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B Oct 2023
Pinky promises
and praying to goddesses
a picture of your friends on the sagging shelf
and I know I love you
so much more than you could ever,
ever love yourself.
We plucked wild bluebells
and got sick in the winter-time breeze
I'll pick you up
when you fall down
I'll patch up the scrapes on your knees.

Sugar coated candy
turned into your mother's brandy
still over indulged
but I will be here
year after year
you'll always have someone to hold.
Takeout boxes,
a key in your locks and
always a place for me in your coral sheets
we roam the city in outfits too tight
we hold hands in the streets.

Only a fool
when I'm in your room, lose our cool
laughing as our middles concave
with your hand in mine
I've always felt so brave.
We were girls together
and that will never change.
B Oct 2023
I'll be nothing in your backseat
resting your hand on my upper thigh.
So high when I'm feeling your energy
and down with a lower case lie.

It's so gentle that I bleed
strawberries, lip balm, summer breeze
things I always thought I'd lost,
joy was too quick to take its leave.
Be my sugar, to the lemon that I squeeze
be my greatest chase, after all
we are free.

Past the tattoo parlors and broken freight trains
scared we'll run out of town before long.
Rubbing you out of my mind like an ink stain.
I'm not sure I've ever really been strong
can't find where I stand and you remain,
you tell me, what is right and what is wrong.
Wondering, if like mine,
does your face ever grow red
like a rising Aries dawn?
Always unsure why I showed you my tan lines
when you're so alright having nothing on.
B Sep 2023
Bottle of herbal gin
but I'm already drunk off this,
your easy stride and devious grin.
I don't know where to begin
laying under magnolia and stars
like childhood friends.
Giving you all of my secrets
my break and my bend.
Please don't ever go sober
and leave Dallas again.
B Aug 2023
Things hidden,
like the subtle and iridescent pink
timid, from inside a calcified seashell
mother nature's knowing wink.
So alive and shimmering
beneath the water's lapping grasp.
She's lived so many times
gazing up at ancient stars,
pleasant and silvery in a sky so vast.
I am hidden
looking out at my own sunburnt world
scared to move my hand from my brow
and let the light cast an aura through my tears.
Wishing to things, thousands of years,
so truly far away.
Show me how
to creep alone, along this way.
B Jun 2023
You're always mad and I'm always late
we both have so much to give
and don't want to take.
Splitting our coin, our apples, our lives
wondering when it became a two person game
how love became a creature, trying to survive.

And I still chase fireflies,
sing to a series of moons
as summer rolls by
while you grow tired of the wild cries,
sounds of me licking my wounds.

You hate pollution
but I'd miss searching for sea glass
in oceans
so far away and vast.
Let's just see how long this lasts.

I call them wildflowers
you say they are weeds.
I think of wants
and you know of needs.
We are, nothing alike,
but so full of greed.
How can I make you happy
when we only want to be freed?
B Jun 2023
I love you so much it hurts
like breaking a berry from her vine.
Flickering ember of basil incense burns
every memory on your shrine.
I ask the figment of a universe
when will you be mine?
Give me something good enough
a dream of us, a sign.

You've been wanted for so long
how can you hide away inside?
I miss your beautiful face
and I miss your stubborn pride.
Want you to replace
my fantasies,
with kisses so intense,
like a rising summer tide.

So many cards have been broken from the deck
the lovers, an empress, death
I was so beautiful, now I am a wreck.
Look at what you've done to me
my long hair, flushed cheeks, and nothing next.
All I needed
was to leave my lipstick on your neck.
Something to terrify you
into heading my way, West.
B Jun 2023
Second guessing my goodbyes
cursed us back in February
but now it is July.
Found myself hot and running
full sprint, shirt unbuttoned
back to you,
you are something.
Something to chase
and something to hold
a flame worth protecting
a memory, not yet too old.

It's been 5 years
but I still wish you'd touch me again
bring life back to my skin.
My eyes will grow wide like a deer's
blood rush to my ears!
For you I am prey,
and I hope you know, my dear
no one has ever seen me that way
never been permitted to stay
and to smell my humbling fear.
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