your presence
You love her perfectly
Without expectations
Holding her hand
Guiding her
On your journey  
She is fed  
By the glow  
you spread
Now feeling alive
You bring her back
Deep inside my heart
Less bruised
Kiss her goodnight

Jl 2016
This is how my kids say goodnight each night without even knowing it.
Here I go again
Dubious footsteps
Questionable motives
Perusing the dark and restless past
Changing as perceptions change
And perceptions change with
The tolerance of added years and distance
Creating the uncertainty of honesty
Turn black and white
Into grey elusive shadows
And there
Amidst the darkness of my past
And all my pointless journeys
For the first time ever
I see a small white light
Constant and unblinking
And I am aware deep inside
That this is the long awaited
Birth of peace

                        By Phil Roberts
It was when the sun had set
But before the moon was lit
She walked along the shore
A white bright **** gown she wore
Her hair covered her face
With hands swinging in the air
I watched her feet so delicate
But she walked on toes so beautiful
Gems kept hiding until the moon appeared
They raised above the waters
And lightened the shores
The girl picked some and made a crown
The sky came down
And she disappeared into the clouds...
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