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 Nov 2018 Sienna
 Nov 2018 Sienna
I wished
On a shooting star last night.
I wished for happiness,
For peace,
But most importantly
for you.
 Nov 2018 Sienna
Jasmine dryer
some comes from pain
its the red paint of blood you paint with
the red ink that flows through you
when you truly make art

the best art can come from pain
 Nov 2018 Sienna
Jasmine dryer
 Nov 2018 Sienna
Jasmine dryer
sometimes i get the realization
a shift
that life is ok
so i try to take off my mask
so people can see me
and i pull on the mask
i tug
i pull
i scratch at it
but it won't work
thats when i realize
its stuck

i'm stuck
are you stuck as well?
 Nov 2018 Sienna
 Nov 2018 Sienna
today is such a day to feel melancholy
the puddles have dried up
but i’m still dreaming across the table
i guess that’s just
what i do.
lonely always
 Nov 2018 Sienna
Justyn Huang
People who fall quickly
probably had loose footing
to begin with.
About self worth, being grounded in your own and not giving yourself up to others not worth your **** time!!
 Nov 2018 Sienna
take me to the ocean. i miss her. i haven't touched her waves in so long. i want to feel the cold water on my skin. i want to touch the whole world. i am a storm. i can relate to the rage. the moments of calm. the overwhelming pain. i can feel it. the agony. take me to the ocean. i miss her. take me. take me to the ones with coniferous trees on the beach. the grey mist. the empty beaches. the cold breeze. take me there. just take me away from here. and when i die. cremate me. and spread my ashes along the waves.
 Nov 2018 Sienna
I cannot help but think of you
And though it’s been a while,
When I remember times with you,
I cannot help but smile.

I know I’m just a friend to you
And that’s okay with me.
But still it makes me sad to think
That’s all we’ll ever be.

I overthink each move you do
And every word you say.
Looking for the smallest hint
That you feel the same way.

I’m driving myself crazy here
And you don’t have a clue.
One question keeps me up at night:
Would you care if you knew..

I’m crazy about you?
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