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S R Mats Oct 2020
Dear pussycat, you clever little beast
To hide the paws that hid the claws
That shred my pretty face.

Feline, fooled as I was to forget
Within your blood wildness simmered
Just beneath the folds and crease;

Of eyes that looked asleep!
Never put your face close to the face of an unknowable cat.
S R Mats Oct 2020
Water, the same color as the sky,
Completely filled the pools of light.

The rays of Sun are want to try
And push to break through the bright.

Yet, languidly our time we bide
Until the pools are full of night.
S R Mats Oct 2020
Here is the book that you may choose words from
It is a limited fare
Nine out of ten mythomaniacs are happy with it
For those like you, it'll do
S R Mats Oct 2020
Crawled into it and it felt good.
Real good.  Good enough to live in.
Forked tongue slips in and out;
Poison drips, fangs cannot be contained.

Eating all, choking on frogs, going for bigger prey
Until all is gone, gone, gone -
Lining up to pet the snake, feel the skin next to theirs
******* out brains to fill craniums with crap.
And the world has gone mad, bad, and sad.
S R Mats Oct 2020
We climb the stars
Make honey in our hearts

Mad as a jackrabbit
We leap into dark holes

Walk among winged creatures
Quiver in our skins

And swear that we can fly
Feather-light on love alone
(Love can make us act crazy and think that we have superpowers!)
S R Mats Jul 2016
I can feel your sighs.
I can hear the breath coming in
And going out of your chest.

I can hear your heartbeat,
Feel the warmth of your blood
Gushing through dilated veins
Flush with heat.

And I wonder,
Where am I
In the equation?
S R Mats Nov 2015
The thing within itself, yet, without
The eating of its own flesh in mouth

The chewing until raw
- emotion all

I see you consume, be consumed
Mental illness
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