her love is as cold as the frostbite from my hands its as her love is the only remedy for survival i can't fathom that this is the only idea for success sometimes l just take chances for my own gratification
i type my middle name cautiously s e o y o u n g and watch resignedly as the red squiggle appears underneath but with smug satisfaction i right click and hit 'add to dictionary' hah, take that i am now part of the lexicon and you can't stop me
I just got caught up in a memory, a mischievous moment, brought on by an old song that I didn't even realise was on, I caught myself smiling, then tears started to well in my eyes, And then it was gone.
more sunshine, more smiles, more laughs, more happiness, more kisses, more cuddling, more conversations, more flowers. less snow, less squabbling, less darkness, less pain, less sorrow, less regret, more love. more humanity. ~khushi
I ran. Not knowing what else to do There was so much blood on my hands It was mine The kitchen knife Caught in my chest Guilt Consumed by Fear I was heightened by Adrenaline But running on Wasn’t enough While trying to stay calm, Losing control It was me that would end up Dead. Because He was In front of me The whole time It was too late Trapped I found myself Locked in chains My fate was Death.
Forward: from the victims perspective. Backward: from the murderers perspective.
Behind my back with fingers crossed, Eyes tightly closed, I wish, If I tell you what I wished for then it won't come true, what wicked mind came up with this? What if I asked you to wish my wish for me, And I'll wish your wish for you.