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John Shahul Sep 2018
I beseeched and reached out to my crush
She looked away and wondered with a blush
Every time I looked at her in the eyes
With anticipation our heart sighs
She flashed her eyebrows with a smile
As my hands and feet are free to flail
It happened every time for a while
I did the same after a while
To chime in with the beautiful woman of my dream.
I perfected the time
To ask her out for a date,

I wrote:  I would like to get in touch with you
My Crush:  What is that you need to touch base about?

Where we lovers shall the world forget?
No where and in no place where men cannot pursue
Where we lovers tryst in no regret.
Side by side we walk as our feelings can subdue,
Set aside our differences with no further due,
Soon we realize as we embrace
Tense in silence
Falling in love with each other, with no trace
Of disappointments our heart can surrender.
Love sustains in secret endeavor
And unfolds itself like an opening flower.
Love abounds in mysterious ways
And speaks to one who loves truly as always
Where no one know us falling in love in the lovers tryst.

Where we lovers shall the world forget?
Truthful to the heart unto the grave
Where we lovers tryst so brave
Had we dwelt
Restraining times tiding flow
On the Glaciers far below,
Unto make it to the mist of mountains?
Hidden behind the curtains
Of avalanche and snow,
From the deep sea to the blue summit,
With deep feelings of love and joy consummate,
As love sparkles through each other’s eyes nice and bold
Make up our mind with one secret kiss soft and sweet.
We look forward to the entire new world to behold
Where no one know us in the lovers tryst.

Where we lovers shall the world forget?
As our love has come along
Where we love and stay in love together lifelong
To love all day long
To love all our fair youth together can belong.
Like fragrance to the flower
Mixed with breeze and prevails everywhere
Where we live to our dreams and desires
Where no one know us together in the lovers tryst.

Where we lovers shall the world forget?
Where no one know us where we see each other
Making diamond dew drops into a mirror
Where we mirror each other
Where our visages seen together
Where our images seen so closer
As one image with no dimensions
Other than our own true reflections
Of making out our true love and kisses,
Laughing out louder
In true sense of humor,
With a tell tale of true love blisses
On each one of our fulfilling wishes
Our luscious smile blushes
Where no one know us see each other in the lovers tryst.

Where we lovers shall the world forget?
Moaning in our craving torments
Making our days into nights
And nights into unforgettable moments
Love is in the air
Whispers into the ears
Shunning the noises of delights
Far from the crowd where can we run off of no fears?
Crossing the seven seas and the infinite ocean
Where rivers ran deep down
Into arms of bay into vast eternity of silence
Where love cannot dissipate into rest at a glance
Where no one hear us moaning in the lovers tryst.

Where we lovers shall the world forget?
With the memory of our silent moments
Like a sail boat about a quarter mile out
With such opulent power my thoughts in her dwelt,
In the transparent dream travelled,
Lived aloof and rounded the skied gleams
Watching the galaxy revolving round,
In time’s eternity where lover dreams
And manifests true love all around.
Like a crescent moon beams
All over with the endless ocean;
Slouched to my touch, she topples down
Into my arms
As breathless as in her dreams.
As motionless as we are
We stare each other
One over the other as the wave rolls,
Rolls in and rolls out to the shore
And moves through the swells
Where no one know us in the lovers tryst
Where we lovers shall the world forget.
Melanie Flowers Nov 2011

Slipped into my hideout she did
They get to wear shoes because they work
But no one said they weren't of odd tendency
A swan, a vulture, a fox, or a dog
I do not know what she was
But she was on her way out

She came into my room, wasn't odd
But then she said that the all seeing were dead
'I've switched the cameras off Kier
Now do as lovers do dear friend
And this here lover will bring you a pen'

Really didn't want to
If nothing else, crayons are okay
Have no need for lovers or friends
But she insisted, offered again
'Do as lovers do dear friend
And this here lover will bring you a pen'

So I held her hand

But no
She was not satisfied
So she insisted, tried again
'Do as lovers do dear friend
And this here lover will bring you a book
A blank book, a notebook
For the thoughts in your head'

I really didn't want to
I have no need for lovers
I have no need for friends
But wouldn't that be lovely?
A notebook and pen?

So I wrapped my arms around her waist

But, Oh.
She was not sated
And demanded more again
'Do as lovers do dear friend
And this here lover will bring you a key
A key to the door that keeps you in dreams'

I really didn't have to
I don't want lovers and friends
My freedom has been taken from me
But then again...
Wouldn't a key bring that back?

So I kissed her lips

My what surprise
It only deepened her thirst
Then and there
She begged of me more
'Do as lovers do dear friend
And this here lover will bring you a pet
Some pretty little shears
To drag across your pretty, pallid skin'

Really shouldn't
But lovers and friends,
They're far between these days
Didn't really want to
But scissors...really?
How did you know my dear?
That I've been dying
To drop my hide into someone elses hands

So I did as lovers do...

Lovers touch did nothing to fill me
Lovers kiss brought very little joy
But maybe. Maybe lovers gifts
Will help me out of this hole

That's all I have to say
NowTake me away, KIERAN J. CROW
Kieran's account of being bribed with gifts by a nurse who wanted something from him in return.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
A pair of lovers is a pair of tongues that say the word alternately, the same word, which moves from mouth to mouth.

A pair of lovers is a pair of eyes that never tired of looking at each other, lyrics to each other, closing each other, in the light and dark.

A pair of lovers are two travelers searching each other, and steadfast wait until finally found each other.

A pair of lovers is a pair of names that ask each other for a place in memory, so as not lost in the loss.

A pair of lovers are a pair of farmers who rush to the fields do not wait for the rain to die, because love is a fertile morning.

A pair of lovers is a pair of eyes in the night, there is a beautiful dangling light, and there is hope that gee, rampant.

A pair of lovers are two lines on a gurindam, longing for revenge, mutual opening and closing, harassing, muffling.

A pair of lovers is a pair of longing hands, stalling to the empty, as if to rub a love on the forehead full of sweat.

A pair of lovers are a pair of hearts at a glance, bristling, as you imagine the longing will be very torture.

A pair of lovers is a pair of interconnected books, the first book, continues into the second book, and vice versa.

A pair of lovers is a pair of books that amaze each other on the cover, because it knows very well what is written on them.

A pair of lovers are two books, writing and reading each other, without ever interchanging the pages.
Jayne E May 2019
Lovers lovers, loves of mine 
taken and given
secrets shared some forbidden
lovely lovers in lovers night

Lovers lovers, loves of mine 
given and taken
hands locked tight in grasp
and beds a shaken

Lover lovers, loves of mine 
given and bidden
looked for in places serect & hidden
nights black embrace
has us ******* in lace

Lovers lovers, loves of mine 
kept well hidden
dark involute arcane mysterious
hushed by lip, cup, sip abstruse

Lovers lovers, loves of mine 
surrendered and loved
sweet tenderest tenderness
deep devoutist feels gifts from above

Lovers lovers, loves of mine 
yielded and sealed
hearts meet in exultation,
sweet delight
jouissance savoured by we,
night after night.

J.C. tiger-baby 12/03/2010
I come from two places
They are both quite cold
I am from two niches
One ancient; one old

In both my homes I am a beast
Two different breeds and I must feast
I wear this coat - it keeps me warm
You may ask me if I change my form
I have these teeth - they're made for a carnivore
I am their leader; I am their arbiter

I was birthed with two different eyes
One is keen - the other wise
Do not trust how things appear
I have walked this earth for many years
From conception I couldn't help it; they cursed me
It seems like I will forever be thirsty

Remember, I can hear you
Remember, I don't fear you
Remember that I didn't ask for this
Be careful, I may endear you

I have picked my pack but I travel alone
I sleep all day in this hole that is home

To show for what I care
My teeth will soon be bare
With my pupils almost drawn
My "humanity" will be gone

We are not the lovers of dogs
We are not the lovers of coyotes
We are the lovers of wolves

We are not the lovers of humans
We are not the lovers of warmth
We are lovers of the cold

Behold - my heart of stone
So onyx; so bold
Why do you think I have half a heartbeat?
Part of me is dead while the other is breathing
So while the moon is waxing and waning
My body takes to its slaying
And atheists - they will be praying
Is this game too sick that I'm playing?

We are not the lovers of dogs
We are not the lovers of coyotes
We are the lovers of wolves

We are not the lovers of humans
We are not the lovers of warmth
We are lovers of the **cold
nick armbrister Feb 2018
the lovers of time

oh my dear lady
i do love you
i don't want this to be a cliche
nor a drab love song
i want this to be for you you you
not anybody else

so sing me a song baby
a song of love
about how we met
and what we have
and who we are dear

we are the lovers
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
how lucky we are
we have this time now
a thing that is ours

but i ask my dear
why didn't we meet before?
think of our extra time baby
on top of what we have

we are the lovers
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
how lucky we are
we have this time now
a thing that is ours
for fiction book
The Dedpoet Nov 2016
Lovers become quiet
When their bodies are raging,
The most perfect silence
When entwined and becoming one.
They search eachothers soul
Because each is lost without the other,
They fight and abandon
That they might reunite passionately.
Their spirits are free
And lurk the earth finding others
But not themselves,
Led by the estrangements of the heart.

They are like crazy peoples,
Lovers are,
Because they fight battles alone
Against the world
And submitting to the moments
Of lustrous passions
And in pain because life
Does not recognize such enigmas.
Lovers can only love,
Led by strings of violinists
Who take them where they have
Never been,
Going and going back again
Into the ****** of music
That plays quick beats and sad tunes.
Lovers are perpetually hopeful
Always wanting and taking the
Next step in a ladder to nowhere.

Lovers make mistakes
And do not learn from them,
Or sadly love the pain so much
They go back for more.

Alone in their own darkness,
Lovers find eachothers
Like tiny embers of burning
Souls filling the vastness of the void,
They cling to one another like
A child to a mother
And then rebel like a youthful

Lovers are not stable,
They believe in God
And dance with the devil.

Lovers are alone,
Because they need seclusion
So that when they are free from
Themselves they can find something
Else to love,
They are in inexhaustible oil
To the lamp in a dark ravine,
They count drops of rain
And save their tears like memories.

They are empty and full,
Philosophical fools that love
Even those who reject them
And chase the uncapturable bird,
Flexible hearts of desirous fires.

Lover are the truth of humanity,
Crazy beautiful things
And they go loving
And hurting the beautiful life.
Third Eye Candy Aug 2013
lovers are burning.] balsamic ****** gallops from shame
into the overwild wetness of labial volcanoes, caramelized in musk. by love's labor.
laid bare, their bodies origami inhibition...[ lovers are burning. ]
and surrender is victorious !
Eros is speechless. maidens howl into cumulus goose-down, chewing carnal haikus
with swayed backs.... hips wide and wanton. masculine wands plow oyster beds, unmade.
they joust pearls... and [ lovers are burning ]
.... a damp conflagration; tongue stoked and windswept, conspires.
monotony is slain !
puritan harps are plucked and thrummed ! lewd harmonies anoint the perfect pitch
and a chorus moans. the ghost of sylvia plath, straddles Apollo; and he earns his wreath
surging besotted. [ lovers are burning ] and laurels forgotten.
lotharios charge the seldom road; the starfish door to Saturn's parlor.
pumping unbridled, that glistening, cloven moon. her riding crop insists !
his urgency must do.
satyrs sup salaciously and summon staves to dip in brine. they grin and grind
their sutras, stripping karma gears with silk scarves. ankles to a post, well spread...
cushions crush. flowers press... stamen fed.
nymphs clutch their serpent stones
to drain what nectar slips the slit. they ***** and throat.
they peck and pinch their quivers; knock their arrows to the purpose, half spent.
[ lovers are burning ]
eyes ablaze. nostrils fetch randy fumes of consent. mouths seek.
a pouty swamp with Spanish moss.... finds a matador
and a bull, a china shop.
lovers are burning the rough sketch of a lost god
and their angels are voyeurs
with unclean thoughts

for gospels.
Cole  Dec 2019
Land and Sea
Cole Dec 2019
Land and sea
They lovers be.
The waves rush up
To meet the shore
They lovers be.

Land and sea
They lovers be
The land jumps up.
And then under
Kisses by the sea.

Land and sea
They lovers be.
Once upon a
Not so long ago,
They lovers be.

Land and sea
They lovers be.
When man was scared
And feared the ocean,
They lovers be.

Land and sea
They lovers be.
Man could not swim,
Or control
The wild, wild sea.

Land and sea
They lovers be.
The land was burdened
By the man,
Who ruined sea.

Land and sea
They were lovers be.
When man left lone,
They were pure.
They lovers once.

I visited the shore,
And I was sadly shocked
To see all that waste.

— The End —