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The Silent Stalker was part man
The Silent Stalker had eight hands
But only two were human hands
The others, no one could understand
The Silent Stalker had no face
The Silent Stalker stood in place
Yet moved at the speed of light
And didn't make a peep a night
The Silent Stalker stood and stared
The Silent Stalker had no hair
Just a tux, new and clean
Symmetrical in Geometry
The Silent Stalker has no eyes
And this answer will be a surprise
So if you ask,  how does he see
He sees the fear of you and me
Made this for a poetry slam
Sona Oct 2015
You ever get the feeling that someone is watching from far behind you? You ever feel like someone is watching your every move?
Like someone is standing by, waiting patiently for you to make a mistake?

Well, unfortunately, someone is actually watching, just not closely watching, so relax you don't have a stalker, unless you take someone or something that observes you carefully without saying a word or taking their eyes off you,  as a stalker then, yes dear I believe you have a 'stalker'. That 'stalker', however, is a different kind. This kind looks down upon you, because of the clothes you wear, the things you do, as well as how you act.
This "stalker's" name is: society, but remember if you want society off your case, then get off society's case
ANDthenY  Apr 2015
Stalk Me
ANDthenY Apr 2015
I want to love a stalker

He'd be the perfect date

If I told him I was too busy

He'd camp outside and wait

I want to love a stalker

He'd always know the right thing to say

Because he'd eavesdrop on my conversations

He'd follow me all day

I want to love a stalker

Then I'd never be alone

He'd come after me forever

Even when I tell him no

He won't accept rejection

He'll give me his whole life

Even when I say I don't want it

He'd never give up, he'd never cry

I want to love a stalker

Want to fight him and run away

I want him to ****** the boys that come near me

And carry me away

I want to love a stalker

Because I have no other choice

I want to love a stalker

Want him to pin me down and hold me tight

I want to love a stalker

Because I'm always going to fight

If he were a stalker I could say no over and over again

And he would never let me go

Until I say no while thinking yes
sunshine  Jan 2013
sunshine Jan 2013
Really me?
A stalker...
Sure I mean
yea, I look for you!
I worry.

It's been nearly a month!
A month since
I read your words,
A month since you gave up!
I worry.

I've become addicted,
addicted to your words,
to your messages,
your texts.
I worry.

*maybe I am a stalker...
I feel as if I'm a stalker, I met this guy. I think he's amazing... but he's not talked to me for a long while. I worry, maybe I've begun to get attached. Attached to someone I've never even met! I'm pathetic aren't I?
Melody  Jun 2014
Born A Stalker
Melody Jun 2014
My name is Darkness.
I have a contract with light,
so I can be seen in corners and alleys.
I follow you because you follow the plight
and I will let you carry me, as long I can catch you.

My name is Evil,
I have a contract with good,
to add balance to your soul and
let you see my horns and many thorns.
I stalk you because you are one person, not a people.
I will let you hold my hand, as long as I can run ahead.

My name is Moon,
I have a contract with Sun,
because I need to ignite the night
and show you that I can shine just as bright.
I wake up because I like to watch you respite.
I will let you sleep as long as I can turn out your lights.

My name is not Darkness.
My name is not Evil.
My name is not Moon.

My name is Shadow.
I have a contract with light,
so I can be in corners and alleys.
I'm glued to one person, not a people.
I may have horns and I can have thorns.
I will hold your hand, and even let you run ahead.
I won't watch you fall, but I cannot catch you.
I will let you sleep as long as you keep on the light.

My name is not Darkness.
My name is not Evil.
My name is not Moon.
My name is Shadow.
I was born a stalker.
Please tell me what you think.

© 2014 Melody
labels have been placed
on my personage
but the one label
I'll not wear
is that of a stalker
the person who placed
the stalker sticker
on me
can take that label
and place it
on other livery
the darkest of my fantasies whisper
Your body is a scuba suit
insist i breath with your *******, through your mouth
dive deep into claustrophobic waters, sink heavy to the rock bottom
where we petrify by gorgans gaze
i know we'll turn to stone because, of course, the gorgans can't resist gazing at You
nobody can resist gazing at You, land or sea.
Our permanent legacy, lost under layers of life
barnacles clinging, moss burying Our chimera god/snake skin

i am without Your oxygen
when breathing would terrorize the wind
where words belong
still, my forked tongue writes

i'm a theif to say i only want You to be happy
when i had You, it was still selfish
the revolving doors of pain and perseverance
more time invested in us
then money invested in the Pills that kept me from killing You
out of habit
You begged me to beat You
it's been seven hands dealt
rubbing my 5 o'clock sandpaper chin
on the tarot card of death
my tolerance for vacancy
a brownish red stain
i've only the thin line of medication between necrophilia and sociopathy
i want to lay with You at the bottom of the sea

the Pills... where are...
please no, God.
The Voice,            run!
         get out!

I would gladly go to prison
to **** your lifeless body.

I would gladly **** Myself in the afterglow
of your affection.

there is only one true Sin, Objectification.

I indulge relapse
in every memory, find

your shed snake skin
pull it on, like your *******

how disturbed I've become
with you gone

how selfish of you

of course "I" blames You
when the Pills dull

i indulge by studying Your location

i know where You escape too
i want to go there
does that scare You?

i want to bump into You
apoligise for what i want

"want" as a word
is like plexi-glass, or kevlar

standing between Us
keeping the bullet safe.

i want a hard impact
in a school hallway

where we drop all our
Books and look up and You

see my ghost, that would be enough for Me

i want the impact to hurt.
i want the tumbling of all our Book's
i want the messy hair and ripped knees,
then Our
eyes to meet
and linger
I want to watch the fear fill you.
i want to sit there,

petrify from parcel tongues
as i gaze at Your gorgon body
shedding skin

if i shed my snakeskin,
maybe i'll see You

i can't leave this Poem
i can't leave this Poem yet
i won't leave this Poem
please kick me out
end Me
Deon  Nov 2014
My stalker and I
Deon Nov 2014
If you stop stalking me,
Then I can think clearly
Maybe I'll have peace of mind.

If you stop stalking me,
Then I won't be talking to myself
Maybe people won't call me crazy again.

If you stop stalking me,
Then I can go to sleep
Maybe I won't wake with you staring

If you stop stalking me,
Then my doctor will know I'm sane
Maybe I won't need my pills.

Once I was filled with life,
Now all I cause is strife
If I could be the same,
Then I'll stop stalking you.
Maybe I won't be so lame.

If I could sleep at night,
Then I'll stop stalking you.
Maybe I won't fear the light

If dogs don't bark when I'm near,
Then I'll stop stalking you.
Maybe you won't shriek like a deer

But I can't stop stalking you
For I shall be stuck alone
I can't stop stalking you
Because I have no hope on my own

I can't stop stalking you
For no one will see me ever again
When my time is due,
Then I'll ease your pain

I wouldn't stalk you
If I'd died with ease
And my flesh put to rest
For my soul would be in peace
And free from this torment

And when you die
Maybe you'll  find peace
Then you won't feel my pain
But until then, just like everyone else's
I'll always be there
Lurking  in the night
Staring at night
Your stalker and your bane
All you have to offer me is broken English
but what you get in return is a broken heart!
"Hi cute pic u me friend?" you ping me randomly;
I am sorry dude,my picture didn't respond!

Not just you,but all the guys from your clan
have a typical dressing style that I can note from your photos.
A smug face,bright colored clothes,unkempt hair;
cigarette burnt lips and alcohol shot eyes!

Don't judge me, I am just sharing my observation
but I appreciate your perseverance of sending multiple messages!
"Hey u","Reply and expect* me","Don't put scene^","Fraandship#??","Change new pic"
and all I could think of is "Not happening bro!!"

Wondering why I wrote this ode to you?!
You are a hero man! An unsung hero in your own world!
When science and technology advances,when countries and continents fight and make up
all you can think of is this random girl who is ignoring you!Talk about goal-oriented!!

You have a dumpy old computer with an internet connection and a Facebook account
and you want to have girls who you don't even know;You are more ambitious than Shakespeare's Brutus!
You get irritated looks from all the girls you stalk,
Yet you are unaffected as you never get to know that!!

I envy your spirit, I envy your hard-work!!
Burning the midnight oil to get ignored by girls you don't even know!
Though you stalk this much, in reality you are shy to even talk!
You are a mystery, a dark knight I might say!!

Whatever anyone says, I know you wont give up!!
You are a big challenge for all those privacy setting developers,
you creep and crawl through the web so much and still
you always remain -A random stalker!!
^Don't show off
Mike Hauser Jul 2013
I swear I'm not a stalker
I just wondered where you lived
How you dressed away from work
And on your off hours what you did

I know you think it's crazy
I keep following you around
Dressed  last week as a Dive Instructor
This week as a Circus Clown

I don't want you to get suspicious
And perhaps call up the cops
Last time it was I talked with them
They looked at me as if I were nuts

I enjoy watching you eat dinner
As I count each delicious bite you take
With my face plastered to the window
A little disturbed you haven't introduced me to your date

Let us just continue playing slyly
He looks like the jealous type
He wouldn't understand what it is we have
Anyway pretty soon he'll be out of sight and out of mind

We'll just go about our business
Like on any other day
You do whatever it is you do
I'll follow every step you take

Did I mention I wasn't a stalker?
Just wanna make sure you heard
Cause the last time it is I attempted this
All the Doctors said that I was cured

— The End —