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.Loving you
Is a sinking ship
And as I bail water out
You pour bucket after bucket
Right back in

.It won't be long now till we're treading water.
 Oct 2019 Kaiden A Ward
It's time to sleep.
Allow your lids to cover the sins of today.
 Oct 2019 Kaiden A Ward
My wings were clipped the day I was born
I was put under the pressure of a billion eyes
My dreams ripped my skies torn
My life was built on a faithful lie

The shadows of my imagination
feared the glare of their expectations
My broken bones, My shattered heart
Sang the stories of me being torn apart
Fate, I do not know your name

Remove the stars

Shake them from the heavens

Like brightest rain

Cover me in a glittered cloth

Of fire and light

Set the night


Remove the dark

And let me be that spark

Which sets the heavens all aflame
 Oct 2019 Kaiden A Ward
our demons,
they don't play well together
 Oct 2019 Kaiden A Ward
What if
You have been fighting
A losing battle
All along
What if
The silence
Within you
Is only
The calm
Before the strom
It is going to be a fight
You just cannot

my biggest fear.
 Oct 2019 Kaiden A Ward
I don’t want to be a princess.
I prefer to be a wall
or a shoulder
that some one can lean on
I don’t want to be spoiled
I want to
Get dirt on my clothes
Clean them
search more
fail more
know more
see everything
Try everything
I want to share the road
With some one
Running not carried
I want to look behind
And see MY footprints.
I want to be free
 Oct 2019 Kaiden A Ward
just because you don't see
the salty tears running down
on my cheeks, doesn't mean
the sadness behind them
doesn't exist inside me.
why do I feel so much I can't put into words?
 Oct 2019 Kaiden A Ward
He gave me dead flowers
So I can smell them every day
The rotten petals falling
The color of decay

The washed out sunflower
The dehydrated leaves
The mold on the water
The color of debris

The richly red rose
Now drooping to the floor
The color of love
Existed no more

But still I saved the flowers
And smelled them every day
And watered them with tears
To let them grow again.
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