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Kelly  Jan 2015
Endless darkness
Kelly Jan 2015
Endless darkness
Swimming thoughts
A mask is worn to fool all
Each day
Each passing moment
The pain sinks in further
cracking melting buring
Mask is gone
No one know
Death soon awaits
Tashea Young Sep 2016
I Solemnly Swear
No else would ever come close or ever compare.
To your unconditional Tender love and care.
Unaware that my hearts under repair.
Im Mentally Gone but Physically There.
Could this be a Secret love affair?
Can't you sense the attraction in the atmosphere?
maybe its in the confidence that you wear?
Because Out of the corner of my eye
One day you caught me by suprise
I think you could be my angel in disguise
All in my feelings, you Got me over here mesmorized.
The Presences of this King was Strong and So bold.
With Such beauty my vision could barely behold.
Truth Be Told,
You precious to Me, more valuable than Gold.
From that moment on I knew you already had my heart sold.
Something intrigues me to you.
Is it because you are Respectful, Honest, and True?
Maybe its in reference to the little things you do.
You are Something so Extraordinaire
Hard to come, So Exquisite and rare.
Even when I'm broke you got me feeling like a multi millionaire.
You give me butterflies.
Got me floating like the clouds above in blue skies.
Having vision about you and I
Becoming as One and Unify.
You as my King and Me as Your Queen.
You are the drug and Im the Fein.
I need you so bad I could scream
You are surreal to me like a dream.
You set my heart on fire.
With a passionate buring for desire.
My Confession is I sit here secretly watching you and Admire.

Sincerely Your
Secret Admirer.
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
I want to learn how to live again
Not for you, but for myself
I want to erase those memories,
I’ve kept buried in my heart for so long
I want to heal,
Every single aching wound
That you caused, in the name of love
I want to set my soul free,
Burning it all down.
Tashea Young Nov 2016
Lets address whats evident
In this room There's an Elephant.
Why do you see us as being irrelevant.
Just because our skin was kissed with melanin
Mixed in with the protien of Keratin
They slapped us with a label of being African American.
Yet we are descendants from one of the 12 tribes of Israel: Juah, Ephraim, Manasseh, Naphtali, Levi, Asher, Issachar, Gad, Zebulun, Reuben, Simeon, and Benjamin
We were taught to be Nurturing and feminine
Because we were raised to be young ladies, due to our body producing high levels of estrogen.
We are sweet like sugar but can be spicy like cinnamon.
We have an Aroma of shea butter, coconut, and honey
We are enlighten with wisdom, so we are far from a dummy.
We cant be bought be bought with your worldly money.
Even on a dark day you would think its sunny
Because our souls are so divine
that it's reflection from the inside will brighten the world like the The moon in the midnight's sky that shines.
We are Unashamed.
We can not be tamed
Inside us lies a firery passionate buring flame.
We have a Hebrew name.
We are not the same,
We are individually different and one of a kind.
We have a beautiful mind.
We are fruitful like ripen Grapes growing ravashingly on the branches from vine.
We age like fine wine.
We are not to be treated as devalued change such as quarters, pennies, nickles and dimes.
Our voices are delightfullly sweet just as the peaceful sound of musical wind chimes.
We tell stories through our dancing, words, paintings, songs, poems, verses, rhythms and rhymes.
We dont need makeup to cover up a blemish
Its just a sign that we have flaws and God's not finished.
The power of Yah flows from us graciously.
For Our beauty comes naturally.
Our souls are birth from the heavenly.
We speak Pleasantly.
Some have a complexion of Maghony.
But My skin tone is Vanilla bean
I get high off life like caffeine
I glisten like afro sheen.
I am a Hebrew Queen.
Thru the untrained eye my future cant be seen
The Most High is listening,
Shaping, and our futures he's creating.

We Seek Yahwehs face for insight
Going through a transformation to get our souls right.
Taking a journey to new heights.
We are stand out like highlights
Shining in the world of darkness like flashlights.
And Yeshua Hamashiach has our copyrights
We say it out Loud
We are Hebrew and We are proud!
I am not a label. I am the soul that lives within
Talk is cheap but still feels too expensive.
when did my heart and mind end on the for-rent list.
I would play you any song but only disappointment is on the set list.
I'll ask the genie at the bottom of the bottle for that last wish.

I might always be sad, but you'll never not be a liar
I hope these things come to you in those lonesome hours
I'm still buring with all of my passion
But worthless were my words and actions.
You get what you give, all you do is take
I hope I see the day your skeleton crumbles and your bones break.
Heyaless  May 2020
Burning bright
Heyaless May 2020
You are the bright place for me
Who made me think there are thousands of capacities even if you're unaware

You've made me lovable and it's lovely to be loveble to the one I love

You've painted my life with full of colours more than in your own canvas .
You didn't take anything from me instead you've left intense emotions in me .

You've made me believe in uncertainty , because at the end of the day it is memories we cherish not dates .

You've made me notice small beautiful things
You've made me rational and emotional at the same time .

You've made me feel I'm not disappointing .

You've showed me i don't need to stand on a mountain to feel I'm at the top of the world , but I need someone to love who will stand beside me .

You've shuned my intuitions beyond i could've imagine.  

I am scared to be ordinary and you are interesting , wanderer , different and that's why I love you .

And in some moments i fear losing hold of your hand .
You know how much terrible i feel when I can't be there for you to make you put to in a peaceful sleep .

In the midst of imperfections , you've showed me there is such thing as a perfect day .

I have these feeling's as if I am waiting for something , and when I see you i realise it's you .

You are my escape , you are the bright place where I wander . A place uncountable things to notice and I have all the time in the world to look closely to them .

But One day you left , because you were bright place not with lights but with fire .

You we're buring brighten up other's lives .
But the difference is i am very close to you and you know when we get close to fire ..🖤🖤
I love you the clown of my life . I hope you've loved me the same
Isobel G  Dec 2011
Isobel G Dec 2011
Maybe now you're standing tall,
But someday when you wake,
You'll find yourself lost once more,
Short of breath on your empty throne,
And when you take the shallow blade,
Buring through your skin,
Like you remember,
You'll miss me
©Nicola-Isobel H.      08.12.2011
Zoe Lynne  Feb 2011
Charity Work
Zoe Lynne Feb 2011

focus everybody!

it's not clear-

you'll have to grab another child to save


laugh    like its okay

like you're not buring up inside

like you dont care that you have to touch the poor

like you cant feel their filth through your designed costume

even the holy stare

even the homeless smile

                      the educated ask you to lunch

                       the profesionals drug your drinks

                                                               ­                   your protection needs payment
                                                      ­                                   so you charge the going rate

                                    and they pay

                                                         and you pay


it's equilibrium

                but without the balance
This was published last year, in a counselling magazine of all places
sd  Jul 2013
Tabula Rasa
sd Jul 2013
I love just sitting with you,
gently bickering about everything and anything.
Side by side,
my head resting in your shoulder.
Wondering half-heartedly
what it would be like to kiss you.
Enjoying the smell that is you:
faint sweat and boy smell and your
Axe shampoo, so good to me.
And then you randomly lean over
and wrap your arms around me,
gently buring your face in my neck.
All annoyances and frustrations suddenly forgotten,
which I know is bad, that that's all it takes
to smooth things over, but it's true.
Honestly, that's all I ask, is for affection.
Just that embrace.
There are so many beautiful people here.
It's always changing.
There's always something new
As if consistency is something they fear.
The sun shines  brighter here, favoring this spot.
Rushing waves tie my stomach in a knot.
The sand between my toes is buring hot.
Everything here is new to me.
Moving across the country was supposed to make me feel free.
But California is a scary place.
Not all it's cracked up to be.
Morgan Hillhouse Mar 2013
The wind howls,
The windows shake-
     as I sit inside on a cold winters night.
I'm bundled up
blanket and all with a sock on each foot
     and yet I shiver to the bone.
The tea in my hands tries to keep me warm
but it seems that after its ceramic casing
all warmth is lost and I remain frozen.
The warmth I need doesn't come froom heated water
or even wood buring in the stove.
I need the warmth of my love
     as I huddle in his arms.
I need to be engulfed in his embrace
     while he holds me tight.
This is the warmth of which I crave,
This is the warmth of which I need,
If I am ever to stop shivering to the bone.
S Smoothie  Nov 2016
Rescue me
S Smoothie Nov 2016
Your ethereal essence wraps around my senses as I'm drawn to your atmosphere

buring like a Phoenix washed in a new hope
a flash across the bowels of space and time

the call reaches deep into my soul as it rises from the pits of despair and disconnect
oh how I've missed you, aching chasm of yearning hovering over our used to be

your eyes lit like a new day dawning
you have once again remembered me
Love has resurrected

And i slow suspended in your orbit
afraid to venture  any closer
the last millimeter
always spans an infinite chasm
a fiery fanned Dragon floating in limbo
i wait desperately for your signal
Hovering precariously over your frequency
Another sleepless night
filled with morbid memories
And sorrowfull moments

The only aid comes from
Gazing up at the bright night
At the buring souls
Or myths of old

But aid is only temporary
Soon the monsters approach
And the bright light dims

The only cause for my sorrow
Is my self
For i have lived a sinfull life

— The End —